Magic Love Ring

Chapter 915: Stolen

In the hall, the dark mist was thick like ink, and he refused to dissipate.

When other people arrived, they were helpless. Several people tried to rush into the black mist and fainted quickly.

"Come on, let mech warriors in!"

Xiao Zhan shouted sharply.

Four city special police wearing amethyst mechs rushed into the dense fog and found that all the guards in the hall and the city special police had fainted. As for the two delicate women, they were gone.

Xiao Zhan, who had received the news, made a quick decision: "Rescue people first!"

Soon, the fourth brigade of the mobile unit also came to the scene and brought a mist absorber. It was five minutes after the black fog in the hall was cleared.

At this time, Christie's executives also hurried.

It was found that the seven-layer guardian of the treasure house had not been damaged, and I was relieved.

Christie's boss is Xie Junqi, the second master of Xie's family, one of the five largest families in Shanmei City. He has a strong business talent.

"General Xie, I suggest going to Treasury?" Xiao Zhan suggested.

Xie Junqi hesitated slightly, nodded and agreed, and then said to the other two: "Lao Li, Lao Song opened the treasure house with me!"

Under the protection of a group of city special police and Christie's own guards, layers of guards were opened, and eventually came to the treasure house.

The treasure house contains many important treasures. In addition to Xie Junqi and the president and vice president of the auction, only Xiao Zhan and Zhou Yunlong followed.

"No, Nirvana is gone!"

Xie Junqi opened a sandalwood box on the shelf and found it was empty. His face became very ugly.

After taking Nirvana, it can make people become spiritual teachers directly. It is extremely precious, and its price is even more than 10 million federal dollars.

The main thing is that this nirvana is still the kind that can not be found.

In order to expand Christie's fame this time, Xie Junqi took the boss's strength to get such a nirvana.

Now, Nirvana Liquid has been stolen, so what will be auctioned at the auction in the future.

If he is unable to produce Nirvana at the auction the day after tomorrow, Christie's fame will be greatly affected, and his second son, Xie family, will also become a joke.

Thinking of this, Xie Junqi's face became extremely ugly, staring coldly at Xiao Zhan: "Squad Xiao, Nirvana is gone, should you give me an explanation?"

"Mr. Xie, our city special police will try their best to recover Nirvana!" Xiao Zhan said extremely depressed.

"Hum, try to recover!"

Xie Junqi Lengheng: "The day after tomorrow will be the day when Christie's will conduct the auction. If the auction cannot go smoothly, your special police in the city will wait to be complained!"

"Xie Ershao is not right. Although Nirvana is stolen, our city special police have some responsibilities, but the main thing is your own Christie's problem!"

A voice sounded, but Zhou Yunlong.

"Zhou Yunlong, what do you mean?" Xie Junqi glared at Zhou Yunlong.

"The seven-layer guardian outside the treasure house is intact, but the thief stole the nirvana liquid. It doesn't make sense, you can watch this again!" Zhou Yunlong brought up a video.

"This is a video of the first two hours in the treasure house. In the two hours, no one entered the treasure house. What does this mean? This shows that either the nirvana liquid has long disappeared, or the nirvana liquid Not in the treasure chest! "

Xie Junqi shouted angrily: "Do you mean that I deliberately hid Nirvana Liquid and asked your city special police for trouble?"

"I don't mean it."

Zhou Yunlong shrugged: "Xie Ershao, I remember, we had suggested that Nirvana Liquid be given to the special police in our city to take care of it, but you refused, and said arbitrarily that the treasure house has seven layers of guardianship, so you are not afraid of being stolen!"

Xie Junqi's face changed slightly, staring at Zhou Yunlong: "Zhou Yunlong, do you want to shirk responsibility?"

Zhou Yunlong said: "Nirvana is lost, our city special police also feel very sorry, but we will try our best to investigate and hope Xie Ersha can cooperate!"

Xie Junqi was silent, and finally nodded. This time, the incident was too big. If Nirvana is not recovered, his status in the Xie family will also be affected. You must know that many people in the Xie family are watching. His position as agent.

The next day, Song Yong had just arrived at the special police base, but found that there were a lot of people in the base, but the atmosphere was a little bad.

Soon after, Song Ye came to the office of the Fifth Brigade.

There were twenty people in the office, but they didn't look very good, and some even slept on their desks.

Just then, Xiao Zhan and Zhou Yunlong walked into the office almost together.

Suddenly the dozen people were in a good mood.

"Everyone has worked hard all night. In this way, you go back to rest this morning and come back to work in the afternoon!" Xiao Zhan said in a stern voice.

Since the theft of nirvana liquid at Christie's last night, the special police throughout the city have not stopped and tracked down overnight. However, after working all night, not to mention the one-eyed thief, even the two women's figures did not follow.

In the past, the one-eyed thief committed crimes in other places. Everyone was watching the joke. This time, the special police in Shanmei City became a joke. Everyone was not very happy.

"Captain, we can persist! The longer the delay, the more likely the one-eyed thief can escape!" Said Zhu Youcong, the captain of the eighth team.

"Yes, ask the captain to order, we can continue to work!"

Another man stood up, the leader of the seventh team.

Xiao Zhan nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, you are interested. In this case, your two teams will rest for an hour first, and then go to replace the first and second teams!"


Zhu Youcong and Qi Sheng are in unison.

"Lu Feng is here, come with me to the office!" After finishing the order, Xiao Zhan's eyes fell on Song Yan.

"Squad Xiao is good, Zhou is good."

Song Yi salutes.

Captain's Office.

"Xiaolu, did you come to work yesterday?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Yes." Song Zheng nodded.

"It stands to reason that you have only been familiar with the job for a while before you started your job, but in the task last night, all members of the ninth team were admitted to the hospital. Then you will go on the search task with the seventh team! "

"Yes," Song Yan saluted.

"Well, you go out first, and by the way, call the captain of the seventh team!"


Song Yan saluted again, walked out of the captain's office, and sent the student to the captain's office.

"Captain, you call me?"

After entering the door, the students respectfully said.

"Well, did you see that Xiaolu just now?" Xiao Zhan asked with a smile.

"I see."

"He's a newcomer, I'll let him into your team, don't you have a comment?"


** I could not help but sank: "The captain is not unwilling to me, mainly because it is an urgent moment now, you arrange for the newcomers to the team, isn't it ...?"

I didn't say anything later, but Xiao Zhan understood the meaning of ** sheng, and he was not very angry: "Your boy doesn't know what to do. Although Xiaolu is a newcomer, he is comparable to a seventh-level soldier. I wanted to take care of you. Since you No, let's forget, I'll arrange for the eighth team! "

After hearing the words, ** could not help but brighten his eyes: "Do n’t, Captain, I was just talking about dreams ~ ~ Everyone is big, I hope you come to the tower to read books, because there are no mosquitoes in other places Manuscripts, please

[Author off topic]: Two more

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