Magic Love Ring

Chapter 917: found it

"Go, Xiaolu, let's report to the captain!"

** Sheng grabbed Song Ji's arm and went to Xiao Zhan's office. . .

"This kid is not easy! I discovered the flaws in the case just now!" Lin Xia said sourly.

"Yeah!" The other seven special police officers nodded, but jealousy flashed in their eyes.

"Captain, there are new discoveries!"

** Sheng Song pulls him, breaking into Xiao Zhan's office.

"What's new?"

Xiao Zhan and Zhou Yunlong were shocked.

"Xiaolu, tell the captain and Deputy Zhou what you have guessed!" Sheng Sheng urged.

"Squad Xiao, this is Vice Zhou!"

Song Yan spoke his speculation again.

After listening, Xiao Zhan and Zhou Yunlong were quite surprised. Although this speculation cannot be solved directly, after all, a one-eyed thief has been found to sneak in. If he can continue to dig in this area, he may catch the one-eyed thief.

"I still have some ideas," Song Zheng said hesitantly.

"Even if your kid has anything to say, don't be sloppy, like a sissy!" Xiao Zhan said angrily.

Song Yan rolled his eyes and said: "According to the data, the one-eyed thief committed the first crime in March five years ago, and the second one in April five years ago, but the third time was July. Then, for more than ten crimes, there must be a minimum of three months. From the analysis of his crime time, the ancient shuttle he obtained should have restrictions on use, or it may take three months to recharge after using it once!

If his ancient shuttle cannot be used uninterruptedly, then we have to hunt him down, and his grasp will be greater! "

Hearing here, both Xiao Zhan and Zhou Yunlong have retrieved the information of the one-eyed robber, and it turns out that, as Song Yan said, the one-eyed robber has to commit crimes from the third time, and it must be three months apart. May be true!

"Xiaolu, do you have any ideas?" Zhou Yunlong asked.

Song Zheng calculated all kinds of situations in his mind: "Before I speculated that the one-eyed robbers created confusion, it is likely to be concealing, but it is not ruled out, it was a time for him to escape. If this is the case, We may wish to investigate in detail nearby, we may not be able to find his clues! "

Xiao Zhanlang said: "Okay! That's good, we will go to Christie's auction for investigation!"

"Wait." Song Yan shouted.

"What else do you have to say?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"Is that one-eyed thief one-eyed?" Song Yan asked.

"Looks like it?" Xiao Zhan said uncertainly.

Song Zheng replied: "I checked the information. He wore a blindfold for the first time, but he was not sure he was a one-eyed dragon. After several crimes, he left the name of a one-eyed thief at the scene. Since he can pass Create confusion and paralyze us. Why ca n’t we disturb our thinking with the false news that he is one-eyed, so when we cross-check, we not only check the one-eyed, but also the normal person. Also, his two assistants are both young and beautiful. Woman, this shows that his age should be small, so we should focus on investigating young men with two men, and maybe find some clues through Skynet! "

After hearing Song Yong's analysis, all three nodded in a deep conviction, Xiao Zhandao said, "Okay, it's not too late. Let's act now. There are two ways. Lao Zhou, you take Xiaolu to Skynet. Looking at the city surveillance these days, I took someone to investigate near Christie's! "

Next, the entire Fifth Brigade moved quickly.

Five minutes later, a special police vehicle landed at Skynet.

Skynet supervises all Skynets in Shanmei City, and cooperates with special police very frequently, because generally there are cases that are discovered by Skynet, and then the city special police are notified to execute.

Zhou Yunlong and Song Yan stepped off the special police speeding car and headed straight for the main control room.

The main control room is not large, and there are not many staff members. There are only three, which seems to be more leisurely.

Skynet is an intelligent network that automatically monitors the city every day and does not require anyone to monitor at all times.

"Little Chen."

"It's Vice Team Zhou!" A fat young man greeted with a smile.

"Xiao Chen, I need something to cooperate with you!" Zhou Yunlong said directly.

"Deputy Zhou, please order!"

Zhou Yunlong said, "I need ten days to take a picture of a young man and a woman together in Skynet!"


Xiao Chen agreed, and then began to operate.

In less than a minute, tens of thousands of photos appeared on the projection, and all were one man and two women.

"Make it into a slide show, one by one!" Song Kun said.

"Good!" Xiao Chen glanced at Song Yan before agreeing.

In less than three minutes, the slideshow was completed and the tens of thousands of photos began to show.

With the screening, Song Yong's eyes stared at the photos, while Zhou Yunlong was watching, but he did not give much hope, after all, it is not easy to select the suspect from tens of thousands of photos.

Time passed slowly, Song Yan's eyes did not blink, and the slide was halfway.


Song Yan suddenly shouted.

The photo is of a noble young man, with two flirtatious hot girls holding his arms left and right.

"Where was this picture taken?" Song Yan asked.

"Golden Walking Street." Xiao Chen said.

"Recall all their videos, as well as their identity information," Song Zheng said again.

"Xiaolu, do you doubt them?" Zhou Yunlong asked.

Song Zheng nodded: "It's a bit skeptical, but I can be sure when their information comes out!"

"The information is out!"

Soon, three people's information was displayed on the screen.

Li Bingyan, male, 28 years old, Luoshui City, unemployed nomad, physical training, fifth-level soldier, home address

Chen Yanmei, female, aged, from Tianhai City, was jailed for theft

Ji Xiaoxue, female, 24 years old, born in Bohai City

Upon seeing Li Bingyan's information, Song Yan's eyes were suddenly stunned, revealing a trace of light, and he definitely said: "He is very likely to be a one-eyed thief! Trouble calling out Li Bingyan's trip for more than five years!"

Soon, Li Bingyan was investigated for more than five years.

When he saw the itinerary, Zhou Yunlong couldn't help showing surprise, because the itinerary happened to coincide with the place where the one-eyed thief committed the crime. Before Song Yan continued to speak, he ordered: "Investigate this Li Bingyan is now in where?"


Through Skynet, Li Bingyan's current position was quickly found. At the moment, he is in the president's room of Four Seasons Hotel, the largest and most luxurious seven-star hotel in Shanmei City, accompanied by Chen Yanmei and Ji Xiaoxue.

Seeing this, Zhou Yunlong quickly took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Zhan's phone, Shen said, "Lao Xiao, we may have found the one-eyed thief. Now, you immediately take someone to the Four Seasons Hotel and arrest a man named Li Bingyan and Chen Yanmei, Ji Xiaoxue, two women, all three are in the Presidential Suite at Four Seasons Hotel! "

ps: I hope everyone will come to the tower to read books and subscribe, so that the mosquitoes can receive the manuscript fee, please everyone

[Author off topic]: Four more!

Although the recent reward is not enough for 10,000 beans, it is still increased.

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