Magic Love Ring

Chapter 923: I am a spiritual teacher

There are eight men in this group, each wearing a black combat suit, a helmet, and an alloy stick in his hand.

Upon seeing the dress of this group of people, Xu Dahai suddenly changed color: "Xiao Lu, they are all wearing anti-laser combat suits, the laser is useless to them, put away the gun!"

After commanding Song Yan, Xu Dahai strode forward: "Who are you? Do n’t you know that it is a big crime to blatantly attack the police?"

One of them raised the alloy stick in his hand and pointed at Song Yi: "This police officer, we are dealing with the kid behind you. If you are interested, it is best to leave immediately, otherwise, don't blame us for packing together! "

"Bold, do you know what it would be like ...?"

The other person's tone interrupted Xu Haihai's words impatiently: "The police officer, don't talk nonsense, give you ten seconds to get away, otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

"Are you guys sent by the Red Sun?" Song Yan asked from behind Xu Dahai.

"Xiao Lu, don't bullshit!" Xu Dahai snapped, now it's no good to expose the identity of this group of people.

"Why don't we understand what this police officer said?" The head of the black man sneered, and then looked at Xu Dahai: "This police officer's time is up. Will you go or not?"

"You guys, assaulting the police is a big crime. You can't leave now before you leave, otherwise you won't be able to leave as soon as our reinforcements arrive!" Xu Dahai cried.

"Hahaha, when your reinforcements arrive, we have already killed you, do it!"

As soon as the words fell, the seven men waved the alloy sticks towards Song Ye and Xu Dahai.

Except for the ninth-level fighter, the other seven were three eighth-level fighters and four seventh-level fighters.


At this moment, Xu Dahai gave a burst of drink, his body suddenly soared by a third, and then he flew out, his fists burst out like a mortar.


After a series of explosions, Xu Dahai actually forced the four people in front to retreat.

"Xiaolu hurry up!"

Xu Dahai rushed forward again.

His behavior, however, angered the man in black, snorted, and shot out.


Xu Dahai's body fell back and fell beside Song Yan, his voice spitting blood.

But he didn't care about his injuries, and yelled at Song Yan: "Go away, their goal is you!"

"Lao Xu, don't worry, these people don't want us!"

Song Yan squatted down and lifted up Xu.

"Not a bad breath, break your arm first!"

Hearing Song's words, a man in black slammed his right arm with a stick.


With a cold drink, Song Kun turned his head and punched out. Suddenly, the man flew a few meters with a stick and fell to the ground.

"Good boy, a little skill, come together!"

Laughing angrily at the man in black.

"A school of miscellaneous fish!"

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Song Yan's mouth, then the six men who rushed to him were in a stature, and then all turned to attack the black man.

"this is……!"

Seeing that his men actually attacked him, his face flashed with surprise, but immediately came to his senses: "Are you a spiritual teacher?"

"You're not stupid!" Song Yan said strangely.

Suddenly, a glimmer of confusion flashed in the head of the man in black, and then he roared and killed the six men in black.

"Bang bang bang!"

The seven-player melee were all dead-handed. In a moment, four were shot and the remaining three were besieged by two eight-level fighters.

Seeing this scene, Xu Dahai's eyes were dull, and seven people were hypnotized at the same time. Among them, there was a ninth-level soldier. This mental strength must have at least "3" points.

He took a subconscious look at Song Kun, and his heart was a bit complicated. He had 3 mental powers at such a young age, and he may not be able to become a two-star spiritual teacher in the future.

The one-star spiritual teacher is very rare, not to mention the death of the two-star spiritual teacher.

In Shanmei City, there are less than ten known two-star spiritual teachers, and each of them is distinguished or one-sided overlord.

Now he actually fought side by side with the future hegemony, which made him excited.

He thought of Lin Xia who suppressed Song Yun, and suddenly felt he was ridiculous. A small warrior actually suppressed a spiritual teacher, which was beyond his control.

However, the boy also hid deep enough, and a dignified spiritual teacher actually came to be an ordinary special police officer in the city.

If he reveals that he is a spiritual teacher, once he enters the city special police, he can at least get the status of a squad leader.

With a few screams.

The ninth-level warrior blasted an eighth-level warrior with a punch, and fell to the ground to death or death, but his chest was also hit by another eighth-level warrior, and his mouth sprayed blood.

Just then, five special police patrol cars descended from the sky, the doors opened, and ten special police rushed out.

"Stop, crouch down!"

A special policeman shouted.

At this moment, the two hands were closed at the same time, their eyes glanced around, both eyes flashed with shock.


The two men spread their bodies and fled to the two sides of the roof.


Without hesitation, ten special police officers fired.

However, the laser that struck both of them only made them a slight body shape, and continued to flee to the floor.

"It's an anti-laser combat suit!"

One of the special policemen shouted.

At this moment, a dark shadow flew out, and in the middle of the eighth-level soldier's back, the other party was seriously injured and was attacked again. Fall to the ground.

The other special police officers rushed towards the ninth-level soldier, but unfortunately, he took a slow step and made him jump off the top of the building.


The sound of a fall was heard.

"Xiaolu, what happened to Xiaolu?"

Xu Dahai cried anxiously.

Tonight is a sleepless night. The leaders of the special police department who have already been off work have appeared in the base, because the special police patrol car of the seventh unit of the fifth group was attacked. In a coma.

This made Zhang Hanhai, Zhou Yunlong and others very angry.

However, eight assailants were caught and seven ran.

As for the escaping attacker, the city's special police launched a city-wide raid on him. Unfortunately, his whereabouts were not found until early in the morning.

Inside the hospital intensive care unit.

Song Yan slowly opened his eyes, feeling extraordinarily spirited. What he called fainting last night was just acting.

At the same time hypnotizing seven people, will inevitably be a little shocking, so he must pretend to look like a mental force overdraft.

However, the news that he was a spiritual teacher has spread through the city's special police through Xu Haida's mouth. Therefore, the city's senior police attached great importance to him and sent him directly to the special care ward. Even Xu Haihai picked up a bargain. , Also lived in the intensive care unit.

"you're awake?"

A crisp sound like a silver bell sounded, Song Ye looked up and saw a young woman in a pink nurse costume.

[Author off topic]: Three changes, today's update is complete, tomorrow will add more

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