Magic Love Ring

Chapter 935: Underground palace

These props cards have little effect and the price of redemption is not high. For example, the gold body card only needs 1 million fame, and the healing card only needs 1.5 million fame. Now Song Ye has 200.1 fame, so this price It's really cheap.

The main thing is that these prop cards are not limited to host use.

Therefore, Song Zheng exchanged ten teleport cards, two healing cards, and ten gold cards for Ning Ling.

With these three prop cards, she is in danger and can protect herself.

"Does the upgraded system just have a prop mall?"

Song Xuan was a little unwilling, staring at the system interface for a while, but ultimately found nothing, and can only turn off the interface.

A few days passed in a flash. During this time, the Mech squad was still in training. Instead, Song Xun "defeated" Tian Hao. Then he had become a star character in the city special police. Not even the girl special police asked him to eat .

However, he refused.

On this day, Zhou Yunlong hurried to the training ground of the Mech Squad with a serious expression.

"Captain, has anything happened?" Song Yan asked.

Zhou Yunlong said: "At three o'clock in the morning yesterday, machinery on a large construction site in Nanjiang County was damaged. After the alarm was reported, special police in Nanjiang County stepped in to investigate and found a ground palace below the construction site."

"What later?" Song Yan asked again.

Zhou Yunlong continued: "The nine special policemen who entered the underground palace were attacked by a group of giant rats and had to withdraw from the underground palace. As a result, all nine special policemen died unexpectedly this morning!"

"Did not find out the cause of death?" Song Yan asked strangely. Now that the level of science and technology is rapidly developing, how can he not find out how a person died.

"Not detected for the time being."

Zhou Yunlong shook his head: "The special police in Nanjiang County requested reinforcements from the city. Therefore, I ordered Deputy Liu to take two teams to Nanjiang County. I just received news that after entering the underground palace, the two teams were not only met by giant rats. Hundreds of giant snakes also appeared in the attack. The seventh and sixth teams suffered heavy casualties. Five people were killed on the spot, six were seriously injured, and five were slightly injured! "

"Then you mean, intend to let our mech squad go?" Song Yan asked.

Zhou Yunlong nodded: "The mech squad is the strongest in our special police base, both in terms of treatment and equipment. After training for so long, it is time to pull it out. If it succeeds, the mech squad must become The ace team of the special police base, if it fails, you and my face will not look good. "

Song Zhengshen nodded in agreement: "When will it start?"

"Departing an hour later, at that time, I will personally lead the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth teams, and the remaining three teams will stay behind!"

After concluding the conversation with Zhou Yunlong, Song Zheng went to convene the mech squad.

I heard that the mission was finally here, everyone was very excited.

An hour later, ten special police vehicles sprang up from the special police base and headed straight for Nanjiang County.

The special police speed vehicle flew at full speed, reaching a speed of 500 kilometers per hour, while Nanjiang County and Shanmei City were only seventy to eighty kilometers. Therefore, the special police speed vehicle arrived at the special police base in Nanjiang County in ten minutes.

Director Yun of the Nanjiang County Special Police Base has long been waiting with a group of people, among them the students from the city special police base and Lin Xia.

After a brief greeting, everyone entered the meeting room.

The meeting was chaired personally by Director Yun Haiyun.

He first played a video, this is a battle video, which is the battle scene of the county special police and giant tree, and the battle scene where the police took two teams with the giant rat and snake.

Through the video, it can be found that the giant mouse and giant snake have very high defense power. The ordinary laser weapon can only hurt the giant mouse, and cannot kill with a single shot.

Moreover, the number of giant rats is large, at least more than 3,000.

As for the serpents, the defense is even more perverted. The laser weapons can only leave a little white marks on their black scale armor. Only with high explosive grenades can they blow up a few scale armors, but they can't really hurt them.

Even in the picture, there was a picture of Lin Xia wearing a mech being pumped by a snake tail.

The strength of the giant rat is comparable to that of the fourth- and fifth-tier soldiers, and the strength of the giant snake is very terrifying, both reaching the level of the nine-tier soldier, and their defense is comparable to the generals.

After watching this patchwork video, everyone looked very dignified.

This task is hard to do!

After some discussion, Zhou Yunlong put forward his opinions. If the special police attacked the underground palace, it would be difficult to destroy the thousands of giant rats and hundreds of giant snakes. The best way is to bombard the place with city cannons. The giant rat and snake are destroyed together.

"I disagree!"

A temperament middle-aged man spoke.

"This is it?" Zhou Yunlong asked, looking at Yunhai.

Yunhai smiled and said, "Chou, brigade, I'll refer you, this is Director Chen from the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau."

"It turned out to be someone from the province. I don't know what good suggestions Director Chen has!" Zhou Yunlong looked at him and asked.

"My only task is to ensure that the cultural relics in the underground palace are not damaged. As for how to eliminate the giant rats and snakes in it, it is your city's special police!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at him with some bad eyes, mainly because this remark was too hateful.

Zhou Yunlong said in a deep voice: "Director Chen, now our special police have suffered a lot of casualties. If they continue to enter the underground palace to attack giant rats and snakes, they will only cause greater casualties!"

"You don't have to tell me, in a word, the cultural relics in the palace are important and cannot be destroyed. This is an order made by Vice Governor Zhang himself. If you have an opinion, please go directly to Vice Governor Zhang to mention it!" Chen The director said proudly.

"What **** order is it that our special police's life is worthless!"

"Bold, you dare to insult Vice Governor Zhang!" Director Chen asked, pointing at the angry voice.

** Sneer: "Be bold and be bold. Most of the special policemen under Lao Tzu are lying in the hospital. Sending people down will only kill more people. As for cultural relics, you want to go and get them yourself!"

Director Chen's expression changed abruptly, and he looked at the student bitterly, then stared at Zhou Yunlong and said, "Zhou Brigade, this is what you mean!"

At that moment, the telephone of the student rang.

Soon, his face became very ugly, and said to Zhou Yunlong: "Everyone in the sixth and seventh teams is dead!"


Zhou Yunlong stood up suddenly, his face full of shock and surprise.

As for the other people in the conference room, after hearing the news, they also looked at each other face to face, and could not help raising a cold air behind them, because all the people who had passed through the underground palace died except for the first birth and Lin Xia.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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