Magic Love Ring

Chapter 938: Evolution Orb

"Each person has a sword as a weapon!"

Song Kun said, with these magic weapons, it will be much easier to meet those giant rats and snakes.

Above the palace, Zhou Yunlong and others saw the swords, their eyes couldn't help flashing.

"Zhou Brigade, these swords, we might as well add two to five, divide!" Yun Hai looked at Zhou Yunlong and whispered.

"Be beautiful! I'll give you 20% at most!" Zhou Yunlong glanced at Yunhai.

"No, these swords belong to our Cultural Relics Bureau!" Director Chen heard that the two were actually going to divide up the sword, and they hurriedly jumped out to oppose it.

With such sharpness, and the magic weapon of historical value, if it is put on the auction, it can't be sold without a price of more than one million.

"Heritage Bureau, haha!"

Zhou Yunlong glanced at him lightly: "We have sacrificed so many special police officers, and the final benefit has allowed you to win the Cultural Relics Bureau. Are you a fool?"

"Director Chen, these swords can't be regarded as cultural relics!" Yun Hai followed, his tone was going to be more euphemistic.

Seeing that they were so eager to swallow the swords, Director Chen was anxious and angry, and said, "You dare to swallow cultural relics, you are not afraid of Vice Governor Zhang's blame!"

Zhou Yunlong shook his lips: "Vice Governor Zhang also has to make sense! If these swords were obtained by the people in your cultural relics bureau, I said Zhou Yunlong and let you take them away, but we have sacrificed these swords. Ten soldiers got it, that's another matter! "

"You ... OK, good, I'll call Vice Governor Zhang!"

Looking at Director Chen who whistled away, Zhou Yunlong smiled disdainfully.

Yunhai didn't take it seriously and said with a flattering smile: "Zhou Brigade, 20% is a little bit less, or let's get ** points. What's more, this ground palace is also the first thing we found in Nanjiang County?

The palace is still arguing over the ownership of the sword.

Song Zheng has led the mech squad into a passage again.

This passage is wider and taller. Even if ten people walk side by side, it will not look crowded at all.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the passage had come to an end.

When seeing the situation below the passageway, everyone except Song Kun showed a very shocked look, and immediately felt a numbness in his back.

At the end of the passage is a step, and there are seventeen such steps around.

Below the stairs, there is a huge space. The dome on the space is about 100 meters high, and fist-sized night pearls are inlaid on it, which illuminate the space like daylight.

The floor of this space is 5,000 squares and is divided into two areas.

One area is completely occupied by large and small snake groups, and the other area is the site of countless gray-haired giant rats. The two areas have distinct armors and have no intention of attacking each other.

In the center of this space, there is a stone pillar more than three meters high. A stone box is placed on the top of the stone pillar, and the box is filled with the size of a fist and emits red shining beads.

That bead seems to be very attractive to snakes and rats, the snakes and rats that get closer to the stone pillars become larger.

A giant snake closest to the stone pillar is at least fifty meters long. It is like a hill there, and the largest gray-haired mouse is almost comparable to a calf.

So why are there so many snakes and mice here?

Most likely they were all attracted by that red bead.

With a change of heart, Song Kun opened the eyes of the heavens and looked at the bead. Suddenly, a message was revealed in his mind: the evolution of the bead, and the long-term relationship with it, can make the body of the soul evolve continuously.

And above the ground palace, Zhou Yunlong and others also stared at the evolutionary bead, guessing what it was.

"Go! Let's go!"

Song Song said.

He is interested in this evolutionary bead, but he cannot take it now.

Within half an hour, Song Kun and the Mech squad returned to the ground with the boxes of swords.

These boxes of swords had a total of 500 pieces. After some bargaining, Yunhai finally got 150 pieces, and the rest were obtained by the city special police.

"Birthday, you sent me all these swords back to the special police base!" Zhou Yunlong ordered.


** The student quickly called on several special police officers to move these swords to the special police vehicle.

"Let me down, whatever you do. This is a cultural relic!"

Director Chen jumped out and stopped.

Zhou Yunlong sank and said coldly, "Come here, take Director Chen aside to rest!"

Suddenly the two special policemen stepped out and took Director Chen to one.

"Let me go, you let me go! Zhou Yunlong, Yun Hai, you dare to swallow cultural relics, my cultural relics bureau will not give up!" Director Chen shouted, but no one took it seriously.

Although the special police are under the jurisdiction of the government, they have great autonomy. Besides, the value of these swords will not be overlooked by the leaders of Shanmei City.

If the people from the Cultural Relics Bureau were taken away, they would not be able to take a sip of soup in the end.

But staying in the special police base is different. No matter what, they can share a lot.

As for Deputy Governor Zhang, he has no control over the special police base.

That's why Zhou Yunlong is so fearless.

"Xiaolu, you did a good job this time!"

Afterwards, Zhou Yunlong patted Song Yong's shoulder and praised him.

Song Yan smiled and didn't speak.

Next, the special police leader of the city held a meeting with the special police leader of Nanjiang County.

They are bound to get the mysterious beads in that space, but there are too many giant snakes and rats there. Just such a person is not enough, so we must ask the city for reinforcements.

Moreover, it is required to wear a mech, because there is a mysterious substance in the palace, and death without bizarre armor.

Minister Zhang Hanhai attached great importance to this matter. After receiving the news, he convened the captains and vice captains of the other nine brigades for a meeting.

In the end, a hundred-member mech group was brought together, and he personally led to Nanjiang County.

An hour later, the reinforcements arrived.

And each person is resistant to a large laser cannon. This laser cannon can fire one hundred rounds of each energy box, which can completely kill a giant snake with one shot, and is equipped with twenty energy boxes.

In addition, there are individual weapons such as high-explosive grenades.

This time the team going to the underground palace was under the command of Zhou Yunlong, and Minister Zhang Hanhai sat on it.

Song Ji's mech squad has already been under the palace for the next time, so they will take the lead in this operation.

As soon as they entered the hall, thousands of giant rats appeared.

"Cold weapon, come on!"

With a big wave from Zhou Yunlong, more than a hundred mech warriors swarmed up and waved the sword on his hand to cut off the giant rats.

These swords are all brought out from the underground palace. They are extremely sharp. With one sword or one sword, the giant rat will be split in half.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you everyone who greatly rewarded

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