Magic Love Ring

Chapter 947: Unwilling

The words "unbelief" deeply stimulated Shen Lin's proud heart, and suddenly a mediocre cheek became iron-blue, shouting: "Guard, the guard will come to me soon."

The two guards responded and politely greeted, "What's the matter, lady?"

"I suspect these two sneaked into the banquet hall. You should catch them quickly." Shen Lin shouted angrily at Song Ye and Liu Yinger.

For a while, the two guards were very difficult. After all, it was impossible to catch someone by virtue of one person's words. In case the other party was very big, it was the guard who finally suffered.

Shen Lin saw the concerns of the two guards and sneered: "Relax, these two are not big men, they are just two lowly special policemen!"

Hearing Shen Lin's words, the two guards' expressions suddenly shook, one of them said: "This gentleman, this young lady, please take out your invitations for us to examine?"

"You guards, can you check the guest's invitations at will?"

Song Yan asked lightly.

"Yes, sir, I am mainly worried that bad elements will enter the banquet hall, so please cooperate with me!" The guard said in a proud tone, looking at Song Yan with a bit of contempt, but cursed in his heart, 呸Your uncle, a little special police officer dare to question me.

"Well then, sister Liu, let's show them the invitation card!"

"it is good!"

Next, Song Ye and Liu Yinger took out two invitation cards. Suddenly, the two guards changed their looks. Just a glance, they knew the invitation was real.

"I'm sorry, sir, we offended. Please keep your invitations!"

The two guards respectfully handed back the invitations. With the invitations, they were VIPs. They would be punished as guards if they offended the VIPs.

"I don't believe it, your invitation must have been stolen!"

Shen Lin suddenly reached out and snatched the two invitations, and looked around, and found that Song Yan's one was for the Zhou family, and Liu Yinger's one was for the Shen family.

Immediately, she shouted happily: "Sure enough, I didn't expect it. This invitation was stolen by you. Take a look. Everyone has a look. The invitation is written on the Zhou family and the Shen family. They and the Zhou family and We Shen family is not a relative, why should we invite them? "

Hearing Shen Lin's words, the two guards looked at Song Yan and Liu Yinger with a bit of badness.

"Lu Feng's invitation was given by Zhou Yunlong! What's your opinion!"

Just then, Zhou Yunlong strode forward and looked at Shen Lin with an expression of disgust.

Shen Lin's expression abruptly stagnated, and she said, "Uncle Zhou, how could you give this little thief an invitation!"

Zhou Yunlong sneered: "Why is it impossible? Lu Feng is doing well in our special police department. He is a captain at a young age. What if I give him an invitation? It ’s Shen Lin, although you are a child of the Shen family, you ca n’t rely on it The identity of the Shen family bullies our special police department casually, don't forget, your brother-in-law is still the director of the special police department, bullying your brother-in-law's men, isn't it your brother-in-law's face? "

"I!" For a while, Shen Lin was said to be dumb. Suddenly, she saw Liu Yinger and pointed out: "She, her invitation will not be from Uncle Zhou, do you? Know her Invitations can come from our Shen family! "

"I sent her invitation, Xiaolin, don't make a fool, Liu Yinger is my temporary secretary!"

Lu Feng and Shen Qin came along, and he was quite dissatisfied with the performance of his sister-in-law.

"Ah, brother-in-law, how can you send her invitations?"

Shen Lin exclaimed.

"It's enough, Xiaolin, you're going to be a joke if you continue to make trouble!" Lu Feng's tone was a little more scolded.


For a moment, Shen Lin's face turned red, anxious and annoyed, but Shen Lu quietly stepped back, because he knew that he couldn't take advantage anymore today.

Because of this dispute, many people's eyes have been attracted.

Even the first deputy mayor Yang Zhendong and his wife came here.

As a result, a group of people saluted.

"You are the land breeze?" Keiko Yamaguchi suddenly asked Song Yan.

"Yes, Madam!" Song Yan replied.

"You're fine, I've heard your story."

"Thank you, Madam, for your compliments," Song Yan said modestly.

Everyone around them heard envy, and the boy actually caught the eyes of the first deputy mayor's wife.

"Yes, what happened here?" Keiko Yamaguchi continued to ask.

It is said that Lu Feng and Shen Lin are both tight-looking. If Lu Feng talks about this, it will definitely shame the Shen family. After all, from the beginning to the end, Shen Lin is entangled in hustle and bustle.

"It's okay, it's just a little misunderstanding, it's resolved!" Song Yan smiled.

"That's good!" Keiko Yamaguchi nodded.

"You guys, do your best, I'm optimistic about you." Yang Zhendong also spoke to Song Yan, with an appreciation in his tone.

"Thank you Mayor Yang for your encouragement, I will work hard!" Song Yan said quickly, but secretly said in his heart, if you knew your daughter-in-law was enslaved to me, would you still say that to me?

A storm disappeared.

However, Song Yan and Liu Yinger did not want to stay here anymore, so after the Yang Zhendongs left, they left directly.

In a room in the banquet hall, Lu Feng stared at Shen Lin, who was standing there, and said softly, "Xiao Lin, I know you have a vengeance with that Lu Feng, but you don't see where it is. Here is Can you just make trouble? "

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong, mainly because that Lu Feng was too arrogant, I couldn't help it!" Shen Lin grieved.

"Xiao Lin, you are no longer a child, you must be a master of things, and fortunately, Lu Feng has not broken things, otherwise, your brother-in-law is difficult to do!" Shen Qin followed.

"Sister, brother-in-law, I really know something wrong!"

"Knowing what's wrong!" Lu Feng's complexion eased a lot: "Remember, even if you are looking for the trouble of Lu Feng in the future, you can't make it so obvious. First, he is a spiritual teacher, second, he has Zhou Jiahuo, third, he has a high rank himself, and I don't even dare move him at will ...! "

Under the Wan Guo Hotel building, Song Ye went to pick up the car, and Liu Yinger waited there first.

However, when he drove back, he found that a man was entangled with Liu Yinger. Take a closer look. Isn't that Shen Lu at the banquet?

So, he pushed the car door and walked down, just hearing what Shen Lu said.

"Miss Liu, that Lu Feng was just a special police officer. You have no future with him. As long as you come with me, how about I give you a three million speeding car? As long as you want, I can take you to other planets. How about doing space travel? "

Liu Yinger's helpless face: "This Mr. Shen, please don't bother me!"

"Miss Liu, you have to believe my heart, I really do treat you!" Shen Lu continued to entangle.

"You say that to every woman!"

Just then, Song Yan came over and said with a playful expression.

[Author off topic]: One more

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