Magic Love Ring

Chapter 950: Make a million

The fighting arena is an entertainment product following the advent of body surgery, which mainly includes man-to-man, man-to-beast, and beast-to-beast battles.

After the audience buys tickets and enters the stadium, they can also place bets on both sides of the battle while watching the game.

Shen Lu seemed very familiar with this fighting field. He led Song Yong into the fighting field. Finally, he came to a more advanced fighting field. This fighting field can only accommodate 200 spectators. Rich is expensive.

Shen Ludao: "The game starts in ten minutes."

In a word, he pulled out a screen with two fiercely-looking young men appearing on the screen: "This is the profile of the two players, either of us will bet on the bet. The winner can not only win the battlefield bonus , You can also get the same amount of compensation for the loser. What do you think? "

"I have no problem," Song Yan said calmly.

Seeing Song Yan's promise to be so refreshing, Shen Lu couldn't help exulting: "Well, which one do you choose?"

The two boxers, a man from Southeast Asia, called Chana, practiced Muay Thai in the ancient style of boxing and had a strong attack power. He had 56 battles in this fighting field, of which 53 were won and lost. Two games and one tie.

Ancient boxing Muay Thai is a very fierce boxing method, and the requirements of the practitioners are also very cruel. You need to kick trees and walls with your hands and feet from an early age.

Another famous boxer is a new boxer named Wu Shanhe, who also practiced Xingyiquan in the ancient boxing method. He only participated in three battles and won all three battles.

In addition to the information, there are two fighting videos of the two.

After watching the fighting video, Song Yan selected Wu Shanhe.

The odds of the fighting field against Wu Shanhe are one-for-three and the odds of Chana are one-for-one and one-fifth. Obviously, the fighting field is not optimistic about Wu Shanhe.

"How much are you going to save?" Shen Lu asked.

"Let's place a hundred thousand!" Song Yan called the waiter who placed the bet, and then turned over one hundred thousand yuan.

"That being the case, I bought Wushanhe 2 million."

Shen Ludao, he sent someone to check the details of Song Yong, the deposit is not more than 300,000, fixed assets have nothing but a government-rewarded speeding car and a villa. Once he wins, the other party will take out 300 Wanlai compensated him.

Even if he sells a car, selling a house is not enough.

Making the other person a poor light egg is definitely more comfortable than beating him.

"Aren't you afraid of losing yourself?"

Watching Shen Lu buy 2 million in one breath, Song Yan said with a smile.

"Haha, Zana's strength is very strong, just that Wu Shanhe is not his opponent at all, so it is not me who loses, but you!" Shen Lu smugly smiled.

"Since you think I'm bad, I'll buy another 100,000!"

"It's okay, you buy it, just buy it!" Shen Lu said indifferently.

Soon it was time for the game.

Zana took the stage one step ahead. He has played fifty-six games here, which has accumulated a lot of fame. Therefore, many people cheered and screamed at the moment of appearance.

In this regard, Zana enjoyed quite a lot, waving her hands to the auditorium several times in a row.

After Wu Shanhe appeared on the stage, it was relatively cold. Even if he won three games in a row, he still failed to gain much popularity, and only a few people shouted his name.

The two stood on the stage.

Zana ’s height is nearly one and eighty-five, and she looks very strong. She wears tank tops and shorts, revealing large and shiny muscles. On the other hand, Wu Shanhe is only one-seven and looks thin and weak. Can't stand the punches.

"Zana killed him!"

"kill him!"

"Kill that smash!"

"Zana, we believe in you, you will definitely hit that kid's head!"

Amidst the urging and scolding of the audience, the game began.

As soon as they fought, Zana erupted into a strong fighting momentum. Successive combined attacks swept Wushan River like a storm, and Wu Shanhe's thin body was like a boat in the sea. Are likely to be overturned.

"Mr. Lu, I guess that Wu Shanhe will support ten moves at most, and he will lose!"

Seeing that Wu Shanhe could only escape without resistance, Shen Lu couldn't help but look at Song Yidao.

Song Yan smiled: "You may wish to take a closer look at Wu Shanhe. Although he is evading, he is acting calmly. He may not be as strong as Zana, but how long can Zana ’s offensive last. Once Zana Unable to maintain this offensive, then the result ... haha! "

According to Song Yan's instructions, Shen Lu looked into the court and found that Wu Shanhe was really calm as Song Yan said, but there was dense sweat stains on Zana ’s forehead. Obviously, his physical strength was quite large. After winning Wu Shanhe in a short time, then the result of this game is likely to be Wu Shanhe's victory.

Thinking of this, his face suddenly became very ugly.

Sure enough, Song Yan had expected more than 30 moves in the back, and Zana's strength had been consumed seven or seventy-eight. At this moment, Wu Shanhe suddenly counterattacked and exhibited a set of Xingyi artillery punches.

After several hard bumps, Chana's tall body was finally overwhelmed, and he moaned and fell to the ground.

After seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded, and then began to scold Zana, because at least 90% of the purchase of Zana was won. Once Zana lost, their money was lost.

There was no suspense in the next battle. Zana reluctantly stood up and continued to fight with Wu Shanhe. She was quickly defeated. In desperation, she had to choose to admit defeat.

Less than five minutes after the end of the game, the fighting field transferred 600,000 cash into his account, and Shen Lu lost money this time. First, he lost 2 million by betting and 600,000 to Song Yong. The total loss was 2.6 million. Even though he was a child of the Shen family, he still felt a little unacceptable if he lost more than 2 million.

"Shen Shao, thank you for bringing me here, and it made me 1 million yuan, otherwise, I invite you to dinner?" Song Yan smiled at Shen Ludao with a smile.

This make-up knife made Shen Lu even more uncomfortable: "I'm going to dare you again than you?"

"Okay, you are willing to send money to me, and of course I will not refuse!" Song Yan smiled indifferently.

However, this time Shen Lu proposed to bet on the beast.

The Colosseum is the battle between beasts.

The two beasts in this battle are not animals on the main star, but come from a kind of animal called leopard and lion on the seventh natural star. This animal is very aggressive and aggressive, and they combine the advantages of lions and leopards. Each has the strength of a nine-level warrior.

The two leopard lions were named after the 6th and 11th.

Among them, No. 6 is a veteran of beast fighting, with no less than a hundred battles, losing more than winning.

No. 11 is a novice. He was very fierce when he first came to the arena. He won fifteen battles and won every match. His opponent was seriously injured either dead or dead.

"This time I buy first, I buy 11!" Shen Lu looked at Song Yi.

"Okay, then I'll buy No. 6!" Song Yan said casually.

[Author off topic]: One more

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