Magic Or Forbidden Curse? This Thing Is Called A Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 246: This Seems To Be The Great Filter Theory

Ye Ren took a deep breath.

Then spit out a bunch of bubbles, and said with emotion:




"Wait a minute."

The Goddess of Light snapped her fingers, created a bubble on the seabed, and squeezed out the seawater in it.

She had a weird look on her face.


She didn't expect that Ye Ren couldn't speak at the bottom of the sea.

It is obviously an existence that can easily slaughter the main god, but it seems that other aspects are not so powerful.

"God of Destiny... Don't tell me... the one below is the God of Destiny?"

Ye Ren looked down.

For Toria lights up the bottom of the sea.

So he can see clearly—

The surface of this pitch-black sea is covered with a layer of huge yellow sponge-like creatures.


"The god of fate, is SpongeBob SquarePants?"


Toria can't get Ye Ren's memes.

Just pointed at the sponge-like creature on the seabed surface with a pink finger and said:

"The God of Destiny is not the same as us, it grows... very big..."

Not only is it very big.

Ye Ren couldn't see the end at a glance.

Even Ye Ren wondered if it covered the entire ocean floor.

"It won't be as big as the surface of half a planet..."

Ye Ren muttered.

He instinctively summoned the Alchemy Matrix for analysis.

But found that the composition of sponge-like organisms has 20 special components, it is actually

"Silicon-based life?"

Ye Ren was dumbfounded.

Different from conventional carbon-based living organisms, this pool of organisms on the bottom of the sea has an inestimable size.

The most fundamental constituent element is silicon.

"its not right..."

It stands to reason that an environment that can produce silicon-based life forms cannot produce carbon-based life forms.

This in itself is very contradictory.

For example, carbon-based life breathes oxygen and emits carbon dioxide.

Then the respiration of silicon-based living organisms also has to inhale sulfur dioxide and expel silicon dioxide?

"'s all guessing..."

Regarding silicon-based lifeforms, Ye Ren has never seen them, no matter whether they are on the blue star or in this magical civilization.

but now.

Creatures beyond cognition make Ye Ren curious and wary of them.

At this time, the huge seabed creature started to move, and it was actually wriggling on the surface like a creeper.

But Ye Ren found that when it wriggled, the surface of its body would produce an ion reaction like sparks.

Countless tiny lightning bolts gathered together.

There seemed to be a layer of gorgeous flashing storm on the bottom of the sea.

That picture is so shocking.


A vague voice sounded in Ye Ren's brain, the voice was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

Sounds like Rumia's voice?

But there's something like Paulie, or Evelyn and Veronica.

"Sea water is the carrier. I connected my consciousness with you, and now you have entered my body."

It seems that the frequency adjustment is correct.

The voice became clearer and more coherent, and Ye Ren finally knew why it sounded familiar.

Because the so-called voice is just an illusion of oneself.

This is actually the God of Destiny transmitting information into his mind through some kind of technology.

"what are you?"

Ye Ren sent out his first question.

"I do not know."

This is the answer of the god of fate.

From its conscious time, it has lived in this seabed.

At the beginning, it was far from being as large as it is now, nor did it have such wisdom and consciousness.

It only has the instinct to eat instinctively and strengthen itself.

At the same time, it is also constantly multiplying, but its reproduction is different from what humans understand. It continues to extend the body through division and reorganization.

Until every area of ​​the seabed is covered.

"As I grew up, I started to understand everything...Because of my own species, I couldn't leave here."

Ye Ren touched it carefully.

A slimy, dark brown algae-like substance stuck to my hands.

Discovered by Ye Ren after zooming in on the alchemy matrix.

Good guy.

It turns out that the God of Destiny is a creature, and the parts that make up its body surface are miniature units.

Can be used to represent 0 and 1.

Ye Ren got it:

"You are a very large biological computer!"

No wonder it is called the God of Destiny, it is better to be called the God of Calculation.

As long as enough information is collected.

It can perform extremely difficult calculations and simulate the possible probabilities of everything happening.

"You're only half right."

Logically speaking, the God of Destiny should also be an absolutely rational existence.

But how could Ye Ren hear from her voice.

There was a hint of pride.

"The range I can observe... is far beyond your imagination."

Through the description of the God of Destiny, Ye Ren became more startled the more she heard it, because she actually said it accurately.

The size of the radius of the nanobiobots inside Ye Ren.

"If I want, I can easily modify their fate."

In a word.

Fate can program nanobots directly.

And it's not the way of using the alchemy matrix.

Instead, carry out super-dimensional expansion and direct programming for each nano-level robot.


Ye Ren probably understood why the god of fate knew he would appear here.

And why can she accurately judge what will happen in the future.


in a sense.

"Biological quantum computer."

Ye Ren scratched his head, and his heart beat faster in his chest.

Can such creatures really be born in nature?

It's incredible.

"God of Destiny, what should we do next?"

Tolia couldn't understand Ye Ren's inexplicable vocabulary.

She just wanted to know what to do next.

"I need your help, and you need my help, our goal is the same, that is to destroy the Mother God.

Mother Goddess.

It is the name of the god of destiny to the high-level life form in the sky.

From the mouth of the god of fate.

Ye Ren also learned a lot about the Mother Goddess.

Countless years ago, several civilizations were born on this planet, but without exception they all became extinct due to various reasons.

The most recent civilization was 140,000 years ago.

Those creatures continued to evolve and develop into intelligent civilizations, and learned to use magic, a special energy.

"Their progress is very fast, but the pursuit of the ultimate has ushered in their destruction."

Just like the humans on the blue star.

Greed for power is an indelible nature of intelligent creatures.

Especially for magic civilization.

Magic civilization pays more attention to the strength of a single body, and the gap between magicians will only widen.

The stronger you are, the more unwilling you are.


There are such a group of beings that are so powerful that even civilization trembles 647.

Using powerful magic, he summoned the so-called truth, which is the source of magic——

The Wall of Sighs.

And after the appearance of the Wall of Sighs advanced the entire civilization to a certain weird level.

"The end is here."

Don't know what happened.

As if overnight, the splendid civilization disappeared.

Very little information has been recorded, and all remaining records point to life somewhere in the universe.

"Mother God."

That is a terrifying ultimate life form.

It destroyed the entire magic civilization in such a short period of time that the magicians didn't even react.

When Ye Ren heard this, a word popped up in his mind involuntarily——

"Large filter?"

It is said that in the vast universe, once any civilization grows to a certain level.

It will attract higher civilizations to destroy it.

This is the higher civilization in order to prevent the lower civilization from threatening the existence of the higher civilization.

Let's say you find a group of monkeys in a clearing.

The monkeys evolve every day as you watch them go from using sticks to making bows and arrows.

Wait until they start trying to shoot you in the head with gunpowder.

You definitely don't want to let them go any further.

Because you know that sooner or later they will threaten you, so you simply destroy them with a bomb.

This is also called the Great Filter Theory.

When civilization has not yet developed to a certain level, they are safe.

But when it reaches a certain limit——

"Civilization will usher in the end, and the Mother Goddess will appear at that time."

At this point, Ye Ren finally understood that the so-called mother goddess, a special life form, might be a weapon of advanced civilization. .

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