"Sixth order, is it very strong?"

Ye Ren questioned.

"It's not the same concept as Tier 5."

Rumia explained.

"The limit of human beings is the sixth level."

The sixth level is the highest level that a human mage can reach.

And among the hundreds of millions of human bases, some few geniuses emerged.

Only these very few people, after breaking through the sixth order——

"Tier six, already titled."

Any sixth-order mage can have a name on the mainland.

For example, Grand Duke Cowen, he is also a sixth-order mage, titled "Human Dragon".

As long as it is in the Western Continent, anyone who mentions the humanoid dragon will realize that this is the Grand Duke Cowen

There is also the "Sword Master" who disappeared decades ago.

The "Ice Queen" active in the North Fang Bing Sea.

Any one of these titled sixth-order mages is world-famous.

"If there really is a sixth-order mage..."

Rumia looked into the distance anxiously.

Then you really have to consider persuading Ye Ren to leave with him.

Otherwise you will really die.

"Even if there is no sixth-level mage, then six fifth-level mages infused with divinity will have the same result."

The Flame Goddess breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Rumia understood the seriousness of the matter.


Run away quickly and drop the alchemy materials here.

No matter how precious they are, life is precious!

"No...we can't go."

However, Ye Ren still rejected the proposal of the Goddess of Fire.

He believed in the power of the plasma rifle.

At the same time, he raised the sonic resonance grenade in his hand:

"This thing is the nemesis of all magicians."

Ye Ren is confident.

Even if the sixth-level magician really came, he was confronted with a sonic resonance grenade.

Everyone has to shout that my life is over.

"Don't be afraid... I still have a backup, have you heard of fission bombs?"

Ye Ren grinned.

That is the last resort and should not be used.

"Baoli, I trust Ye Ren."


The Goddess of Flame gritted her teeth, ahhh, she was so mad at her.

this is…

This is overreaching!

"You said this thing can kill a sixth-order mage?"

The Flame Goddess picked up a sonic resonance grenade and glared at Ye Ren through gritted teeth.


The more confident you are, the more stupid you are!

this thing...

How could it be possible to kill a sixth-order mage?

You must know that the Goddess of Darkness is mad with anger this time, and she is really moving.

After Ye Ren demolished the Shadow Temple last time, the Goddess of Darkness screamed angrily in the God Realm.

So this time, she must have come prepared.

far away…

Darkness is coming.

In the city-state of Normata, at the branch of the Bureau of Truth, Director Duncan suddenly shuddered.

He seemed to have sensed something, and looked out the window worriedly.

I don't know if it's an illusion...

The darkness is like the tide, moving slowly.

It was clearly late at night, but the deadly darkness seemed to suffocate people, making people uneasy.

"Hope...it's not a threat against Normata..."

He really couldn't let go of his heart and summoned his confidants.

But when they headed towards the darkness, after seeing the shadow congregation in the darkness.

Director Duncan showed a look of horror.

"Gods above... what happened?"

Trembling, fear.

Director Duncan swallowed hard, densely packed with shadow believers.

After all, there are hundreds of people...

Even nearly a thousand people!

The magic power fluctuation of every shadow believer is not lower than the second level.

There are even many third-tier and fourth-tier mages.

What scares Director Duncan the most is undoubtedly the six shadow congregants who are at the forefront——

"Shadow... Inquisitor..."

That is an official position in the Shadow Temple, a servant of the Dark Goddess.

A total of six judges.

Oh my god... You must know that judges are all fifth-level mages at the very least.

Such combat power is no exaggeration.

one night.

They can wipe out the entire Normata city-state before the sun rises.

Stepping on the pile of corpses in front of the city gate to dance.

Director Duncan realized that it was useless to resist against such a group of people.

He was even numb.


Fortunately, this group of dangerous guys does not seem to be targeting the city-state of Normata.

Instead, approach from the direction of the mountains, where Director Duncan remembered that Ye Ren bought the land.

Why is he so clear.

Because that piece of land was granted to Ye Ren by himself.

Speaking of Ye Ren, the Goddess of Flame followed behind Rumia with her face slung in silence.

"Idiot... your brain must be broken... Rumia, you idiot..."

She read it all the way.

His eyes looked at Ye Ren full of resentment.

However, although she kept pushing her mouth, she stayed honestly.

In her words:

"You two idiots will definitely die without me, if it really comes to the last moment..."

She blew herself up, yes, she blew herself up if she couldn't beat her.

He died with the minions raised by the dark goddess.

"Rumia, you have to remember!"

The Flame Goddess held Rumia's arm and said viciously:

"If my clone dies, it will be all because of you!"

I persuaded you and refused to listen, so I had to stay here and wait for death.

Why on earth do you trust a human being so much!

Damn it!

I'm going to be mad!

"is coming."

Ye Ren's words made the Flame Goddess instantly vigilant.

Rumia hugged the plasma rifle tightly in her arms.

Darkness has arrived.

The dense shadow congregation wore uniforms.

Full of pressure.

Nearly a thousand people brewed magic power together, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Ye Ren narrowed his eyes——


Without so much nonsense, Ye Ren pulled the trigger first.

The muzzle of the plasma rifle exploded with a blue beam of high-energy particles in a straight line.

The members of the Shadow Cult, who were fleeing in an instant, died under the power of the high-energy particle beam.

Rumia also joined the fray.

Two plasma rifles, two blue-blue ion beams that are extremely eye-catching in the dark, are harvesting life.

"what is that?!"

"Use defensive magic!"

"Stay away! Spread out!"

The Shadow Cultists, who had never seen hot weapons before, were in a mess in an instant.

In their previous combat experience, any mage had to take out the alchemy weapon first.

Then condense the magic power, sing the magic spell, and some powerful ones can cast magic instantly...

but no matter.

I have never met someone who can directly release such a terrible——

"That's not magic!"

The screaming Shadow Cultist was pierced by the ion beam and turned into a corpse.

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