Magic Or Forbidden Curse? This Thing Is Called A Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 65: The Electromagnetic Pulse Rifle Is Now In The World

Director Duncan is just a Tier 4 mage.

But he firmly believes that--

That cliff is the flame goddess!

Regardless of the terrible flames, magic power and so on.

Just that looks, that perfect figure, that impeccable appearance!

Only true gods can be so perfect.

"Absolutely...a goddess..."

He rubbed his old face, trying hard to get rid of the bewildered expression.

Although the goddess of elements is not like the well-known goddesses of light or darkness.

But how could she come to the world?

The last time the gods came to the world in person, it seems to be the last time...

No, the last time a god came to the world seemed to be not long ago three years ago.

When His Majesty was about to break through to the seventh level.

A god personally descended into the world to offer blessings to His Majesty.


Chief Duncan's expression changed again.

His Majesty of the Saint Antis Empire broke through to the seventh level, which attracted the gift of the gods.

That...that Ye Ren...

"He won't, it's a... it's a..."

Seventh order? !

Thinking of this, Director Duncan couldn't help but tremble.

No no no.

Open your mind a little more, what if... what if Ye Ren is also a god?


Director Duncan didn't dare to think about it any longer.

He took a deep breath and headed towards the Nomata City-State Bureau of Truth without looking back.

He decided to forget all the pictures he saw tonight.

Obviously something was beyond his tolerance——

I? I'm just a fourth-order mage. This world is too crazy, and ignorance is a blessing.

the next few days.

Ye Ren lived peacefully.

Originally, he thought that the Goddess of Darkness would continue to pester her endlessly.

As a result, the Shadow Church did not send anyone to deliver it.

This is also good, at least enough time for Ye Ren to find the right material.

"Rumia, don't you want to see how I make thermal weapons?"

"Can we start?"

Rumia immediately put down the broom in her hand.

She ran over with surprise on her face.

"Here, here is the blueprint. I have already taught you how to design a blueprint."

Ye Ren activates the alchemy matrix to decompose and reconstruct the materials.

Soon, parts with extremely high precision were constructed by the alchemy matrix.

"This is an electromagnetic pulse rifle. It is ten times more powerful than a plasma pistol. It is an extremely terrifying individual weapon."

Because of the modular design.

EMP rifles are highly integrated, such as barrel parts, handguards, and frames can all be replaced freely.

If the gun body itself becomes damaged, then only the damaged part needs to be replaced.

"There is still no magic power, it's amazing, is this an electromagnetic pulse generator?"

Rumia asked excitedly holding a small motor-shaped part.

"No, that's the suppressor, and the EMP generator is that little thing next to you."

"Ye Ren, how did your brain grow?"

Rumia showed a convincing expression.

The majestic alchemy goddess can't understand how Ye Ren has such fantastic ideas.

Make these magical alchemy weapons that she can't understand at all.


After the assembly was completed, Ye Ren narrowed his eyes confidently, and placed the electromagnetic pulse rifle across his chest:

"How about it, handsome or not?"

"Well... that's it."

Rumia blushed and looked away.

She won't admit it, the way Ye Ren is holding an electromagnetic pulse rifle.


A little handsome.

"With this weapon, even if the Tar Goddess comes again, I am confident that she will not be able to return."

Ye Ren could even imagine that scene.

The pulse wave will instantly disintegrate the body of the Tar Goddess, making her unable to cast even magic.

said with no exaggeration--

This thing is not for hitting people.

In blue star, it can try to toughen tanks without heavy armor.

If you are lucky, it is not impossible to smash the tank with a rifle.

"Here, let me play for you."

Ye Ren casually threw the electromagnetic pulse rifle to Rumia, who subconsciously reached out to catch it.


Although it looks big.

But surprisingly light, almost like a piece of plastic.

How can it be so light? ? ?

"Ye there something wrong, it's...too light..."

Not so light as a weapon.

Seeing Rumia's confused expression, Ye Ren couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth triumphantly:

"Do you know how hard I've been trying to find the right material?"

The advantage of the electromagnetic pulse rifle is that it is powerful, but the disadvantage is that it has a short battery life, a heavy gun body, and an excessively long ratio.

In order to solve these pain points, Ye Ren used special materials and carried out modular improvements.

"It can be disassembled and put into a box, which saves space."

"Such a light weight will not be a burden to ordinary people, and children can carry it for running."

"The special limiter allows it to have two gears, a high-energy mode and a low-energy mode."

Seeing Rumia's confused expression that seemed to understand but not understand.

Ye Ren simply demonstrated it to her on the spot.

He turned the knob on the gun body to the weak mode, and then pulled the trigger towards the distance.

An electromagnetic pulse wave about the thickness of two fingers was shot out, hitting a big tree.

The big tree was pierced in an instant, and the electromagnetic pulse wave continued to fly unabated, until it disappeared after five hundred meters.

Everything along the way was easily penetrated, leaving black burnt marks.

"Okay... so amazing..."

Rumia couldn't help shaking her little head, feeling the power of this thing.

She could imagine what it would be like to shoot this weapon at someone.

That must be another instant kill without pressure.

"Weak mode can shoot continuously, about once every half a second."

"After firing sixty weak-energy electromagnetic pulses, the pulse core must be replaced."

The electromagnetic pulse generator is a consumable, although it is not complicated to make.

But just like a bullet, there is a risk of being shot empty.

"And then high energy mode..."

This is the highlight, Ye Ren laughed and turned the knob.

Then he aimed at the mountain in the distance, and gently pulled the trigger.


If the electromagnetic pulse wave just now is like a small carp.

So what is shot now is like a ferocious boa constrictor.

A white beam of white light, as dazzling as a thunderbolt, hit the mountain top at nearly the speed of light.

And then smooth it out...

The electromagnetic pulse wave continues to fly into the sky.

The clouds in the sky have been blasted away, and then slowly dissipated.

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