"Can't understand..."

The Fire Goddess showed a dazed and cute expression.

If she's not usually crazy, she's still really cute.

"Space-based weapons are originally a type of satellite weapons, usually deployed in the sky, to be precise, in satellite orbits.

Space-based weapons often appear in those sci-fi movies.

But what Ye Ren wanted was not to make a movie, but to actually create it.

Space-based weapons orbit the planet, so theoretically they can cover any corner of the planet.

After all, the planet is round.

But to create space-based weapons, Ye Ren is still pondering an idea.

"If it's an energy weapon... it's a bit impractical until the controllable nuclear fusion technology is not developed."

Ye Ren thought about how many times the space-based weapons, which mainly focus on energy attacks, should be fired.

"180" will become a pile of scrap iron because of lack of energy.

I can't go to the sky to replenish energy for it, can I?

"If solar energy is used for focused shooting..."

This aspect can be tried, but no suitable material has been found yet.

It can efficiently conduct heat energy and complete energy focusing.

And to be able to withstand this high temperature for concentrated energy shooting, you must maintain accuracy.

"Another problem with shaped shooters is that they are susceptible to environmental influences."

After all, a focused shot is essentially a laser weapon.

As the distance increases, the power will also be greatly attenuated, not to mention if it encounters extreme weather.

I'm afraid that the power will disappoint people.

Ye Ren stroked his chin, lost in thought.

The Flame Goddess stood aside blankly, how should I put it...

Although he is a mortal...

But when he thinks seriously, he's really, really handsome.

His eyes are deep and full of wisdom.

It may be that the Flame Goddess lacks wisdom, and she wants to make up for what is lacking.

It was Ye Ren's intelligence that kept attracting her attention.


I still don't understand the space-based weapons he said, but I feel that they should be very powerful.

"No... there is no need to make an energy weapon, the acceleration of gravity is the best attack method!"

Ye Ren's eyes suddenly lit up.

His thinking almost fell into a misunderstanding just now. The plasma rifle and electromagnetic pulse rifle made him fall into the blind worship of energy weapons.

But in fact, if it is a space-based weapon, wouldn’t it be enough to make a simple tungsten steel rod?

Falling from the outer layer of the planet, as long as the object itself does not burn up in the process of shuttling through the atmosphere.

Then when it falls to the ground, its power is almost the same as standing.

Objects with greater mass...

The greater the power!

"I? What a genius."

Ye Ren grinned, excitedly began to draw the blueprint.

Although the nuclear bomb has not been finished yet, space-based weapons are definitely comparable to nuclear bombs.

Although the upper limit is not as high as that of controllable nuclear fusion weapons, the lower limit is lower.

"After the space-based weapons are produced, I should be able to be a crab in the world."

Wherever you go, you walk sideways.

At that time, we will concentrate on developing controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Then get the hydrogen bomb out!


All the ashes are for you!

Thinking of this, Ye Ren couldn't help laughing excitedly.

Hearing this laughter, Goddess of Fire and Goddess of Alchemy Shendu couldn't help shivering.

always feel...

Ye Ren suddenly became very scary.

"I'm going to be a crab!"

Hearing his shouts of joy like a child in the laboratory.

The two goddesses looked at each other in blank dismay.

Another week passed.

Ye Ren ran out of the lab excitedly:

"Rumia... No, Fire Goddess! Come and help me!"

The Flame Goddess walked over with a puzzled look on her face.

It turned out that Ye Ren made a big black iron rod as thick as an arm.

"what is this?"

"Can you help me get it to the open space outside?"

The Goddess of Flame let out a cry, but once she got started, she realized that it was not that simple.

This black stick, which looked no thicker than an arm, was surprisingly heavy.

If it wasn't for the flame goddess to mobilize magic power, she wouldn't be able to lift it at all.

"Okay, now... connect!"

Ye Ren held the controller in his hand and pressed the activation switch.

Then he looked at the thick and heavy iron rod with excitement.


connection succeeded.

Restart the repulsion engine, automatic plasma propulsion acceleration!

Rumia also came over to watch curiously at this time, and then saw an incredible scene——

The black iron rod was suspended out of thin air..0

And began to keep looking at the sky and flying, the speed became faster and faster, and soon there was only a small black dot left.

"Ye Ren, what is that?"

Rumia asked a confused question.

Why is that thing flying?

And there is no magic wave at all...Although the things Ye Ren makes, there is no magic wave.


Why is it flying!?

We all know that only wind magic can make objects fly.

It's not magic at all!

"This is the charm of science, you two, you will witness the prototype of space-based weapons."

"I call it Crab One!"

Ye Ren watched the value on the controller getting higher and higher, and the corner of his mouth cracked.

Soon Crab One successfully flew out of the atmosphere and entered the orbit around the world.

"Signal lost..."

The smile on Ye Ren's face froze suddenly.

No reason, according to my calculations, there is no reason why the signal will be lost at this distance.

Unbelievably, he rushed back to the laboratory and made a few big iron rods.

Then increase the limit of signal gain and strengthen the power.

But without exception, all space-based weapons fly out of the atmosphere and come to orbit.

All lost signal.

Ye Ren frowned and found something wrong with 1.2—

"Is there... something outside this planet?"

Otherwise, there is no reason for this to happen, what the hell is blocking information outside the planet.


Rumia showed an expression of watching a play:

"It's okay, failure is success damn it, alchemy often fails.

Ye Ren shook his head, and fired another space-based weapon up.

Only this time he didn't let the big iron stick fly too far, but stopped near the atmosphere.

To be precise, it landed just above Ye Ren's forehead.

"Although the power of space-based weapons at this distance will not reach the maximum...but it should be enough."

He turned to look at the two goddesses:

Are you ready to witness the power of space-based weapons?".

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