Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1099 We also have high-level troops

The deadwood archway belonging to the Tang Dynasty Guild has rapidly shrunk to the size of an ordinary barracks.

In the hands of the elves, the deadwood archway can become a powerful stronghold, but in the hands of the player guild, the archway can only be a building in the guild's residence.

Even players will not put the archway on the edge as a defensive measure. Although its defense and recovery are very high, players are still reluctant to do so.

If it is damaged, a level 5 barracks will be gone. This thing is valuable now!

Unfortunately, although the deadwood archway has been owned by the Tang Dynasty Guild, the quota for recruiting level 5 deadwood warriors will not be updated until next week.

It is impossible to recruit a few immediately for the next defensive battle.

When Long Wu reported this to Li Songrui, he expressed great regret. If there were more high-level soldiers, the next battle would be much easier.

The little girl didn't understand what he meant and asked, "High-level troops? Brother Wu, I can only bring level 3 troops at most, and everyone is the same. How can I bring higher-level troops?"

"Haha, sister Jiu doesn't know." Long Wu talked freely, "Now this place has become our guild's temporary base. According to the rules, the guards at the base can use high-level troops."

After saying that, he sighed again, "Alas, it's a pity. If we can have a few high-level troops, it will be easy to survive the next battle. Other guilds will look up to us in the future."

This kid's acting was very poor, and Xiao Ming couldn't help but sneer. There is already a large battleship here, which is comparable to N high-level troops. Isn't it big enough?

Besides, in the last battle, the members of the Tang Dynasty Guild suffered very little loss. With such strength, there will be no problem in dealing with the next battle.

Long Wu was still crying poor in front of him, which was clearly a further test. Don't think I will...

Suddenly, the little girl's big watery eyes came to Xiao Ming, and the "firm will" just now immediately disappeared.

"Don't cry, sister nine, it's just a high-level soldier. Brother has it, and I'll get it for you now."

What Xiao Ming said was, of course, his recruitment authority in the Minotaur Maze. It's really a coincidence.

If Xiao Ming recruits Minotaur below level 3, those Minotaur will directly enter the character's tent and become mercenaries. They can't be given away casually.

But when the researcher recruits high-level Minotaur soldiers, because the character can't bring it, the Minotaur will become a soldier token.

The nature becomes an item, which can be carried with you and traded with others. It's no problem to send it back and forth through Guangmingding.

The Minotaur can be sold to Danshan City or to the Datang Guild. Since the Datang Guild needs it, of course it will be sold to its own people first.

I just completed the task last week and got the recruitment authority. It will be useful this week. Xiao Ming thinks it's a coincidence.

In fact, now the Guild Stations are all over the adventure map, and most players know that Guild Stations can use high-level arms.

If Xiao Ming had communicated more with the players, he would have known this news long ago. Maybe even the quota for the Tauren next month has been reserved by the Guild players.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming has basically no interaction with the general players, otherwise, the Tang Dynasty Guild would not have picked up this loophole.

"Brother Wu, this uh, what level of Tauren do you need? I can recruit 1 level 5, or 2 level 4. Otherwise, 4 level 3 will also be fine."

Long Wu was stunned and gave Xiao Ming a weird look.

According to his strength, he estimated that the leader could obtain the authority to recruit high-level arms. But it is uncertain whether there is now.

Of course, it would be best if there is now. Even if there is no now, as long as he gives the leader a hint in this direction, I believe that it will not take long for the leader to obtain the authority.

At that time, the authority obtained by the leader can naturally be purchased by the Tang Dynasty Guild. Long Wu is testing and at the same time playing a long game to catch big fish.

However, he guessed that the recruitment rights that Xiao Ming could obtain were probably level 4 soldiers. Level 5 soldiers were a bit beyond the scope.

It was not that Xiao Ming could not obtain it, but the system should not release such a task at this stage. I never expected that Xiao Ming had already done it.

With the strength of the Lanzhou branch, the highest type of soldiers that can be placed in the temporary garrison is only level 4, and the Tang Dynasty Guild cannot take up level 5 soldiers for the time being. What a pity.

After the task of [Pulling Teeth from the Tiger's Mouth] is completed, the Guild will upgrade the garrison level before it has the power to place level 5 soldiers in the garrison.

Long Wu said, forget it, just take a little loss for the first time, and then hurry up to upgrade the garrison. Next week, I must buy level 5 minotaurs to fill the scene.

When the Tang Dynasty Guild has double-digit level 5 minotaurs, the attraction will be absolutely awesome, hehehe...

The task in front of him has not been completed yet, but Long Wu's mind has already thought of the scene 2 or 3 months later. He is also a dreamer.

The researcher quietly put the beast Xiao Hei into the Qinghai Lake. To devour the corpses of the elves and centaurs.

The corpses of the tree people were fine, Xiao Hei couldn't eat them, and they were all eaten by parasites.

With them here as time and space coordinates. Xiao Ming can easily open the teleportation aperture to come back.

The researcher used the Golden Statue of the God of Light to teleport to the temple in Pingnan City on the strategic map. Unfortunately, this temple is the temple of the dead, and the researcher cannot use it.

Ran to the universal temple on this map, passed through there and returned to the temple in Tanshan City.

However, doing so inevitably updated the researcher's record of the temple on the strategic map. Alas, there is no way to deal with Miss Jiu.

Bought two 4th-level Tauren military tokens, hid in the bedroom under the disappointed eyes of the elf brothers and sisters of the Hongye family.

Draw a teleportation aperture and return to Qinghai Lake. Hand the token to Datang Li Yuanji.

The little loli immediately used the token in the temporary station, and a 4th-level Tauren Berserker and a 4th-level Tauren Shaman appeared on the spot, which was really majestic and handsome.

The ninth sister was very happy. She quickly prepared better armor and weapons for them. Arranged someone to assist them. Busy...

After a lot of effort, Xiao Ming has found that Kamar-Taj's magic teleportation aperture is more useful.

After all, this teleportation aperture allows living things to pass through, which is more convenient to use.

It just requires Xiao Ming to prepare in advance. It is best to have your own clone, mind beast, or subordinates at the destination.

They can provide real-time spatial coordinates for Xiao Ming to open the teleportation aperture.

Xiao Ming is not good enough in this magic. It is okay in the game, but he needs to be more cautious in reality.

You must know that the universe is in motion all the time. The space-time coordinates recorded on the first day will not be the same as they were when used on the second day.

Only magicians with very high abilities can make appropriate adjustments every time the teleportation aperture is opened.

Like the Ancient One, Doctor Strange, Master Wang, Baron Mordo are all masters in this field, but Xiao Ming is far behind.

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