Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1139 Students all over the world

"Master, have you caught prey again?" Shui Sheng and Di Yun were making a fire and cooking together. When they saw Zhang Xiaoming return, they hurriedly greeted him.

"Yes, you brothers and sisters have worked hard to take care of these two big cats." Xiao Ming answered, while raising his hand to throw the two snow leopards he killed to the two of them.

The snow leopards that appeared in the Great Snow Mountain dungeon did not disappear because the dungeon ended. Players can still eat meat by killing snow leopards.

This can be regarded as a glimmer of hope given to players by the system, as long as the players have the ability.

Xiao Ming and the other seven people, including Nan Siqi, have been trapped in the valley for more than ten days.

This place is surrounded by cliffs and heavy snow. Some places that could be climbed originally cannot be climbed because they are covered with snow.

When they came down before, it was certainly not so difficult with the martial arts of several people, but it is almost impossible to climb up again.

A few days ago, Xiao Ming, Lu Tianshu, the "Renyi Lu Dadao", and Shui Dai, the "Cold Moon Sword", inspected the valley.

They found that with the martial arts and abilities of the Four Wonders of the South, they could not get out of the valley. In the original novel, Di Yun still could not get out after his internal strength was perfected.

At this time, he had just inherited the Blood Knife Sutra. Although his martial arts were getting higher and higher, he had not yet reached the level of the Four Wonders of the South.

Xiao Ming asked himself that he could not get out of the valley with his lightness and internal strength alone. But we brought a lot of climbing tools.

Back to the direction we came in, Xiao Ming led the way, and Lu Tianshu or Shui Dai guarded below, planning to use the tools in their hands to dig a way up.

As long as we go up all the way, firmly nail the iron spikes in the places with solid rocks to tie the ropes, and then push upwards little by little. It should still be possible to get out.

Of course, it is impossible to nail all the iron spikes all the way, and Xiao Ming did not bring so many, but as long as the upper few positions are nailed firmly, the old iron spikes below can be taken out.

Modern people seem to use similar methods when climbing mountains. They have no martial arts skills, but they are just ordinary people with strong bodies, and they can climb Mount Everest.

How can masters like Xiao Ming and Nan Siqi not get out of this valley as long as the props are suitable? ! It just takes some time.

Seeing that Zhang Shaoxia is so well prepared, both Nan Siqi, Shui Sheng and Di Yun are full of confidence in getting out of the valley.

They used the cave they found before as a base and picked up branches in the mountain as fuel for heating and cooking.

The injured Liu Chengfeng rested in the cave, and was carefully taken care of by Shui Sheng and Di Yun.

In terms of food, in addition to the dry food brought by Xiao Ming, the three masters worked closely together and could also catch some prey. Enough for 7 people to eat.

It's just a pity for Shui Sheng's white horse. Although no one took the initiative to kill the horse this time. But the horse can't stand the cold climate in the valley at all.

And there is no grass to feed it. Horses are more precious animals, and it is much more difficult to raise them than raising cattle and pigs.

So after living in the valley for 2 or 3 days, Shui Sheng's white horse died. It was unknown whether it was frozen to death or starved to death.

Miss Shui Sheng cried for the white horse. Although she felt distressed afterwards, she also knew that human life was more important after all.

Her father and several uncles needed to eat, so it would be a pity to bury the horse.

So her white horse was still used as a sacrifice for everyone. Only Shui Sheng and Di Yun did not eat a single bit of horse meat, and only ate Xiao Ming's dry food.

For several days after that, Miss Shui Sheng always looked gloomy and would secretly wipe tears behind everyone's back.

Everyone ate her horse, so she naturally felt a little guilty. Shui Dai took the opportunity to propose to Zhang Xiaoming, hoping to let his daughter become Zhang's disciple.

This sympathy card was played very well. In "The Untold Story", Shui Sheng is one of the few good people, and Xiao Ming always looks up to kind people.

Shui Dai can see his kindness to Shui Sheng, Di Yun, and himself. Only then did he dare to rashly make such a suggestion.

So Xiao Ming not only accepted Shui Sheng, but also accepted Di Yun as his disciple. Di Yun became his senior brother again. Looking at this look, Xiao Ming will probably have many students all over the world in the future.

Di Yun, this silly boy, thought that his previous master "Iron Chain Across the River" Qi Changfa was dead, so he would not resist becoming a disciple of someone else.

However, Di Yun actually had enough superior kung fu, Shen Zhao Jing and Xue Dao Jing, as long as he practiced diligently, he would become a master of his generation.

So he was just a name with Xiao Ming. With this name, there were not many people in the world who dared to take advantage of him.

Xiao Ming did not teach him specific kung fu, but just told Di Yun all the martial arts concepts he learned from Hong Qigong. I don't know how much he can understand, anyway, Xiao Ming himself didn't understand much.

In this world, the apprentice who truly inherited Zhang Xiaoming's mantle is Shui Sheng. She didn't have any outstanding internal skills, so it was just right to teach her the secret of longevity.

It would be inappropriate to let such a lovely girl practice the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu.

Shui Sheng's talent is just so-so. Although she is also a lovely girl, she is definitely not as smart as Rong'er.

She is also a person who cannot distinguish the situation when dealing with danger.

She was held hostage by the Blood Knife Patriarch all the way. If it were Huang Rong, she would have been able to tell Di Yun's true nature long ago. She could even create an opportunity to escape. She would just mess around.

Of course, if she ran away so smartly, Di Yun would definitely have to take the blame, and there would be no subsequent adventures. Sometimes it is true that fools have good luck.

Xiao Ming had no expectations for her IQ, so he used the dumbest method, directly inputting his Changsheng Jue Qi into Shui Sheng's body, and then guiding her to circulate the Qi himself.

After a while, Shui Sheng would naturally learn it. And she only knew the result but not the reason.

In the future, even if Hua Tiegan or other people were interested in Changsheng Jue, they would not be able to trick her out of her mouth. She simply could not express it clearly.

In addition, in front of Nan Siqi, Xiao Ming also pretended to mention it casually, saying that the internal skill he practiced was called Changsheng Jue.

This internal skill cultivates innate Qi, which is different from the acquired Qi cultivated by most martial artists. The cultivation process is contrary to many common senses of martial arts, and it is very dangerous to practice rashly.

Moreover, the practitioner must first dissolve the original acquired Qi before he can practice. I hope to stop the four of them from thinking about it.

Of course, it is not easy for Xiao Ming to practice this internal skill himself. His life level is too high, and his body is the purest energy, so there is no acquired Qi.

He also taught many people how to practice the Changsheng Jue, most of whom were originally weak in internal strength. They practiced from the beginning, and with his guidance, they were able to practice it easily.

Hong Qigong was the one with the highest martial arts skills, but he became a martial arts master with external skills, and his internal skills were not very profound. Xiao Ming only needed a little guidance to adjust.

Of course, it was not so easy for Hong Qigong to achieve great success in the Changsheng Jue Qi.

Xiao Ming spent 30 years, so Hong Qigong must have practiced for more than ten years, probably...

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