Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1144 Achieving the goal in disguise

After several experiments, Xiao Ming first integrated the Tiangang Beidou formation into the Z-series puppetry.

Among them, the Z-series mind beast brain, which is the operating system of the puppet, is a combination of mind power and magic.

In other words, Xiao Ming can use some wood, or even dead branches and rotten leaves, to create a group of puppets that can set up the Tiangang Beidou formation at any time.

When the magic power and mind power are exhausted, there is no power. I guess no one is willing to buy such puppets.

There are definitely people who are willing to learn this series of magic. But Xiao Ming does not want to pass it on. If he wants to pass it on, it will be passed on to his subordinates, the insect humans.

In Xiao Ming's Z-series puppetry, all the puppets are temporarily put together. The combat effectiveness is too low. And they fall apart after use.

So he changed his mind. Xiao Ming realized that the reason why other forces could not do it was that they lacked the "brain" of the puppet.

They could not lack advanced puppets, but their puppets did not have intelligent programs that could set up formations. And they could not come up with such intelligent programs.

Xiao Ming can do it. The reason in the middle is more subtle. Xiao Ming is special because he has been to the world of "My Date with a Vampire 2".

There, the goddess Nuwa taught him the three abilities of creating life: [Shaping the Body], [Opening Wisdom], and [Enlightening the Soul].

And intelligent life forms can practice martial arts and set up formations. So Xiao Ming can let his puppets or skeleton soldiers set up the Tiangang Beidou formation.

Realizing this, Xiao Ming found the direction. He only needs to come up with a "brain" that can set up formations. The puppet can be provided by the other party.

The buyer provides the puppet, and Xiao Ming finds a way to give the puppet a brain that can set up formations, and the matter is settled.

After comprehensively examining all the abilities he has, Xiao Ming found a very suitable existence to serve as the brain of the puppet - the parasite.

Xiao Ming got this ability from an alien called Hive in the Marvel world.

Strictly speaking, the parasite should be regarded as Xiao Ming's clone. It's just that their brains are too small to be responsible for any important work.

The advantage is that parasites have very little demand for various energies. Xiao Ming usually uses parasites as space signposts.

As long as there is a place where parasites are active, Xiao Ming can open a teleportation aperture. Parasites are rarely used in combat.

Now Xiao Ming can slightly strengthen the nervous system of parasites, so that they have a little wisdom, enough to use martial arts to set up formations.

Parasites that can control other life forms, the Zerg actually have such troops. Xiao Ming borrowed the corresponding genetic information without knowing it.

This new parasite was developed. Attached to puppets, undead and other troops, it can replace the original operating system.

In this way, the buyer's requirements are partially met. Let those puppets or undead have the ability to use the Tiangang Beidou formation.

But the problem is, after Xiao Ming's transformation of the puppets or undead, aren't they controlled by Xiao Ming? That would make the customer feel uneasy!

There are many masters from the major forces on Pangu Star. Xiao Ming uses parasites to achieve this effect. People are not fools, of course they can see it. They just don't have the same abilities.

So, if you plant flowers with care, they won't bloom, but if you plant willows by accident, they will grow into shade trees.

Xiao Ming failed to meet Party A's requirements and create a Tiangang Beidou formation that can be sold. Instead, his own abilities have been improved.

At least the low-level puppets or skeleton soldiers that Xiao Ming created in the future can get rid of the fate of defective cannon fodder.

After being possessed by Xiao Ming's parasites, those low-level soldiers can set up the Tiangang Beidou formation, and their combat effectiveness has definitely increased several times. Finally upgraded to high-quality cannon fodder.

Xiao Ming's experimental work for this period was completed in the underground training room of the hive.

Hong Chao has been visiting from the side, giving some suggestions or laughing at him from time to time.

Because she didn't know the inside story, she felt that Xiao Ming seemed to have "succeeded", and Hong Chao was very happy.

This is a flagship product! Even if Jiang Shizu's lineage only earns an agency fee, it is enough to make a lot of money.

This sister has already fallen into fantasy, how she will count money until her hands cramp in the future. As a result, Xiao Ming poured cold water on her.

After Xiao Ming's explanation, Hong Chao also understood why this thing could not be sold. She felt very sorry.

A pile of small money seemed to be flying away from her eyes, and her sister suddenly had an idea. If you are worried, we can use the contract of the reincarnation space.

Any family that wants to buy must sign a strict contract with Xiao Ming. At the same time, Jiang Shizu's lineage must also act as a guarantee.

Xiao Ming is responsible for transforming the puppets or undead soldiers provided by the other party so that they have the ability to arrange the Tiangang Beidou formation. The other party needs to pay a certain price.

Both parties shall not use this transaction to harm each other.

There may be many kinds of such harmful behaviors. If it is only expressed in words, it may take hundreds of pages to write, and it may not be complete. Humans are very good at taking advantage of loopholes in contracts.

Fortunately, the space contract is extremely powerful, and it does not matter what terms and words are used. What is bound is the soul of the person who signed the contract. There is no way to play word games.

Even if Xiao Ming is a VIP of the reincarnation space, once a space contract is signed, it must be executed and must not be violated.

Such a strong space contract also has costs, and all three parties have to bear them. Xiao Ming will definitely make less money. Red Tide will also make less money.

At the same time, Hongchao said that even so, this business will only be done with trusted acquaintances. She will never act as a matchmaker for anyone she doesn't trust.

The first business was with Hongchao herself, no, this zombie.

She is the person in charge of the League of Legends' northern headquarters in the New Han Kingdom. There are many secret bases in the northern headquarters, all of which require troops to be stationed.

In the past, Hongchao always assigned members of the League of Legends to guard them, and it cost a lot of money.

In addition to paying them wages, some means must be used to confirm that the other party will not disclose the secrets of the alliance. The cost is extremely high.

And it is not safe. It is too easy for people to trick the reincarnations. It is simply impossible to guard against.

Especially the Truth Society. It is the strongest reincarnation organization among the reincarnations, except for the two major alliances. It often makes some small moves.

Although the losses of the League of Legends are generally not too large, they will always suffer a certain degree of damage or have some things stolen.

At the same time, the Truth Society is often attacked by the alliance, and often loses manpower and resources. The two sides are like the government army and the resistance organization, and they have won and lost.

The Tiangang Beidou formation provided by Xiao Ming will bring a considerable advantage to the alliance.

Hongchao got thousands of level 2 skeleton swordsmen in one breath and transformed Xiao Ming. The effect of the Tiangang Beidou formation is more obvious when it is used on lower-level soldiers.

Although it is only a level 2 skeleton swordsman, after being controlled by the parasite, the combat effectiveness is at least increased by one level. It is estimated that there will be a part of it. It can take on more important guard work.

In the future, a secret base with more than a dozen reincarnations will be enough. The safety and secrecy will be greatly increased.

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