Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1162 Kunyan Velas

Of course, whether it is the Dragon Palace or the Underworld, they are facing a wider universe, and Pangu Star is just a drop in the ocean in their sphere of influence.

Xiao Ming guessed that the power of the Heavenly Court should also play a big role, but he has only heard of it now and has not seen any of the heavenly soldiers and generals from the Heavenly Court.

There is no rush for this matter. After a while, I will officially become a civil servant of the Underworld, and then I should know the situation of the Heavenly Court.

Back to the situation of the researchers in the game, it took a day and a night for Xiao Ming to take Tia, Liu Ke, and Sevi to spy on the hearts of thousands of people in Havana.

If Tia is still obsessed, it will be nonsense. For such a thing, it took until the morning of September 26th, which made Xiao Ming tired.

After all, the telepathy used by Xiao Ming is an A-level ability. The power he used is stronger than Professor X. The consumption is also not small, but fortunately Xiao Ming has enough energy.

When the main game was paused, Xiao Ming still went to the "Hunter x Hunter" secret realm to practice, so I will not mention it.

Telepathy is a level 7 skill in the game, and the explorer's master, Senior Guo Jinsong, is only a level 6 master. Therefore, the system assumes that such skills are qualified to advance the plot.

In fact, a few hours of telepathy is almost enough. But Tia was unwilling to accept it. It took more than a day before she was willing to accept the reality.

The biggest blow to her was the true attitude of her boyfriend, Finn Blanco.

This person is also in Havana, which is quite beyond Tia's expectations.

The Esconte army has already sent spies in Havana, and generally does not need such a high-level figure as Blanco.

As Esconte's staff officer, Finn Blanco used Tia to attack the hostile forces-the plan of the Governor-General of Cuba, Maldenard, was drafted by him.

For Tia, Finn Blanco should not be completely false, he still likes this beautiful, generous and strong girl.

It's just that he still puts the interests of the colonists first and treats the natives like pigs and dogs. This is an absolute difference in position.

This time, Tia came to Havana with her confidants, and Finn Blanco naturally knew about it through the spy planted next to Tia.

Worried that the plan would go wrong, he came in person to observe secretly and control the overall situation. If Tia and Maldenard colluded, he would be the scapegoat.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ming took action and exposed everything in Blanco's heart to his lover.

Seeing Blanco's heart, Tia almost collapsed.

Others may misunderstand Esconte's plan, but her boyfriend will never. It turns out that they didn't have good intentions for her from the beginning. They were all deceiving herself.

Esconte is fine, but even her boyfriend is like this. How can Tia not be heartbroken.

Fortunately, this descendant of the Inca royal family has an extremely strong character and survived.

The most important thing is that she has seen too much malice and cruelty from the colonists to the natives. She has seen too many people suffer.

Her own broken heart is so insignificant. Others are walking on thin ice!

Her sense of mission to liberate her fellow people makes her stronger. This is the characteristic of the protagonist NPC, born to be a hero.

In addition, Liu Ke and Sevi's support for her also played a big role.

Tiya brought her two right-hand men and knelt on one knee in front of the researcher, willing to become the researcher's force and accept his leadership.

As long as the researcher is willing to help him defeat the European colonists and liberate her compatriots. The prompt given by the system indicates that they really want to rely on themselves.

The researcher rubbed his forehead. This span is too big, and it is a bit unacceptable for a while. Why did he kneel down and submit directly?

Xiao Ming actually didn't understand how shocking the ability he showed was.

He maintained a skill as high as level 7 for a day and a night, and he looked at ease. What kind of strength is this? !

Although Xiao Ming himself was not surprised, he didn't know how much impact this had on others. Tiya naturally wanted to cling to someone powerful.

In addition, in telepathy, Tiya and the other two also felt Xiao Ming's kindness.

If Tiya didn't cling to a kind and powerful "powerful person", then she wouldn't be worthy of being the protagonist.

With such a good thing, Xiao Ming certainly accepted it. It was not until he accepted them that he learned that Tiya's forces had a rather strange name.

[Kunyan Veras] Pirate forces officially left the Esconte Army's combat sequence and joined the Li Family Pirates, under the direct leadership of the researcher.

Although the researcher was not the leader of the Li Family's pirates, he had sworn brotherhood with Li Huamei, the admiral of the Li Family's pirates, so he did have the right to decide on such matters.

However, since Tiya had left the Esconte Army, it was a formal rebellion, and the Li Family and the Esconte Army immediately entered a state of war.

All the port cities originally occupied by Kunyan Veras were taken back by the Esconte Army. Fortunately, Tiya didn't develop much power and suffered almost no losses.

The Li family pirates were also unlucky. They had not even developed in East Asia, but had already entered a state of war with the local snakes in America.

Diogo de Esconte and Li Huamei, neither of them had even heard of each other's name. They looked at the war prompt of the system, each of them was confused.

Li Huamei is okay, after all, she and the researcher are sworn brothers. He also knows that the third brother has gone to a very far place, and he doesn't know what he is doing.

Now that he has provoked an enemy from afar, it is not surprising. Anyway, America is so far away, and he can't go there for a while, so it doesn't matter.

Esconte is in a headache. Tia is a chess piece he values ​​very much, so he plans to rely on her to deal with his competitor Bascos de Maldenard.

This is great, how come she rebelled without taking care of her at first glance? She also joined a force far away in East Asia. How did they get together?

Now is not the time to consider these questions. As long as he catches this little girl, he will naturally know the whole story.

Esconte was furious and immediately ordered the entire army to arrest Tia and others within his sphere of influence. Whoever can catch them will be rewarded.

At the same time, the Li family pirates are also enemies of Esconte's army. Once his army encounters the Li family pirates, they will immediately go to war.

Fortunately, Havana where the researcher is located is the territory of the Maldenard Army.

If it was the city of the Esconte Army, Xiao Ming and his friends would not be able to stay in the inn. The entire city would refuse to serve the researcher and others.

The state of war is so unreasonable, unless Xiao Ming sends troops to capture the city.

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