Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 122 New Face

The metal arms don't need to be so detailed, as long as they can swing the sword normally, many unimportant things can be eliminated.

After careful consideration, Xiao Ming redesigned the plan in his mind. After checking it again, he felt that there was no problem. So he put it into practice.

The two metal arms turned into liquid again, gathered at a point at the back of the diver's neck spine, and formed a straight line with the left and right shoulders. A fulcrum was condensed here.

From the fulcrum, four mechanical arms were generated in the upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right directions respectively.

This time, the arms were cut corners a lot. It was basically skin and bones, because it was made of metal, even if it looked thinner, it actually crushed normal flesh and blood arms in all aspects.

Xiao Ming didn't care about the appearance, as long as the function was OK. Besides, the mechanical arms were thinner and longer, and they were not ugly.

Xiao Ming, who was waving six arms, felt that Nezha had really played a part at this moment, and the name should have played its role.

Nezha had three heads and six arms in the legend. This is also the origin of the name of this equipment. Although there are no three heads now, there are six arms.

The method of using it is ready-made - Naga's inherited six-arm sword technique (blue excellent level). This inheritance is already in Xiao Ming's mind, and only the arms are missing.

Taking out four spare knives from the diver's backpack, Xiao Ming began to practice the six-arm sword technique.

To say that the skills directly instilled into the brain using the inheritance gem are awesome, you can basically use them once you get started.

If you learn this six-arm sword technique normally, you will not hurt yourself by thousands of knives, and it will be difficult to even get started. If it is Xiao Ming, who has an underdeveloped cerebellum, he may not be able to get started in his lifetime.

Now Xiao Ming can move all six arms at the same time, waving out an overwhelming sword light that can cover his figure, but he doesn't cut himself much. This is the value of the inheritance gem.

If this scene is seen by other sea creatures, it will definitely cause an uproar. A level 1 Naga is actually using the six-arm Naga sword technique!

Is this the favor of the sea god to the Naga clan? Or is it just a special care for this Naga? …

Xiao Ming practiced for more than an hour. He sat on a rock on the seabed to rest until his metal arms were tired, breathing heavily.

Sitting on a rock is not strange. The stools and tables in the divers' homes are basically replaced by a stone, and even the bed is a larger stone.

How hard must that stone bed be! No wonder all the sea people have thick skin and flesh, it turns out that they are trained like this. Fortunately, Xiao Ming himself does not need to sleep on it.

Opening the character panel, I saw that the system has acknowledged that the diver has successfully mastered the entry level of the Naga tribe's 6-arm swordsmanship.

Of course, learning the 4-5 level swordsmanship is not possible to upgrade a level 1 diver to level 4.

It just increases the diver's physical attack power and defense power to 3 times the original. And it only takes effect when the diver uses 6 arms.

Attack power *3 is normal. Defense power is also *3 because the Naga tribe generally does not use shields, and defense is also blocked by the sword in their hands. Therefore, it also needs *3.

Although the attack and defense of a level 1 professional are both *3, they are not that abnormal. It is about the attack power of a level 2.

If you use the Naga inherited sword technique, the attack bonus attached to the advanced skill is very high.

Although Xiao Ming cannot fully exert it, it can also make the diver comparable to the level 3 professional in terms of attack and defense.

However, the weak vitality and strength reduce the diver's continuous combat ability. It is estimated that the current combat power can only be equivalent to that of a level 2 medium professional.

Don't worry, there is a long time to come, and the tide will rise. Xiao Ming is very confident that his combat power will continue to increase with the level. Level 2 will be reached soon.

At that time, the diver should grow 2 more arms, and he can use the 8-arm sword technique. Damn! Isn't that going against the sky?

Xiao Ming fell into the fantasy of YY and couldn't extricate himself...

6-arm sword technique, thinking about this name, Xiao Ming suddenly thought of the pretending artifact he had painstakingly designed - [Claude Six-style Combination Sword].

The six arms of the diver, holding Claude's six knives, and using the six-arm swordsmanship of Naga, must be very cool.

I was about to try it, but found that I couldn't try it. Claude's six styles were simulated by Xiao Ming using Nezha.

Now that Nezha has transformed into an arm, how can I simulate the combination of knives? Isn't this delaying my plan to pretend to be cool?

Do I have to create another set of six-style knives in each world just to pretend to be cool?

It would be better to continue to improve Nezha. But it's hard to find a way to improve general equipment!

Xiao Ming, who was thinking about it, decided to change his role to adjust his mood.

In the suburbs of Xinluo City, the Li family pirates were playing. There was a little loli with long black hair in the team.

She was wearing a pink dress and a blue skirt, and her figure was petite. The little girl was jumping around and was very lively, making the atmosphere in the team much more lively.

"Admiral, Admiral, let me tell you a secret. I can actually cast spells. It's really powerful." A crisp voice sounded. The whisper was heard by the whole team.

Before Li Huamei responded, there was a burst of laughter in the team. When we met her at the market, everyone saw the power of her spells.

"Girl, your spells are really powerful. You killed two flies in one go." James Reed was the first to tease.

"Yes, yes, uncle, I can't even hit you with my double swords."

"Miss Song, show us two more magics, they are much more beautiful than firecrackers."

"Yes, let's play, this is the wild, it won't cause any more commotion."

... All the sailors followed suit, and the little girl blushed. The group's favorite is the group's favorite, and her position in the team is clear at a glance.

"Don't listen to them, Feng'er." The pirate leader of the Li family was rare and gentle. Stroking the little loli's hair and comforting her:

"Your magic has great potential, sister won't lie to you. In my opinion, it will be as powerful as the magic of the Western world in the future."

"It's just that it's difficult to get started in Taoism practice, and it's even more difficult to practice it. You are still young, don't be impatient."

Since the leader said so, the subordinates naturally have to support him.

"It's absolutely true. There was a drought in my hometown, so I asked a Taoist priest to cast a spell to pray for rain. It was sunny, but suddenly it started to rain heavily. It was amazing..."

"The leader is knowledgeable and will definitely not make a mistake. Miss Xiao Feng'er, you should continue to practice and beat all of us uncles in the future."

Listening to the nonsense of her subordinates, Li Huamei's eyes flashed with a trace of reminiscence. In fact, she didn't say some words because she was afraid of hurting the little girl.

I had encountered the opportunity to cultivate immortals, but gave it up for my ideal. Because in terms of the same level, the combat effectiveness of Taoist priests is indeed not as good as other professions.

Because the authentic practice of Taoism is not to enhance combat effectiveness or lethality; but to enhance the form of life. That little combat effectiveness is a buy-one-get-one-free gift.

If I had chosen to cultivate immortals, I wonder if I would be the same as this little girl today?

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