Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1229: Dodgeball Game Winner

(ーー゛)'Oh my god! '*N, a group of people stared at the ball hovering in front of Mu, dumbfounded.

Everyone's judgment of Mu was already very high. Some people thought he could easily dodge, some thought he could bounce back, and some even thought he could catch Lei Zha's powerful jump serve with one hand, just like Lei Zha had done before.

The one who held this idea was Gulenu. His physical injuries were healed by Xiao Ming, and he woke up soon. He also knew that the benefactor who treated him was Mu. Of course, his thoughts were highly subjective.

Because Lei Zha caught the ball he threw with one hand before, he was very frustrated. So he hoped that the benefactor could avenge himself.

Unexpectedly, even Gulenu's imagination did not touch the edge of Mu's ability.

Mu's body was motionless, and with the help of layers of telekinetic chewing gum, he fixed the ball in the air. This beloved disciple of President Netero was a little too powerful!

The effect of [Stretchable Love] is mainly reflected in the auxiliary aspect, and defense is only a secondary ability. With the secondary effect of a simulated ability, he can easily resist such a powerful attack as Lei Zha. How unfathomable is Mu's own ability of mind? ! By analogy, how invincible is his master, President Netero? !

In fact, Xiao Ming only showed a small part. If he doesn't use mind power, he can stop the ball in the air with the power, mental power, small universe and other abilities.

Even if he leaves it alone, the ball can't penetrate the layers of protection on Xiao Ming's body. Of course, if he doesn't even protect himself, Mu's physical attributes can't withstand the ball and he will be killed in one blow.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Mu stretched out his hand to "pick" the ball from mid-air and smiled to Xiao Jie: "Xiao Jie, let's do it again."

Only Xiao Jie was a stubborn fool at the scene. He was not too shocked. He just thought that Brother Mu was already powerful. What's so surprising about this?

Hearing Mu Mu calling him, he immediately took an attacking posture and began to accumulate strength.

"OK, that's enough, I admit defeat." Lei Zha raised his hands to show that he accepted defeat.

His idea was: 'Just kidding, who wants to fight with you! Even if Xiao Jie is also on the field, he can't beat this Mu Mu. What if this guy uses me to test his other abilities, wouldn't his life be in danger? ! It's better to admit defeat quickly. '

So the player team successfully passed the level. Lei Zha also went through a game program and said to Xiao Jie and others: "We will leave this town as agreed."

The players were stunned, and then they remembered. Everyone's mission this time is to drive this group of pirates out of Shoufulabi. I almost forgot it.

Before leaving, Lei Zha took Xiao Jie to a corner and told him about his father, Jin Fulisi.

Although Xiao Jie's glory was completely overshadowed by Mu Mu's strength this time. But Lei Zha still saw Xiao Jie's shining points. He agreed with him very much.

Others were naturally embarrassed to eavesdrop on these words, only Xiao Ming did not have such a psychological burden and heard everything. But there were not many great secrets.

Jin was not on Greedy Island, and this game was also used to train Xiao Jie. When Xiao Jie was still a baby, Jin had brought him to Greedy Island.

A baby has no telekinesis, so he cannot be brought in by normal means. Jin took the back door. He is the creator of the game.

It is precisely because of these back doors. At the beginning, Xiao Ming and Brother Wen were randomly assigned to Greedy Island without any telekinesis.

Jin arranged his good friend Lei Zha here and told him not to show mercy to his son. He is really a "good father". If he trusts his son enough, isn't he afraid that Lei Zha will not be able to stop and beat his son to death?

Lei Zha is an honest man, and he really is merciless when he says he will not show mercy. If Xiao Ming was not there, even if Xiao Jie and his team could win, they would probably have to pay an extremely heavy price.

In the original work, Xi Suo replaced Xiao Ming, and everyone was seriously injured after a fight. They were almost picked up by the bomb demon group.

After Lei Zha left, the NPC who had given clues came and took everyone through a plot. The players got the No. 2 SS-level card [One Ping Coastline].

According to the original plot, due to the threat of the bomb demon trio, this group of people had to continue to cooperate and strive to pass the level quickly.

As a result, the bomb demon came directly to the door, and the two sides had a series of offensive and defensive battles. In the end, Xiao Jie, Killua, and Biscuit used some strategies to defeat the bomb demon and obtained all the opponent's cards. At the same time, the entire game was also completed.

In the secret realm of this life, although Xiao Ming intervened and the bomb demon had been dealt with in advance, they still cooperated.

This was the condition that was negotiated before coming to obtain one ping of coastline. Coupled with the appearance of Mu Mu, Jue Zi Jue La did not dare to regret it. Instead, he had to consider how to give up more benefits.

Xiaojie and his group, and Guolenu and his group, all went to continue their game.

Xiaoming wanted to go back to practice his Nen ability. But he was stopped by Juezijela. He made an invitation to Xiaoming.

His employer, the wealthy Mr. Bartra, offered a reward of 50 billion in the hope of getting the reward after clearing the level. It must be because he needs something on Greed Island.

Because the players who pass the game can take the three cards in the designated pockets out of Greedy Island. These three cards can still play their normal power outside the island. The other cards will be automatically invalidated once they leave Greedy Island.

Juezijela felt that Mutou was too powerful, and he was also the apprentice of President Netero. He had unparalleled connections.

With Mutou's ability, he might be able to fulfill Battra's wish directly. There would be no need to work hard to pass the game.

When he said this to Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming was also a little tempted. Not because of the 50 billion reward. But because it was beneficial to Xiao Ming.

The system's current task for Xiao Ming is to help Gon and Killua pass the game of Greedy Island. The rewards will be settled together after passing the game.

So even though he played such an important game just now, Mutou made a lot of efforts, but he didn't get any rewards. All the credits are accumulated in the game system.

With the help of Juezijela's team, Xiaojie's speed of passing the game will be faster. But this does not meet Xiao Ming's expectations.

Of course, he hoped that the clearance would come as late as possible. He would have more time to practice his ability to eliminate thoughts.

Xiao Ming actually had no interest in helping a super rich man realize his wish. But since it could help him, let's go and see it together.

If it was a reasonable wish that did not hurt others, he could help. If it was a particularly greedy wish, he could just ignore it. Could he force himself? !

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