Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 124: Tomb of King Wuning

"Big brother~ please~ just let us in, okay~?"

This kind of soft and gentle pleading, only one person in the whole team can do it - Song Xiaofeng.

She curled up two small fists, put them in front of her little face, flattened her little mouth, blinked a pair of big watery eyes, and made a cute expression of a kitten.

"Let's go in and take a look, and pay our respects. I promise not to be naughty, pinky."

This is her trick that has always been successful in the master's sect - the cute trick, and the captain of the guard in front of her is obviously unable to resist.

Although he knew that she was pretending, he still couldn't bear to refuse. And he was also afraid that the little girl would fail to be cute, and if she started crying again, he would not be able to explain himself.

Putting the long sword back into the scabbard at his waist, he waved helplessly at the little Lolita and the Li family:

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. Go in, but remember, you can only watch nearby, and you must not enter the royal mausoleum. The guards inside will kill people directly."

"Yeah! Thank you, big brother. Don't worry, we are just here to visit, and we won't go in to disturb him."

The little Lolita cheered, jumped up and kissed the captain of the guard on the cheek. He blushed. Then the group walked into the periphery of the royal mausoleum.

The captain of the guard smiled bitterly and shook his head. Since the Wuning King's Mausoleum was unveiled, there has been an endless stream of people who want to visit.

The royal family ordered strict inspections and ordinary people were not allowed to enter. Isn't this a mess? It would be fine if it could be strictly enforced, but there are always some people's favors to sell. Every now and then, there are always people who are asked to let in.

Today is the weekend again, and there are more people visiting. Many of them are irresistible, and it doesn't matter if there is a little Lolita.

Watching this scene, Xiao Ming found that he seemed to have missed the plot. Why did we come to the Royal Tomb? Xiao Ming had been distracted all the way.

First, he reviewed what happened before switching to the previous one in his mind. After learning that the researcher had bought a lot of things, he secretly checked the new items in the backpack space.

These were all bought by Xiaoer. Just a glance at Xiao Ming knew that there was another way to make a fortune. Most of the things bought and sold in Xinluo Capital are high-end goods.

Xinluo is a country with mixed races. There are three major races: humans, orcs, and undead. There are also many other subspecies, such as half-orcs, dwarves, etc.

Such a racial composition makes the country's goods rich and colorful. And because of the sea, the sea products here are not too expensive.

If you want to dump goods here, the profit is not big. But Xinluo is the best place to buy goods, and you can buy things from all races.

It is worth noting that it is now on the strategic map. Commercial trade on the strategic map is more complicated. It was different from the small fights that Xiao Ming had on the adventure map.

Xiao Ming's plan was to use the characteristics of the mind-controlling space to build a commercial chain on the strategic map that could make money continuously.

He had wanted to do this for a long time, but the towns he owned were too small to be considered commercial. They were basically self-sufficient small peasant economies.

The only prosperous city was Pingnan City. You couldn't do commercial trade with only one city. Now there was finally a trading partner - Xinluo.

But Li Huamei couldn't stay in Xinluo City permanently. She would definitely leave after the work was done. How could she stay? This was the question that Xiao Ming had been thinking about all the way.

He was confused until he arrived at the royal mausoleum, and was attracted by the conversation (quarrel) between the Li family and the guards of the royal mausoleum.

After observing for a while, Xiao Ming could be sure that the admiral must have come here specifically.

***The Li family pirates usually called Li Huamei informally, such as the big leader or the big boss.

After the little girl called the admiral several times, the others thought it was good and began to follow suit. Xiao Ming was also affected unconsciously***

Things related to graves should only be of interest to the dead. Aren't we pirates? Is our admiral going to change his profession?

After passing the outer defense, I saw a large area of ​​desolate hills and withered trees, and sometimes there was wind and sand.

The environment here is also quite bad, and it is very suitable for hiding tombs.

But today is quite different. A large number of tourists brought laughter and a lively atmosphere. The original desolate atmosphere was completely destroyed.

Of course, it is not to the point of being shoulder to shoulder, that is, there must be a group of people every 100 meters.

Most sailors thought they were really here for fun, but they thought there was nothing fun or interesting here. Could it be to see people?

The little girl also quickly exhausted her curiosity. No longer looking at those barren hills and dead trees, but sticking to Li Huamei to talk, making the pirate leader laugh and cry.

After walking a few hundred meters inside, we saw the main body of the mausoleum, but the entrance was tightly guarded by a group of elite soldiers.

There were several corpses displayed at the feet of the soldiers, and the appearance was terrifying, so that tourists dared not approach.

Li Huamei led everyone to walk around the mausoleum twice, sighed with some regret, and looked a little lonely. It seems that no loopholes in the defense were found.

Xiao Ming was very happy, looking at the [Golden Crown of Xinluo] in his backpack and secretly happy.

He was very familiar with this kind of mausoleum in the game. After realizing the universality of magic, any character of Xiao Ming could use the magic that he was more familiar with.

The most suitable magic to be used in the royal mausoleum is naturally the Death Harvest of the Dead. As long as the distance is close enough, it can be activated, such as now.

I don’t know whether the researcher was lucky for the first time, or the admiral had a mission to increase the success rate.

Death Harvest successfully obtained an item, and Xiao Ming stuffed it into the backpack without even looking at it. How can you hold the stolen goods in your hands? You can check it in the bag.

The researcher sneaked up to Li Huamei like a sleazy vendor selling pirated cards.

Seeing his mean look, the two beauties, one big and one small, wanted to beat him up. Be patient and see what he wants to do.

The researcher stretched out his right index finger in front of his mouth, made a silent gesture, and signaled the admiral not to make a fuss.

Then he showed the golden crown in the backpack to Li Huamei in a veiled manner, and quickly took it back. Even the little loli who was sticking her head out didn’t see it.

Li Huamei was surprised, and immediately took the Li family to leave the royal mausoleum.

If something was lost in the royal mausoleum and it was possible that it would be discovered by the guards, it would soon be unsafe. We must flee immediately.

Along the way, the researcher was kicked several times by the angry Xiao Feng'er. My dear, I really didn't mean to offend you.

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