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Chapter 1243 Master Shak Ti

The Jedi Knights who stayed in the temple knew that Master Mace Windu was in danger. You know, he has always been the backbone of everyone.

Everyone was waiting for Master Windu's instructions, but they lacked some subjective initiative. They did not consider countermeasures in time.

Now that it is basically confirmed that Master Windu will not give any more instructions, everyone started to think.

To be honest, Xiao Ming is an outsider, and he knows nothing about the status of Jedi Knights, the relationship with the government, and various connections... Asking him to think of countermeasures is like asking a blind man.

For the time being, Xiao Ming can only use his advantage in force to protect his own people and fight against the enemy. As for how to deal with the current complicated situation, he is helpless.

At this time, everyone's eyes naturally gathered on a female Jedi Knight Master, she is one of the twelve members of the Jedi Supreme Council: Master Shaak Ti.

Shaak Ti is a Togruta, a humanoid race from Shili.

She has a pair of blue and white stripes on her head with strange curved horns, and her face is painted with red and white camouflage, which looks like a Peking Opera mask.

Shaak Ti's swordsmanship is superb, and her combat power is A-level. She is praised by two top masters, Windu and Yoda.

Speaker Palpatine often appointed her to protect him and rewarded her many times.

Now that I think about it, Sidious should have intended to win her over or even rebel against her. It's just that he didn't succeed. But the repeated attempts to win her over also planted the seeds of doubt.

Because of this, Windu did not inform Shaak Ti when he went to capture Palpatine. If she had helped, he might not have failed.

Of course, it is also possible to put her in with him. After all, Sidious is the top master among all the Sith Lords, and Anakin Skywalker is a genius among geniuses.

In the original book, when Darth Vader led the Clone Corps to clear the Jedi Temple, Shaak Ti died at the hands of the other party.

At this time, as one of the few members of the Jedi Supreme Council in the temple, she naturally has the highest decision-making power.

"Madam Jocasta Nu, please lead 5 Jedi Knights to the library and archives to use the emergency beacon.

Contact all Jedi Knights who are not in the temple and tell them that Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord. He controls the clone army and is purging the Jedi Knights.

Tell them to be careful! Don't return to the temple easily. After finishing this, you must protect the archives. Once..."

At this point, Shaak Ti did not continue. But the meaning of the words is already very clear.

"I understand that at the last moment, I will destroy all the information and will not let them fall into the hands of the Sith."

Madam Jocasta Nu's old face showed a resolute expression. She pointed to 5 Jedi Knights and left.

She is a veteran Jedi Knight master with agile skills and a fiery personality.

Although she looks old now, her combat power should not be underestimated. Of course, she is definitely not the top one. She is probably around B level.

She has always been the library and archives manager of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Her status is no less than any member of the Supreme Council.

After looking at their backs for a few times, Shaak Ti turned to another female Jedi Knight Master.

"Master Depa Billaba, I will go to the liaison room immediately and declare Speaker Palpatine as a Sith Lord in the name of the Jedi Supreme Council and issue a wanted notice."

At this time, she sighed and said, "Alas, I don't know to what extent Palpatine's power has infiltrated, and our announcement may not be effective. It depends on you here."

Depa Billaba nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, I must kill Anakin and Palpatine and avenge my master."

The words were very tough, but the two female masters knew that this was wishful thinking.

They were no match for any of them. At this time, all they could insist on was the determination to die together.

Of course, before the clone army came in. The Jedi Order could also abandon the temple and flee.

But doing so would mean completely abandoning the capital and allowing Sidious to take power. Shaak Ti felt that it was not yet time for this. There was still a certain chance of winning.

It would be too late to escape at the last moment. The first thing to be sent out when escaping was the children.

The group of Jedi Knights protecting the children had been in contact with the Jedi Knights in the hall.

Thanks to Xiao Ming for delaying long enough, the Jedi Knights were able to organize and coordinate in a unified manner. Even if they were really attacked at this time, they might not be unable to defend. The Jedi Temple should not be underestimated because of the original plot.

Master Depa Billaba, who is at level B+, is actually a member of the Supreme Council. But she is too young and her prestige is far from enough.

Her master is Master Mace Windu. It is conceivable that she hates Anakin and Palpatine.

Originally, Shaak Ti had a higher fighting power, so she should lead the Jedi Knights to fight here, leaving Billaba to contact the government.

But seeing the sadness and hatred in Billaba's eyes, Shaak Ti knew that she had to leave Billaba here.

If it weren't for the smoke and fire outside, Billaba would have rushed out to fight Anakin.

Shaak Ti was still worried, and before leaving, she solemnly warned Billaba.

The battle here is entirely commanded by Billaba. If she loses her mind because of hatred, the defense battle of the temple will be in disarray. Everyone will probably die.

Such a heavy responsibility is placed on Billaba, forcing her to calm down. Concentrate on arranging defensive tactics.

"Master, how long can the means you have arranged outside the temple last? Give me the best and worst estimates." Billaba asked solemnly.

Yin Xiaoming smiled slightly: "The best estimate is this." As he spoke, he raised his right hand and drew a golden halo in the air.

With a "snap", a bloody body fell from the halo. It fell in front of everyone.

This person's hands and feet were broken, leaving only the lower half of his body and head. Everyone looked closely and saw who else but Anakin!

It turned out that Xiaoming had dealt with Darth Vader in such a short time. Using a cannon to kill mosquitoes is Xiaoming's favorite way of fighting.

When Darth Vader's Force was exhausted, all of Xiao Ming's flying swords, along with four Susanoo, suddenly launched a fierce attack.

Darth Vader barely managed to hold on with all his strength, but he had several more bleeding wounds on his body. The soldiers who fought together had long been dead.

However, just when he thought he was safe for the time being. A black shadow attacked from behind, and two of his hands and feet were cut off. After that, the black shadow disappeared again.

The one who committed this "tragedy" was the insect man Neferpitou. Her strength was not inferior to Darth Vader.

It was even more difficult to defend against sneak attacks when the enemy was at its weakest. Anakin did not deserve it.

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