Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1285 Dragon Warrior Title

"Your Excellency, [Dragon Warrior], the Satellite Dragon King 'One Sword Light Illuminates Nine Provinces' salutes you."

In the team space of Mingjing Team, although Xiao Ming did not appear in the form of a human-dragon combination, Zhao Jiuzhou could see his identity as a civil servant of the Dragon Palace at a glance.

Xiao Ming originally thought that no matter how high the status of a dragon warrior was, it would not be possible to surpass a dragon king like Zhao Jiuzhou.

Never expected that his status as a dragon warrior seemed to be really high. Zhao Jiuzhou not only saluted very respectfully, but also showed his original body to show respect.

This shows that the status of the Dragon Warrior has at least surpassed him, the Satellite Dragon King.

Xiao Ming had to summon Xiao Xiaoer, who had grown up for thousands of years, and the human dragon returned the gift to Zhao Jiuzhou.

Two dragon-like beasts appeared in the team space in their true form. It is conceivable how shocked the other team members would be.

Even Kraken, the octopus man from the universe who was well-informed, was stunned.

Of course, he had actually seen Zhao Jiuzhou's form before. Dragons in the universe are not uncommon. What shocked Kraken was Xiao Ming's new title, the Dragon Warrior.

In the universe, there are countless legends and even myths about the Dragon Warrior. There are good and bad ones, and Kraken's ears are almost calloused.

He never thought that one day he would be able to see this kind of existence that was said to be so magical.

Thinking of this, Kraken couldn't help but glance at the silver-shining Zhao Jiuzhou. He was suspicious, 'Are you two teaming up to fool me? '

He looked at Chen Wei, who was tall and elegant and had a phoenix-like temperament beside Zhang Xiaoming. He felt that it seemed to be somewhat credible.

My sister and Brother Wen didn't know how powerful the Dragon Warrior was in the universe, but they didn't feel anything special.

Xiao Ming had many miracles, so the two of them accepted it easily. They rushed over together.

Zhang Wen, the old man, was also gossiping like Xiao Jing'er at this time, and he spewed out a lot of questions.

Then Kraken also joined the gossip. Even Zhao Jiuzhou looked at Xiao Ming with some doubts in his eyes.

As a member of the dragon clan, he did know the dragon warriors, but he was also puzzled that Zhang Xiaoming could reach such a high position all of a sudden.

"Xiao Jing'er, don't pull Xiao Xiao'er's feathers." Seeing that his sister seemed to be doing something bad to Chen Wei, Xiao Ming hurriedly stopped her.

Xiao Jing'er quickly withdrew her hand, stuck out her tongue, and made a cute expression. Suddenly, she was startled and hugged Chen Wei.

"Brother, you said this is Xiao Xiao'er? How come he has grown so big?" The first time she saw Xiao Xiao'er's Chen Wei state, she didn't think of the little brat before.

"Aunt, I'm Xiao Xiao'er." Xiao Xiao'er was also worried that Aunt Xiao Jing'er would really pull his beautiful feathers and turn into a human form.

He is now "older". After turning into a human form, he is like a twin of Xiao Ming now, except that he has two more dragon horns on his head.

As soon as she saw this person and heard these words, her sister immediately knew that this was indeed Xiao Xiao'er. She turned her head and gave Xiao Ming a blank look.

When he taught Xiao Xiao'er to speak, he always asked Xiao Xiao'er to teach her sister. But Xiao Ming asked him to call her aunt, so Xiao Xiao'er naturally listened to Da Da.

This made the younger sister very depressed, but she could do nothing about it. She had to pinch Xiao Xiao'er's face and ask him why he had grown so big?

Xiao Xiao'er was actually confused about this matter. Da Da had to explain it. Zhang Wen, Zhao Jiuzhou, and Kraken also listened attentively like a curious baby.

A few minutes ago, Xiao Ming, after careful consideration, decided to accept the recruitment of Qianxinglou and become a civil servant in the Dragon Palace.

He had just "taken office" and his "probation period" had not even passed, but his "title" began to rise rapidly. The situation was very similar to when he was employed as a civil servant in the underworld.

In the underworld, it was because Xiao Ming brought a vast underworld with him, so the reincarnation gem had to promote him according to the rules.

This time, Xiao Ming brought a vast private world with him. You have to know that the world view of "Yu Yu Hakusho" is very large.

If it is really according to the description in the original book, it is a huge world composed of countless demon world planes, human world and spirit world. The private world cannot be so big.

So the world of Yu Yu Hakusho given to Xiao Ming by the reincarnation space is a simplified version.

However, the main planes mentioned in the book exist, and there are also some fragmented demon world planes. Xiao Ming has not really come into contact with them.

Even such a private world that is not particularly "complete" has crossed a very important threshold.

Such a large private world directly promoted Xiao Ming's dragon warrior title by several levels. To the level of Shenlong Warrior.

Xiao Xiaoer also followed and crossed countless years, and his strength grew to the B+ stage.

Fortunately, the foundation of the reincarnation space is the time gem. It can instantly compress time.

Otherwise, such an employment transformation would probably take at least a month, just like when he was employed as a civil servant in the underworld.

As for how many levels are crossed from dragon warrior to Shenlong Warrior. Xiao Ming has no idea at all.

Anyway, he could feel that the Shenlong Warrior seemed to have crossed a big threshold, and it would be very difficult to get promoted in the future.

That would not be something that could be done in tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of years. It might be necessary to use the concept of the birth and death of the world.

As a Shenlong Warrior, Xiao Ming's combat power also soared greatly when he used the [Combination] skill.

It is mainly due to the power of the Time Stone. His speed has become very fast. Both in terms of attack speed and movement speed.

In fact, it is just like his previous skill [Every second counts], which stretches his own time.

In the past, Xiao Ming had practiced in the Saint Seiya world for more than ten years. His accumulated microcosm was very deep, but he could never cross the threshold of the Gold Saint.

Even though he was recognized by the Cancer Gold Cloth later. But his actual ability still cannot send out the so-called "light speed punch". He can't reach absolute zero or even lower temperatures.

The main reason is that Xiao Ming doesn't really agree with this in his heart. According to the rules of physics, the speed of anything cannot reach the speed of light, and absolute zero cannot be reached, let alone below.

However, the rules of physics are only one of the rules in the universe. Various supernatural energies also have another set of rules. The ability of the Time Stone is of course to manipulate time.

As long as he uses the combined skills and transforms into a dragon warrior, Xiao Ming can easily make his attack reach or even exceed the speed of light.

Such a high speed naturally brings powerful destructive power. He can now be said to be on par with the top gold saints, or even better.

Of course, this operation requires a lot of green energy.

Fortunately, the benefits given by the soul gem also come from the time gem.

When Xiao Ming became the Hades, the purple energy tree was more than 9 meters high. When he became the dragon warrior, the green energy tree was also raised to more than 10 meters. It can be used freely.

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