Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1290 Separate Actions

Before each mission begins, the reincarnation space will set a period of stagnation so that the reincarnationists can discuss with each other.

Everyone feels that the identity given to the reincarnationists in this reincarnation space is very considerate. In a few words, the Mingjing team quickly determined the future course of action.

When the mission world was just opening, they each went their own way and mixed into the crowd at the train station, pretending that they didn't know each other at all.

This is the most basic course of action. According to the grouping of the space, 5 groups were established with each Xiao Ming as the center. There will be no contact between the groups.

All contacts are completed by Xiao Ming's own spiritual communication. These are 5 spy teams that are almost impossible to find problems.

The conditions are very good, but how Xiao Ming can surrender to Yan'an, and how other groups can mix into the spy organizations of other forces, this is the biggest problem at present.

After all, this is a task given by the space, and waiting is definitely not okay. At least some actions must be taken. This is the main line task 1, and the difficulty should not be great.

I just don't know what this so-called "difficulty" will be reflected in.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming has a strong advantage. Although he can't read minds, he has a strong ability to read people's words and expressions, and can roughly know whether other people are good or evil, true or false.

This is a residual effect of long-term use of supernatural energy. Although supernatural energy can no longer be used, it can still play a little bit of effect.

Distinguishing good from evil is the ability of civil servants in the underworld; perceiving the truth of the other party's words is the intuition of the force + telekinesis. This intuition rarely goes wrong.

Xiao Ming believes that "going to the pole is not a business". If you take the initiative to apply for a job in any intelligence agency, it will definitely arouse the other party's suspicion.

If you want to recruit yourself, they may have to wait and check.

So the best way is to intentionally or unintentionally show some characteristics that meet the other party's "recruitment standards". I hope to attract the other party to come to you on their own initiative.

Therefore, as a student leader and the leader's sister, you have to behave like progressive youth.

Hate the Japanese, regard the Wang Puppet as a traitor, and be very unhappy with the corruption in Chongqing.

Of course, this is Shanghai, the Japanese occupation area. This kind of performance cannot be too extreme, so as not to backfire. If the Japanese or Wang Puppet spies really shoot them, where can they go to seek justice.

The leader's vanguard and the fat protector are easier to deal with. They just need to show that they are proud of their Japanese identity and look down on the characteristics of Chinese people. Basically, they are reliable.

The Japanese organization will most likely trust their own people more. Xiao Ming thinks that this identity may be the first to be recruited.

The sword light coldly shines on Jiuzhou and the leader's guard who work in the Wang Puppet Government need to appear to be profit-seeking.

No. 76 does not believe in any doctrine, and does not even care about betrayal and becoming a traitor. He only seeks fame and fortune. This character is the most appropriate.

Xiao Ming feels that it is not easy to handle Kraken who runs a teahouse and the leader's left guard. But the teahouse is a great location.

It is suitable for collecting intelligence and contacting people. Maybe someone from Chongqing can come directly.

As for the leader's right guard and Zangma who are mixed in the underworld. Xiao Ming has thought about it. They are the thugs of the other four groups. At the critical moment, they will eliminate some dangerous people for the other four groups.

They just need to concentrate on playing the role of the gangster. Maybe the four forces will come to cooperate with them.

Since this is a team-building task, as long as any Xiao Ming contacts the people in Yan'an, he can represent the entire team to join the Yan'an forces, and the main task 1 will be completed.

Not every reincarnation needs to be contacted by Yan'an in person. This makes the difficulty much lower.

Otherwise, how can the leader, the vanguard, and the fat protector, who are Japanese, complete the task? And it is also convenient to infiltrate other forces.

At the beginning of the task, the five groups each entered a different life. It's really uncomfortable.

Alas, how can I say it. The quality of life during this period is really incomparable to Pangu Star. The gap is too big.

Everyone has lost their supernatural energy, and many troubles have appeared in life again. For example, washing clothes and so on.

Everyone was very uncomfortable with life for a while. After a long time, they gradually adapted.

"Sister Yukina, we are here again. Give me seven bowls of ramen." Several Japanese soldiers walked into the ramen restaurant, howling.

Before Yukina could speak, sister-control Feiying raised the Japanese sword in his hand and shouted at them:

"You bastards, don't try to hit on my sister. Otherwise I..."

"Otherwise, you will kill us. Got it, got it, Brother Feiying. This is your swordsmanship! We promise to treat Yukina like a princess."

The soldiers nodded and flattered him. They also gave a thumbs up to praise Feiying's swordsmanship.

Feiying put the Japanese sword back into his waist with a cold expression, and said nothing more. He crossed his hands in front of his chest and scanned the inside of the noodle restaurant coldly.

His identity is the bodyguard of the ramen restaurant, and it is not his turn to work.

Yukina is the chef, responsible for making ramen and other Japanese dishes. Her cooking skills are quite good. She is a good wife and mother.

As the shopkeeper, the leader of the vanguard is like a waiter. He was responsible for serving and taking orders. He didn't have the aura of a boss at all.

This small noodle shop had seven or eight tables. Besides Japanese people, some foreigners also patronized the restaurant, but there was no Chinese customer.

That’s because Xiao Ming wanted to join the Japanese, so he put up the infamous sign outside this noodle shop [XX people and X are not allowed to enter]. Of course, he had to act out the whole play.

On the third day of the mission, these Japanese soldiers were attracted by the sign and came to this noodle shop to eat noodles.

Seeing the beauty of the girl Xuecai, they couldn’t control themselves. If they were not all Japanese, they might have directly robbed the beautiful girl.

Since she was a native, they didn’t think of doing anything too excessive, just taking advantage of her verbally. It would be even better if they could touch her hand.

However, they met Feiying, a sister control, who knocked all the people to the ground with just the scabbard, and there were one or two front teeth in the blood foam he spit out.

Xiao Ming thought he was in trouble now. If he attracted the army’s revenge, this group of people would get a box lunch in advance.

Unexpectedly, these soldiers were convinced and even took the initiative to help the noodle shop attract customers.

Xiao Ming didn't understand, but in fact, the Japanese admired swordsmen very much. Feiying, who was good at swordsmanship and had a cold expression, became the idol of several soldiers.

They regarded him as a hermit swordsman like Kamiizumi Nobunaga and Miyamoto Musashi.

Since then, the business of the ramen restaurant has been getting better and better. There are both men and women. Many people come here just to appreciate Feiying. His popularity is higher than his sister.

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