Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 131 The Ascetic's Attempt

Touching the golden statue of the God of Light in his hand, Xiao Ming felt complicated.

He just wanted to take a shortcut and complete a task. Unexpectedly, he not only upgraded the strategic treasure statue, but also set the teleportation coordinates on the territories of the other two characters.

It can be said with certainty: multi-point teleportation and character gatherings must be a great advantage.

But Xiao Ming only has a vague idea of ​​how to use this advantage. Oh, forget it, let's talk about it later.

In fact, this is the problem of losers. They have advantages but are unwilling to develop them 100%, or even 200%.

Without a strong purpose, everything goes with the flow. No wonder they can't even get into the middle class for so many years.

Zhang Xiaoming is an obvious example. The superpower of strengthening items has been with him for decades. If he had fully developed this ability, he would have been different.

There are many common routines in novels: strengthening food, taking the chef route; strengthening medicine, taking the miracle doctor route; developing sophisticated machinery, taking the engineer route...

If he focused on one and was willing to become famous, he would have been a winner in life by now.

Getting promoted and getting a raise, becoming a general manager, becoming a CEO, marrying a rich and beautiful woman... this is really not difficult for him.

When he was young, Xiao Ming really didn't have these ideas, and his superpowers were only used for emergencies.

After the age of 30, his horizons broadened, and the key was that he came into contact with online novels, which broadened his mind all of a sudden. He also understood the general routines.

Thirty-something is a good time, and it's not too late to fight now. A bright future is in front of him, but Xiao Ming at this time doesn't have that mind.

He who wears the crown must bear its weight, and the winner in life must withstand the wind and rain.

Xiao Ming, whose salty fish personality has already taken shape, is too lazy to fight. Especially when he has to deal with those intrigues and scheming.

He only went to find that trouble when he was full. How good it is to live a stable and quiet life now.

The biggest dispute around him is the quarrel between his sister and Zhang Wen, or the fight between the guardians in the church. How harmonious it is.

In the game, Xiao Ming let go a lot, and used his superpowers very coquettishly. It's because the game is a world that can be abandoned at any time, and the worst thing is to stop playing.

But I didn't expect that I fell into the pit. The water of the magic planet is so deep! In just one week, Xiao Ming was involved in a somewhat chaotic situation.

Otherwise, why do people say that they can't be reckless, and problems will arise if they are reckless.

If Xiao Ming knew that things would turn out like this 7 days ago, he didn't dare to say whether he would use superpowers to strengthen the game cabin.

The main reason for hesitation is that he is reluctant to give up the uniform series of mind beasts.

There is not much time left for the game today, Xiao Ming weighs the situation:

The temple on the seabed has been completed, and the function of the temple can be checked tomorrow;

The deceased stays in Pingnan City, and there is no need to worry about it for the time being;

The researcher has a lot of things to do, but there is no rush, there is plenty of time to sort them out.

It is really only the explorer's things that need to be finished. The explorer has other tasks on the adventure map tomorrow morning.

When Xiao Ming thought of the High Priest Lan, his head hurt a little. I hope I can relax tomorrow. I shook my head and didn't think about this for now.

Use superpowers to equip 40 new peasants in Han Dong's friendly army with crossbows.

As for the ascetics, there is not much faith value stored in the statue, so I can only do experiments.

Use 60 points of faith value to select one from each of the four teams of level 2 swordsman, level 2 archer, level 1 infantry, and level 1 peasant of the friendly army to transfer to an ascetic.

Spend the same amount of faith value to summon spirit pets for the four ascetics. Swordsman dog spirit, archer pigeon spirit, infantry cat spirit, peasant dog spirit.

The pigeon spirit possession only increases the archer's range and hit rate, but does not allow the owner to fly.

Spend 80 gold coins to buy the ascetic cane from the ascetic equipment bag, and equip the suit and pet armor for the four people.

Next is the highlight. Xiao Ming uses his superpower to strengthen the equipment of the 2nd-level soldier. He evolves two people into the Swordsman and Archer.

As for the peasant, there is no need to evolve. His original wooden fork is not as good as the cane. There is no such profession as the peasant.

Xiao Ming did not want to evolve the 1st-level infantry-transferred monk. His original short sword was not as useful as the cane. But for some reason, he had to evolve it.

Luck came again, and he was evolved into the 1st-level Swordsman. Is there such a possibility?

Xiao Ming does not know, and can only attribute it to the fact that Han Dong, the future swordsman hero, played a subtle role.

It is worth mentioning that the Swordsman and Archer monks can return to their original teams because they have evolved and picked up their original professions.

The friendly peasants can also return to the peasant team. Because this time the friendly army is in the plot mode, the organization is quite special.

That level 1 swordsman ascetic can no longer return to the infantry unit, but can join the level 2 swordsman team.

The reason why the ascetic has to be evolved is that ordinary ascetics converted from infantry cannot join any existing team.

And Han Dong's team is full. He can't be listed as a separate team. So he has to evolve.

But evolving into a swordsman ascetic makes him lose his long-range combat power.

It seems that I have to be more careful in the future, don't convert all the level 1 long-range into melee ascetics, that would be terrible. Xiao Ming still needs long-range.

(Here Xiao Ming is limited by his own habits. He can also equip swordsmen with crossbows. He just considers equipping Han Dong with a team of pure swordsmen to avoid affecting his hero characteristics.

That's why Xiao Ming has never given Han Dong's swordsmen long-range capabilities. In fact, if the long-range is insufficient, the swordsmen should be decisively equipped with crossbows.)

The job transfer of the soldier creature to the ascetic monk is different from the job transfer of the free NPC Han Dong, Qiu Santong and others.

The ascetic monk's inherited skills learned automatically are relatively few, probably because they are not smart enough. (The intelligent program is relatively low-level.)

When the first-level soldier becomes an ascetic monk, it automatically learns only the primary healing technique and the parrying skill of the cane.

Parrying can reduce the damage of the enemy's physical attack: 50% chance of completely resisting, 30% chance of only receiving half the damage, and 20% chance of not blocking.

This is quite strong. Imagine if a team is full of ascetics, how strong will this team's resistance to physical attacks be!

Of course, the chance of resistance also depends on the difference in strength between the two sides. If facing the impact of a team of 6th-level paladins, the chance of resistance is almost 0.

Healing allows the ascetic soldiers to treat other injured soldiers. This is the job of the ascetic - priest.

But the action of the troops is collective. There will not be a situation where some soldiers in the same army go to heal and some soldiers go to attack.

So if Han Dong orders a squad of 15 archers to heal other troops, only the soldier who has been transferred to the ascetic will give treatment, and the others will do nothing.

If you want to carry out meaningful treatment, you still have to wait until the number of ascetics is larger.

A large number of ascetics, with their melee and healing abilities, will provide heroes with more tactical options.

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