Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1312: The Flower Ship Sinking in the East China Sea

Seeing that Nan Xiren was so anxious, Huang Yaoshi was very puzzled. What a big deal, so he asked:

"Brother Nan, although my flower boat is not yet completed and has some flaws, it carries two small boats. With the martial arts of Brother Qi and Brother Zhou, it's just a close call. What's more, I have ordered Rong'er and Jing'er to follow and protect, so there will be no danger."

Xiao Ming sighed: "Alas, Brother Yao's arrangement is of course perfect. It's a pity that Brother Yao forgot one person..." He paused here.

Zhu Cong closed the fan in his hand and knocked it, saying: "Fourth brother, are you worried about the West Poison Ouyang Feng?!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Huang Yaoshi, Ke Zhenwu, and Quan Jinfa all changed.

Quan Jinfa murmured to himself: "It's been two decades, the West Poison will still...?"

Huang Yaoshi was also a little worried. He knew very well that the West Poison was very powerful and had always coveted the Nine Yin Manual.

Now, Ouyang Feng didn't know that the lower volume of the Nine Yin Manual had been destroyed, and the upper volume was in the hands of the Old Boy. He probably had doubts about the Old Boy, the Black Wind Twins, Huang Yaoshi and others.

It was rumored in the martial arts world that Chen Xuanfeng was dead, and Mei Chaofeng was captured by the East Evil Huang Yaoshi and taken back to the island, and she would probably not live long.

The only people who could be counted on were Huang Yaoshi and the Old Boy. If the Black Wind Twins really had the Nine Yin Manual, it would probably have returned to Huang Yaoshi's hands.

This time, Ouyang Feng came to Peach Blossom Island and learned that the Old Boy had not appeared in the martial arts world for more than ten years. It turned out that he was left on Peach Blossom Island by Huang Yaoshi.

The Old Boy and Huang Yaoshi were both on the island. How could a person like Ouyang Feng be willing to retreat? Maybe he was really looking for opportunities around.

It stands to reason that the West Poison and the North Beggar are equally matched, and the Old Boy is even better. As for Ouyang Ke's kung fu, Guo Jing and Huang Rong could naturally deal with it.

The two little guys learned Nan Xiren's longevity secrets, and often practiced together, and their internal strength improved rapidly. Erxiao was no longer afraid of Ouyang Ke.

Especially Guo Jing, after learning to fight with both hands, his fighting power doubled out of thin air, and it was no difficulty to beat Ouyang Ke.

The four of them can be said to have a sure win against the father and son of the West Poison. It seems that there is no need to worry.

But the problem is that the reason why Ouyang Feng is called the West Poison is that he raises poisonous snakes and is really good at using poison. Second, this person is also quite vicious.

The environment on the sea is different from that on land, and it is not entirely determined by martial arts. In addition, the unreliable teammate of the old naughty boy.

Hong Qigong and others may really suffer. The probability of this happening is not high, but it is not impossible.

Zhou Botong and Hong Qigong are fine, but his daughter and son-in-law cannot be lost. Thinking of this, Huang Yaoshi could no longer sit still.

The five people discussed and split into two groups. Each of them drove a large ship out to sea to search. The Four Monsters of Jiangnan went one way, while Huang Yaoshi and Mei Chaofeng went the other way.

The reason why Mei Chaofeng was brought along was naturally to guard against Ouyang Ke; and Mei Chaofeng was grateful for the opportunity to redeem herself.

The East Evil divided his troops in this way because he considered the issue of strength. The East Evil was so conceited that he thought that his combat power, combined with Mei Chaofeng's, should be about the same as that of the Four Monsters of Jiangnan.

Although this idea slightly underestimated Nan Xiren, who would also fight each other, it was almost right.

Xiao Ming knew that the situation with a very small probability that Huang Yaoshi had expected would almost certainly happen. Because that was the main plot of this secret realm. He had to catch up as soon as possible.

If he did not participate, Xiao Ming was very confused as to whether the game system would do something weird.

Of course, it was also possible that it would be the same as the story line in the original book, with no danger.

Fortunately, the game system required players to participate in the main plot. Nan Xiren and others' large ship met Hong Qigong and others soon after.

Previously, the system took advantage of the Jiangnan Seven Freaks' retreat to force the advancement, just to stimulate the main plot. If you think about it carefully, the retreat was actually proposed by Ke Zhenwu and others.

The system was worried that Nan Xiren would make trouble in the middle, which would prevent the main plot from being stimulated, so it chose a roundabout tactic.

But as long as the plot is started, the system will no longer set obstacles for Xiao Ming, the player. After all, he is currently the only player qualified to participate in the plot.

Of course, if Xiao Ming deliberately does not participate, the main plot that has been stimulated will continue to move forward. It will not be stuck.

The game system will only block the plot and not start the next stage of the story line when the overall level of the players is not enough.

Once a certain plot begins, it will definitely have a beginning and an end.

Let's say that after leaving Peach Blossom Island, Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong and several mute servants drove a flower boat out to sea.

Soon after, it was discovered that Ouyang Feng's big boat was following his boat, approaching and distant, with ulterior motives.

The old naughty boy was in a playful mood and drove his boat to the east sea, changing the course in a mess. Ouyang Feng's big ship followed slowly, neither getting close nor getting far away.

Later, Ouyang Feng suddenly found that there was a big ship behind him.

Everyone on the boat was dressed in black and masked. I don't know what was strange. But they looked sneaky and had bad intentions.

This ship was of course Guo Jing and Huang Rong's. After they went out to sea, they soon found that Ouyang Feng was following Hong Qigong and the old naughty boy.

Huang Rong was smart. At that time, she pretended to be passing by and ordered her ship to stay away. Ouyang Feng naturally didn't see Guo and Huang, thinking they were just passing merchant ships.

Huang Rong told Guo Jing that if he went to meet his master now, Ouyang Feng would know about it. He would expose his strength.

Why don't we all wear black clothes and masks and pretend to be the third force. Maybe Ouyang Feng will be afraid to act rashly. At the very least, he can find a more suitable time to enter.

This plan was originally good, but the problem was that Hong Qigong's flower boat was going to sink. Huang Yaoshi did not tell his daughter directly about this matter.

Dong Xie's original intention was to let the old naughty boy suffer a little in the water, and then rescue him and teach him a lesson.

Huang Rong didn't know about this, so she didn't go forward to meet her master early. So there was the story behind.

At noon that day, the wooden planks at the bottom of the flower boat spread apart and sank rapidly. Hong Qigong and the old naughty boy were very skilled in martial arts, and they broke a mast in time and floated on the sea.

As for the two small boats specially carried on the flower boat, they had long been rowed away by several panicked mute servants. The mute servants were not good people to begin with, and they naturally only cared about themselves in times of crisis.

Seeing this, Ouyang Feng did not immediately go forward to rescue them. He knew that with Hong Qigong and Lao Wan Tong's kung fu, they could float on the water for a while anyway.

If they were rescued immediately, the two would not have much physical exertion, and he was not sure of winning. It would be better to let them soak in the sea for a while. So he stopped the boat and watched from a distance.

On the sea, the three boats were quite far away. From Huang Rong and Guo Jing's boat, they could not see the flower boat sinking.

Only the boat of Baituoshan stopped. Naturally, we also stopped the boat temporarily to wait and see.

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