Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1340 Comparing numbers with the Chimera Ants

[Z-series puppetry] - [Throwing beans to make soldiers], this is just a name that comes up with something.

"Throwing beans to make soldiers" was originally a Taoist technique. Unfortunately, Xiao Ming doesn't know it. His "Throwing beans to make soldiers" is a magic that creates a large number of low-level puppets.

Just send out a few Seven Star Shadow clones and use magic on the thick dead branches and leaves piled up on the forest floor.

Countless 0-2 level wooden puppets stood up, searching for chimera ants all over the mountains and fields, and fighting with them.

The combat power of a general puppet made of ordinary branches is about 1 level. It is equivalent to a slightly stronger human.

The reason why there are a large number of 0-level puppets is that some branches have been rotten for too long. Although they were barely synthesized into puppets under the power of magic, they are still too brittle.

Basically, they will break if touched. Even if no one touches it, it may fall apart while walking.

Since it is a world with a higher energy level like "Hunter x Hunter", there are naturally some branches with quite good texture in the forest. The puppets they formed were of level 2.

Xiao Ming's parasites, which were almost everywhere, quickly entered the bodies of these level 2 puppets and became the command center.

Parasites cannot improve the physical properties of puppets, but they can make the puppets set up the Tiangang Beidou formation, or even the Tiangang Beidou formation.

This move undoubtedly greatly enhanced the combat effectiveness of the puppets. How could the chimera ants see through the mystery of the Tiangang Beidou formation? It was inevitable that they were confused.

And even if the puppet soldiers were killed, the parasites generally would not die, and they could quickly change another puppet to parasitize. Unless they were very unlucky.

In addition, there were countless dead branches and fallen leaves in the forest, but the corpses of animals were difficult to preserve.

Except for the animals that had just been hunted, the corpses had long been eaten up by carnivores.

However, most of the bones of the corpses were preserved, after all, there were not many animals that could digest bones.

As long as the shadow clone felt that the breath of death was relatively strong, [Death Harvest] could be launched. So all kinds of animal skeleton soldiers appeared.

Xiao Ming now has a deeper understanding of undead magic, and the skeleton soldiers he summons are no longer mainly in human form.

The forest is full of animal bones. Forcibly combining them into human skeleton soldiers requires more magic power, and their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of animal forms.

On the contrary, shaping animal skeleton soldiers according to the prototype of bones is relatively more efficient. This is a manifestation of Xiao Ming's progress in undead magic.

Why is this so? The answer is that learning makes people progress. Xiao Ming once left various shadow clones on the Yan Emperor Galaxy-Nuwa Planet.

About 2 months ago, the army of the New Han Kingdom once recruited Zhang Xiaoming to go to the Qingqiu Base on Nuwa Planet to assist in guarding.

A series of things happened at that time, and as a result, Zhang Xiaoming met the indigenous 7th-level intermediate undead mage Breman. He became a distinguished guest of the Breman Kingdom.

So Xiao Ming stationed several Seven Lights Shadow Clones and some ordinary Shadow Clones in that undead city. Later, naturally, a lot of parasites were sent.

These clones go deep into all walks of life in the city of the dead and learn all kinds of knowledge and magic related to the dead.

It's just that the learning process is slow. First, because the pace of life of the dead species is slow.

They especially like to sleep. When they are bored, it is common to sleep for several days, months, or years. High-level dead can even sleep for tens of thousands of years.

For more than two months, Breman has not met Xiao Ming again.

Because in Breman's feeling, Xiao Ming just arrived. It would be more appropriate to arrange the next meeting and conversation a few years later.

Even later doesn't matter. Too early will appear to be too enthusiastic.

Second, because the undead race has a long lifespan, they are not willing to teach their skills to other undead. They all like to hide it.

After all, isn't it better for others to keep it as a trump card. It's not okay to teach the apprentice to starve the master to death.

So Xiao Ming needs to "pick" out of their minds bit by bit. But this is not a simple matter.

Most of the high-level undead have strong mental power, so there are many ways to protect their own mental power in the undead magic.

When facing other races, even if they are A-level masters, Xiao Ming can use telepathy to get the information he wants from their brains.

But in the undead race, telepathy against B-level guys often fails.

And when they succeed by chance, they will usually be discovered by the other party and cause a commotion. So the learning process in the Bremen Kingdom is relatively slow.

Such a long time has passed. Xiao Ming has not learned much new undead magic, but after long-term contact, his understanding of the undead race has deepened a lot.

When using Death Harvest or other undead magic, the effect will be more arbitrary and flexible.

Tens of thousands of puppets and skeletons shocked both the enemy and us.

Our personnel are naturally surprised. As long as you are good at using these cannon fodder as cover, the chance of being killed by the chimera ants is greatly reduced.

Several people in the Phantom Troupe and Ilmi have been besieged by puppets or skeleton soldiers. I know how troublesome these guys are.

I didn't expect that when they become partners, they are so reliable.

The enemy Chimera Ants are horrified. They will be dragged into a messy fight by the cannon fodder all over the mountains. There are even cases of low-level soldiers being killed by the cannon fodder.

In theory, it is difficult for Chimera Ants above the rank of Captain to be killed by low-ranking soldiers. Even if they are injured, they still have a chance to escape.

However, unfortunately, there are many masters hidden among these cannon fodders. They will secretly attack the captains and division commanders of Chimera Ants.

As long as they are surrounded by puppets and skeleton soldiers, almost no Chimera Ant can escape.

In the original work, the initial crusade team was composed of three masters, President Netero, Nobu, and Moruowu. They attacked Chimera Ant with three people and did not mobilize other hunters.

What the president is worried about is that hunters with insufficient combat power cannot guarantee their own safety, but are easily eaten and absorbed by Chimera Ants and transformed into the combat power of Chimera Ants.

According to this statement, the most regrettable thing for Chimera Ants is that they did not let the Queen eat Kate's body.

Although Kate was reborn in the Chimera Ants in the end. But his powerful and well-tempered body was made into a toy by Neferpitou.

If Kate's body is eaten by the queen, it is very likely that a division commander who is far superior to his peers will appear. It is also possible that he can compete with the three guards.

At least, absorbing so much high-level energy can also allow the ant king Meruem to be born earlier and even become more powerful.

Therefore, the president's decision is understandable.

In this life, Xiao Ming used cannon fodder soldiers that cannot be absorbed and came up with human sea tactics. Whether it is puppets or skeletons, they are things that chimera ants cannot eat.

On the contrary, the corpses left by chimera ants have strengthened the strength of the expedition team.

Most of them were absorbed by Xiao Ming, and the few survivors were parasitized by the alien queen and turned into relatively powerful alien warriors. They formed an alien combat team with the queen as the core.

After this battle is over, Xiao Ming can take the queen and the alien warriors back to the summoning cube.

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