Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1347 Let’s go play

For this fact, Kate, Mo Laowu and others who have been with Mu Tou and Nob for a while find it difficult to accept.

They scratched their heads and couldn't figure out what method Nob and Mu Tou used to trap a master like Neferpitou.

But now is not the time to go into details. Since the president is here, it means that Catwoman will definitely not be here for a while.

The overall situation here is naturally presided over by the president. Even the Phantom Troupe recognizes Netero's supreme command.

After Netero arrived, Yupi on the opposite side kept staring at him.

His beast-like intuition told him that this was a guy who was more powerful than himself. He was full of uneasiness.

The president glanced at him and then looked at the people around him. Suddenly, he put his palms together, and a huge golden multi-handed Buddha statue appeared behind him. It was [Hundred-style Guanyin].

"Go play, you guys." With Netero's disdainful voice, dozens of right hands of the Guanyin statue slapped out at the same time. Almost everyone present was blown out of the ant nest by him.

The one who was beaten the hardest was Yupi. Netero showed no mercy to him.

Flying far away and smashing into the ground, Yupi vomited two mouthfuls of purple plasma in succession. He was already injured.

But he had no time to heal himself. The queen must not be left unguarded, and the Poof body there could do nothing now.

However, his way back to the nest was blocked by a dozen hunters who were stronger than the leader of the Chimera Ant Division.

Needless to say, of course it was Kate, Mo Laowu, Mu Tou, Illmi, Hisoka, Kuroro, Nobunaga, Feitan, Finks, Franklin, Peel Lev, Xiaojie, Killua, and Kurt.

This group of people were also fanned out by the president. He didn't want anyone to disturb his decisive battle with the ant king.

For his own people, Baishi Guanyin just pushed them out "gently". There was no intention to hurt them.

After all, they were all meritorious people. As long as they didn't resist, they basically wouldn't be injured.

As for some people who were unhappy, they had to dodge and block, so they attracted more Guanyin's palms, and they were inevitably at a disadvantage.

In the end, no one could escape Netero's high-speed palm, and they all flew out.

In the distance of the nest, there were still Xiao Ming's Seven Shadow Clones, which were used to prepare for escape. Yes, Xiao Ming was so cowardly.

From their perspective, it seemed that someone was cleaning the nest. A broom threw out a lot of garbage. It crashed into the forest with a crackling sound.

As for the bomb demon trio, as well as those mind beasts and summons, they were temporarily placed farther away by Xiao Ming to prevent the enemy from escaping.

The people on the expedition team quickly found their positions. They collectively besieged Youpi.

Franklin's [two-handed machine gun] was the first to show its power, with fierce and rapid firepower.

Youpi was not a good person either. He quickly grew multiple arms on his body, and the front of his arms was like a tortoise shell-shaped shield, blocking most of the machine gun's mind bullets.

It doesn't matter if a few fish slip through the net, they are just lightly injured. Others launched offensives in layers and three dimensions.

Everyone is a veteran, others know how to avoid Franklin's bullet trajectory, and Franklin also knows how to avoid friendly forces.

At the same time, Mo Laowu's [Purple Smoke Robot Squadron] appeared in the battle group. They transformed into the appearance of the people present and launched attacks.

Youpi couldn't tell the real from the fake in a hurry, so he was inevitably a little flustered. Fortunately, he had a lot of hands and feet, and they could regenerate. Even if he was a little flustered, he didn't reveal too many flaws.

Whether it was swords, weapons, or fists, Youpi actually took them all. However, he was really unable to find the weak ones to fight back.

This battle was much more dangerous than the situation in the original book. In the original book, it was just Mo Laowu with two apprentices and a Merewon. Besieged. The strength was completely insufficient.

In this life, the two apprentices had not arrived yet. The decisive battle happened too hastily, and there was no time to notify them.

But this group of people, except for Xiaojie and Killua, are no worse than Mo Laowu's apprentice. Even one can fight two of them.

In such a fierce siege, Yupi miraculously calmed down.

He quickly saw the situation clearly. At this time, it was impossible for him to rush through these people's obstruction.

Even if he rushed over, he would bring this group of people to the queen. It is better to calm down and deal with them.

The queen was handed over to the other two guards. At this time, Yupi had to pin his hopes on his two colleagues.

Mu Tou (Yin Xiaoming) did not join the battle. He was mainly concerned about the situation in the nest.

Although the main body was swept out, there were still many parasites left there. Xiaoming opened a small space door casually and condensed the Seven Star Shadow Clone again in the nest.

It stands to reason that everyone was swept out, and Xiao Yapufu's main body should have been swept out. It was strange that he didn't see it just now.

After the clones were condensed, it took about 0.5 seconds. Xiao Ming saw the situation clearly.

It turned out that when President Netero appeared, Pufu knew that things were not going well, and he saw that the birth of the king was only a little short of energy.

So, he turned his main body into countless small bodies, decomposed into cells, and flew into the queen's mouth.

This time, he did not hold back at all and completely dedicated his entire body.

After eating these high-quality foods, he also felt the urgency of the situation. The ant king broke through his mother's belly again and came out.

The difference is that this time the queen did not object, but kept urging him. There was no time to say the name "Meruem" that he had thought of long ago.

The great mother gave up her life at the most critical moment. She even gave all her nutrition to her son.

When the ant king was born, the emaciated queen only lasted for 3 seconds, and lost her life after looking at her son.

The ant king in this life was malnourished, and his strength was weaker than in the original book. But his temperament was more brutal.

The ant king in the original book was born in a peaceful environment. He broke through his mother's belly despite his mother's dissuasion, and looked down on the world. He felt that he was the second oldest and the world was invincible.

He had no feelings for anyone. Whether it was his mother or the three guards. Later, because of the appearance of wheat, it changed completely.

However, at this moment, the ant king was born in distress. The children of the poor have grown up early. He knew how much his mother and the three guards had sacrificed for him.

His mother and Owl Yapov had sacrificed their lives; Yupi and Neferpitou were still dealing with powerful enemies, all for themselves.

What filled his chest now was not pride, but deep hatred for humans. He immediately fought with President Netero.

During this process, President Netero had the time and opportunity to stop him. Even if he took the opportunity to attack, he could seriously injure the ant king.

But the 90-year-old president was full of confidence in himself and wanted to have a good fight with the strong.

Therefore, he did not interfere, but waited patiently for the birth of the ant king. He happily fought with the premature baby who was just one day old.

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