Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1373 The reconnaissance team is surprised

When the cavalry team arrived a few kilometers south of the outpost, they were shocked by what they saw.

This is not an exaggeration. As skeleton cavalry, they are made of bones, lacking flesh and skin to fix them, so they are not very strong.

The mandible is one of the bones that is easy to fall off. Among the low-level skeleton soldiers, at least 3 or 5 out of 10 have no mandible.

But it is not a big problem. They can get off the horse and pick up the bones and put them back.

What exactly shocked them so much? Nothing, except that the lake in the center of the oasis has disappeared.

Only a deep sand pit is left, which is being slowly filled by sand blown in from all around. There are dozens of animals around, wailing at the sand pit.

They all rely on this lake water to survive. What will happen if the water is gone? One small animal is smarter. It raised its head and sniffed in the air, then ran to the south.

The captain first sent three cavalrymen back to Post No. 7 to report this special situation. He also had to lead the team to continue the investigation.

The wailing animals were just sad because of thirst, but they didn't know that after the lake water disappeared, the plants around the lake would soon die and the oasis would no longer exist.

If they didn't hurry up to find the next water source, they would soon fall into the arms of death.

Post No. 7 last investigated this place about 5 or 6 days ago. In just a few days, the whole lake disappeared.

The captain looked around and couldn't see any spies from the orc tribe. He couldn't help but wonder.

They had to get water from the oasis every day. It was impossible for them not to know about such a big thing.

But no one was sent to deal with this matter. Could it be that the orc tribe did it? Did they move the entire lake away? That would be really powerful.

The captain looked around the oasis and decided to continue south to the outskirts of the orc settlement to investigate the situation.

Along the way, we found that many animals were migrating to the south. They probably knew that the oasis was gone and were looking for new water sources.

Animals have strong instincts. They can detect changes in humidity in the air and sand, and feel in which direction there may be water sources.

The orc settlement is not too far from the oasis. Due to the presence of orc scouts, the Skeleton Cavalry Squadron could not get closer.

From a distance, we could see that the orc tribe was also preparing to migrate to the south. Many orc people were carrying large and small bags and riding camels to the south. There were also orc troops patrolling back and forth along the way for protection.

As expected, the orcs already knew that the lake in the oasis had disappeared. Without water, this tribe could not continue to survive here, and they were also ready to try their luck in the south.

As for whether there would be new water sources in the south, the Skeleton Cavalry Squadron Leader did not know.

At this time, the orcs also saw this small group of undead cavalry, so they sent out two orc cavalry squads to attack from the left and right.

The skeleton squad leader made a prompt decision and turned around and ran with his men.

The situation was almost known, and it was time to go back and report to the undead wizard.

The orcs must be very sensitive when they migrated. Next time they come to investigate, they have to hide farther away.

Unlike the captain's suspicion, the undead wizard who heard the report can confirm that the disappearance of the lake water is probably caused by the adventurer.

Otherwise, the task of [An Ning Rear] would not be completed. But he couldn't figure out how a mere 3rd-level adventurer could make a lake disappear. Could it be that the guy is particularly good at drinking? Did he drink the lake dry?

Xiao Ming certainly doesn't have this ability. If it was so much meat, he could absorb it all and save it; but he really couldn't drink so much water.

Previously, in the City Lord's Mansion, Bai Yulin had already given a brief introduction to the deceased about the No. 7 outpost and the southern orc settlement.

Xiao Ming thought at the time that as long as he dealt with the lake, he could destroy the oasis and the orcs would not be able to survive there.

As for how to deal with the lake, he had already thought of it. He would use the power of the Sand-Sand Fruit.

Although he had never been exposed to the world of "One Piece", he and Crocodile had similar ideas.

Xiao Ming had 4 Seven Shadow Clone avatars that absorbed the Sand-Sand Fruit. After long-term testing and training. He had mastered a lot of tricks.

The biggest feature of the Sand-Sand Fruit ability user is that it can absorb water and create more deserts.

Later, Xiao Ming's orange source energy tree bloomed with flowers representing the [Devil Fruit System].

After that, these devil fruit abilities can not only be used by the Seven Shadow Clone, but Xiao Ming himself can also use them at will.

For this mission, he planned to use the power of the Sand-Sand Fruit to suck the lake dry and destroy the oasis.

However, when he personally came to the oasis, he saw the animals drinking water by the lake. He felt a little bit of pity in his heart.

If the lake dries up, how many small animals will die of thirst? Let's try another way. Since we can't destroy the lake, we might as well move it away.

If this oasis moves a long distance to the south, the orc tribe will have to move with it. They can't be too far away from the water source.

In that case, the orc tribe will not have the conditions to send a large army to attack the Grey Bone City over a long distance. At most, they can only send a small force to make trouble. It won't affect the overall situation.

But, how to move such a large lake?

Xiao Ming first thought of the ability of the Ice Fruit. Freeze the lake water into a large ice block, then smash it into pieces, and then you can move it.

However, this plan is completely unfeasible. Because this ice block will be very large and very heavy. I probably can't carry it by myself. Fortunately, there is Plan B.

Another way is to use the ability of the Smoke Fruit. When there is sufficient water vapor, breeze and stable atmosphere, the relative humidity reaches 100%.

The water vapor in the air will condense into fine water droplets suspended in the air, reducing the visibility at ground level. This weather phenomenon is called fog.

As long as the lake water is evaporated into mist, and then the body or the clone is transformed into smoke to guide it, all the mist converted from the lake water can be completely led from the air to another place.

Evaporating the lake water is also very simple. It can be done by using the magma fruit and the ability of the flame-flame fruit to provide continuous high temperature.

Although, in the list of fruits that Xiao Ming has eaten, there is only one magma fruit and one flame-flame fruit, but as long as one of them is the deceased himself, it is enough.

The energy of the deceased is extremely high, far exceeding that of the Seven Lights Shadow clones. After he exerts his fruit ability, he will produce a lot of magma, and it will be easy to evaporate the lake water.

After the fog rises, there will naturally be 6 clones that turn into smoke, guiding the fog to roll to the south...

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