Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1384 Find a backer

After all, he was a gangster, and he was a famous tough guy in the series. Feiji felt that he was crying because there was too much dust here.

Yes, that's right. It was definitely not because his godfather died and he would never have the chance to be the boss again.

Or it could be said that he was sad because his godfather died. This reason seemed better. But it was also a bit low. It was better to say that there was dust in his eyes.

Of course, the best situation was that no acquaintances saw him. Unfortunately, his fantasy was shattered the next second.

"Brother Feiji, why are you crying? Hey, who is this person? Is he your friend? My condolences, my condolences..."

The leader's sister Xiao Jing'er had just called the police and hurried down to help. But in the crowd, she saw Feiji crying at the first time.

"Go away, little girl, don't talk nonsense, big brother is smoked by smoke. Dust got in, you know!"

Feiji hurried to cover himself up. If Xiao Jing'er couldn't see the blush on his face, she might believe it.

However, given the younger sister's personality, even if she knew that Feiji had dust in his eyes, she would still make it sound like he was crying because he was sad. She is so "considerate".

Seeing that the leader's sister still had a strange look in her eyes, Feiji quickly changed the subject: "This is my godfather Brother Le, who is now the boss of Lian Sheng."

"Godfather?" "Brother Le?" Putting these two words together, the sense of disobedience is overwhelming. What generation is it?

Although Xiao Jing'er found the slot, she did not catch it to complain. At this moment, she was concerned about more serious things.

"Ah! This is the eldest brother's eldest brother... Damn, it's bad! Brother Feiji, Brother Le died downstairs from you, will the club...?"

Feiji suddenly realized that this kind of thing is the so-called "yellow mud falling in the crotch" - "It's not a matter (shit) but it's a matter (shit)".

Whether it can be explained clearly depends on whether the uncles believe it. It has nothing to do with the truth.

If he cannot be forgiven, he will probably be hacked to death on the street by Lian Sheng's brothers within 2 days.

Just when Feiji was panicking, the leader's sister suggested that he quickly find a backer.

In the entire club, there are only two people who are qualified to be Feiji's backer, Dongguanzi and Jimi.

But at Ale's birthday party two days ago, Feiji and Dongguanzi had a very unhappy quarrel. Now it is impossible to find him, so Jimi is the only choice left.

Now is not the time to hold on. Under Xiao Jing'er's urging, Feiji took the initiative to call Jimi and began to deal with the situation on the scene according to Jimi's arrangements.

Jimi will notify the uncles such as Deng Bo and Chuanbao.

The person who made the decision with Liansheng was killed in the explosion. It is bound to cause a lot of turmoil.

Fortunately, Ale's term of office is about to end. It is just the right opportunity to elect the next person in charge. Except for Feiji, no one will be sad for Ale.

The next day, Deng Bo convened the uncles of Heliansheng and the big brothers of various halls to hold a meeting. Discuss the aftermath of Ale's death.

Everyone was there, only Dongguanzi did not come. Datou also said a few words to smooth things over for Dongguanzi. He was popular with people, so no one pursued the matter.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the bad news came that Dongguanzi died on the way here!

What happened?

It was all Dongguanzi's fault that he didn't like to walk properly. There was a place blocked by a railing, so he could just go around and walk on the crosswalk. But he didn't, and he pushed with one hand and crossed it beautifully.

That posture was super handsome. If a young girl saw it, she might have stars in her eyes.

As a result, the young and beautiful girl was not around, but was seen by a traffic policeman on the side of the road. The man came over to stop him and seemed to want to issue a ticket.

Dongguanzi was followed by three men at this time? If a traffic policeman issued a ticket, he would not have to mix in the underworld in the future.

Ordinary policemen would not easily provoke Dongguanzi when they saw his situation. Such a small matter could not really do anything to this gangster boss.

He angered someone, so he sent his men to deal with a little policeman. It was too easy. He could easily make the policeman feel miserable and miserable.

However, the policeman looked very young. He was a young policeman who had just graduated from the police academy and was still ignorant. A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger.

With Dongguanzi's temper, he would have to fight hard even if he encountered such a thing.

What's more, he and Liansheng are going to run for the leader now. If he loses face at this critical moment, how can he be the leader in the future? Who will choose him!

"Fuck! You dead policeman, do you know who I am? You..."


Before Dongguanzi finished his sentence, he was shot in the forehead and fell to the ground. His eyes were wide open.

It seemed that at the moment of death, he couldn't believe that a small traffic policeman actually shot him directly. His death was so unjust!

Then, there were several more gunshots. Two of the three men following behind him were also shot dead, and another was shot in the leg and limped away.

There is no doubt that this policeman was Xiao Ming in disguise. In fact, there were several members of the Mingjing team pretending to be traffic policemen nearby. They were all preparing to assassinate Dongguanzi.

Wearing the traffic police uniform, it is not easy to attract other people's attention, and it will hardly arouse Dongguanzi's vigilance.

After all, traffic police have little power, and they are not a serious crime squad. People who work as traffic police generally don't want to cause trouble. Some traffic police have worked for a lifetime and have never fired a shot.

However, traffic police are all equipped with guns. Then there is a chance to kill anyone with one shot. That's why Xiao Ming and his team chose this identity.

As for those very friendly real traffic police who provided uniforms and guns to the Mingjing team.

At this time, they have been stripped of their clothes, gagged, and tied up in a nearby room. Xiao Ming actually only needs to buy half a day.

The plan went very smoothly, and the famous Dongguan boy died in such an unclear way. The two followers also died.

As for the one who ran away, it was because he did not do a deep evil. Xiao Ming knew from his face that he was not guilty of death, so he deliberately let him go. Otherwise, with Xiao Ming's reaction and shooting skills, how could he let him run away? !

After completing the task, the members of the Mingjing team quickly took off their clothes, squeezed into the chaotic crowd, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was wearing makeup, and no one knew what they looked like. It was another unsolved case.

When the Mingjing team finished their mission and exited the world of "Underworld 2", the Hong Kong police would no longer have the possibility of solving the case.

Of course, in this world, the reincarnations were not invulnerable without supernatural energy protection. This matter still had great risks.

If Dongguanzi brought more people, or if there were a certain number of police patrolling nearby. They might not be able to get away safely. This time there was also a little bit of luck.

However, it didn't matter if they were caught. The reincarnations were not natives. At most, they would die once in the mission.

The Mingjing team was a 3-star team, and each member had three free resurrection opportunities in each world. It was a piece of cake. Being able to resurrect was the biggest advantage of the reincarnations.

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