Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1409: Wish Come True

Guo Jing rescued the seriously injured Huang Rong and disappeared. Wanyan Honglie and others did not find the "Wu Mu's Testament" in the cave.

At this time, they had two guesses. One was that Guo Huang might have come earlier and stole the book first. Then they must catch up.

However, judging from the dust accumulated inside the cave, it is unlikely. If someone took the book in advance, it must have been several years ago.

Another guess may be more reliable. It is that a palace maid or eunuch accidentally entered the cave while playing or having a private meeting.

The reason why this matter has not been spread. It may be because the person could not read. He did not know what Wu Mu's Testament was, so he did not give it to the officials in the palace.

The person may have put the book casually beside him. Maybe he even took it to burn. It's really a waste of natural resources.

Wanyan Honglie never believed the most obvious answer. The Song Dynasty also had knowledgeable people. Shangguan Jiannan had cracked the secret and taken away Wu Mu's posthumous letter more than ten years ago.

With a glimmer of luck, Wanyan Honglie and others searched the palace for two days, but still found nothing.

They made a big fuss in the palace, and the Song Dynasty's imperial guards were dispatched immediately, causing panic in Lin'an City.

Wanyan Honglie had no choice but to lead everyone out of the capital and came to Niujia Village.

After all, he had been here before and tricked a beautiful princess back home. He couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

Now he revisited the old place, thinking that the princess had run away with her ex-husband (Yang Tiexin), leaving only his son to depend on himself.

Thinking of this, Wanyan Honglie couldn't help but feel a little sad. If he was born in modern times, he would probably sing a song at this time: "You are the most lonely when you want to stay but can't, and you can't finish your tenderness and only leave the song."

OK, no kidding. Not long after everyone stayed in the village, the Jin warriors on guard outside sent out the agreed signal to warn. It turned out that the Quanzhen Seven Sons had arrived.

Wanyan Honglie and Ouyang Feng had known that the Quanzhen Seven Sons would come, but they didn't expect them to come so quickly. They just happened to run into everyone.

There was a reason why the Quanzhen Seven Sons came so quickly. First, it involved Wu Mu's will, and the matter was very important.

Second, Qiu Chuji felt that his apprentice had made him proud. He hurriedly urged his fellow apprentices to leave, so he arrived so early. He just happened to avoid the most terrible trap.

Because the sure-fire strategy that Wanyan Honglie and others had discussed before was too late to use. So in a hurry, they used a not very safe strategy.

The effect was actually quite good. The Quanzhen Seven Sons were completely unprepared for Wanyan Kang's betrayal. They were killed badly.

Seeing that Tan Chuduan was seriously injured and dying, Ouyang Feng was confident that he could kill at least 2 or 3 people. If he did it well, he might be able to wipe out the Seven Sons.

He was so proud that he couldn't help but laugh out loud with a broken voice, and secretly wiped a cold sweat in his heart.

He didn't expect that Wang Chongyang would leave such a powerful back-up for the Seven Sons of Quanzhen. The Tiangang Beidou formation was really awesome.

This was the first time that Ouyang Feng was trapped by the Beidou formation. He didn't have the outstanding wisdom of Huang Yaoshi, so how could he break such a profound formation.

He had to rely on his own strength to fight the Beidou formation head-on. By the end of the fight, he was already a little out of breath. Of course, with the martial arts of the West Poison, he could easily retreat if he couldn't win.

But by then, he had enough energy to take away his nephew Ouyang Ke, but as for Wanyan Honglie and others, he really couldn't take care of them. He must be killed by the Seven Sons of Quanzhen.

Wanyan Honglie was a good partner, and it was a pity that he died like this. It is not certain whether the next big leg can be found!

Fortunately, Wanyan Kang saw the right time and succeeded in one blow. This saved him from the embarrassment of fleeing in panic.

Ouyang Feng could understand Wanyan Kang's delay. If everyone had not fought for a long time and was a little tired. Wanyan Kang's sneak attack might not be effective. It was reasonable.

As for whether he deliberately delayed and wanted to make himself bear the biggest favor. Xidu thought it was unlikely.

After all, Wanyan Kang's kung fu was not high, and he could not tell how the battle situation of several people was, let alone that he was slightly at a disadvantage. It should not be intentional.

In fact, Wanyan Kang really couldn't see how the battle was going. But he was familiar enough with his master Qiu Chuji.

Changchunzi was not a person who did not show his emotions. Although he had rich experience in the martial arts world, his facial expression did not change much during the battle.

But people close to him could still see clues. By observing Qiu Chuji, Wanyan Kang accurately judged the direction of the battle.

Seeing Qiu Chuji's confident look, he knew that the Seven Quanzhen disciples would probably win.

Originally, Wanyan Kang was a little afraid to attack when he saw the power of the Seven Quanzhen disciples. He was worried about his small body. If he was killed by a palm, wouldn't it be unfair!

However, Ouyang Feng was going to lose now. If he didn't take a risk, he would be finished too. He jumped out to fight because he was going to die. He succeeded by luck.

But Wanyan Kang looked at his master Qiu Chuji's eyes that seemed to want to eat him. He was uneasy in his heart, lowered his head and hid behind Ouyang Feng, not daring to look at his master.

Ouyang Feng didn't care, patted Wanyan Kang on the shoulder and said, "Good disciple, raise your head. Since you are my disciple of the West Poison Sect, don't be afraid of these bastards.

You have made such a great contribution to the master, and the master will never treat you unfairly. In the future, I will definitely teach you peerless martial arts, which is much better than these bull noses. Hahaha..."

Ouyang Feng did not just say this casually, but he really thought so. In the past, Wanyan Kang was just a nominal disciple, but now he is considered a direct disciple.

Although his signature skill [Toad Kung Fu] will only be taught to Ouyang Ke. But Ouyang Feng knows a lot of exquisite martial arts, and any few of them are peerless martial arts.

Besides, Ouyang Feng still needs the help of Wanyan Honglie. Teaching this little prince well is also an effective way to bring them closer.

If the plot really develops in this way. Ten years later, Yang Kang may really have the opportunity to become a master on par with the Seven Sons of Quanzhen.

After hearing what Ouyang Feng said, Wanyan and his son were overjoyed. Wanyan Kang's face immediately showed admiration, tears in his eyes, and he kowtowed repeatedly, breaking his forehead.

Wanyan Honglie, as a father, bowed to the ground and flattered Mr. Ouyang, which made Ouyang Feng even more happy.

In the past two days, Wanyan and his son were very attentive to Ouyang Ke and took good care of him. Moreover, Ouyang Ke and Wanyan Kang always had a feeling of being like-minded. He didn't mind having such a junior brother.

He didn't know that in the original novel, he died at the hands of this junior brother. His reputation was not as good as Chen Xuanfeng, who was stabbed to death by the 6-year-old Guo Jing.

At least Guo Jing was ranked among the five great masters in the end and was known as the Northern Hero. He was a great hero and a powerful figure. His reputation was comparable to that of Wang Chongyang.

When future generations talk about the past, they will not think that Chen Xuanfeng died too much. But they will definitely think that Ouyang Ke died very shamefully.

If he had known this earlier, he might as well have been crushed to death by a huge rock on the island that year, which would have been a grand and spectacular death.

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