Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1420 Late Night Visitor

Sirius had no idea that he had inexplicably gained another life.

Even President Netero could not feel the power of [I would rather die than my friend], let alone him.

He had been in the arms of Huang Xiaoming, the leader's right guard, for a long time. He saw the right guard casually perform several ninjutsu. The scale in his heart was constantly adding weights.

A child who knows ninjutsu can have such a skill. If ninjutsu can be introduced into the magic world, it will bring about unparalleled changes.

The first person to eat crabs must be the one who takes the most advantage. Why doesn't the Order of the Phoenix seize this advantage? !

The reason why Voldemort can become the big devil that everyone fears, talks about, and even dares not mention his name. It is nothing more than his strength.

In the magic world, in addition to magical creatures, there are also those old guys hidden in the magic family. The most powerful magicians are Dumbledore and Voldemort.

Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts, and he is within the system. No matter how strong he is, there are various ways to deal with him, so he is not so scary.

But Voldemort acts recklessly and does not care about any morality, laws, or norms. So everyone is very afraid of him.

Since you can't resist, just join. Many wizards became Voldemort's followers, that is, Death Eaters, because of fear.

Of course, many wizards joined because of Voldemort's pure blood concept. Among them are a few members of the Black family.

Voldemort and his Death Eaters used various means of coercion and inducement to strengthen themselves, and gradually became openly violent.

They used the Unforgivable Curse to slaughter and spread terror to those who blocked them. Many Muggles were killed in the name of "fun". It brought great terror to the magic world.

In order to fight against it, Dumbledore created the Order of the Phoenix. In the 1970s, many members of the Order of the Phoenix died in the first war against Voldemort.

Imagine if the Order of the Phoenix mastered the new power of ninjutsu. Wouldn't so many people have died? Maybe Voldemort could be easily dealt with.

Although Voldemort's threat has been eliminated now. Because in 1981, Voldemort attacked James and Lily and lost his life.

Most of the Death Eaters were caught, and many of them turned to the light or went underground. It seemed that all the problems were solved. The Order of the Phoenix also died down.

However, Sirius felt that things would not end so easily. To this day, no one knows what happened that night.

Now that Peter Pettigrew can "escape from death", who can guarantee that Voldemort is really dead. It is always good to strengthen the Order of the Phoenix.

Besides, there are endless bad guys in the magic world. Even if there is no Voldemort, there may be guys like Rollers, Drills...

This new power can only be reassuring if it is in Dumbledore's hands. Sirius gradually felt that this matter seemed to be more important than his meeting with Harry Potter.

If Dumbledore becomes stronger, the magic world will become peaceful and stable, and Harry Potter will naturally be safer.

But then again, Sirius hasn't seen his godson for 13 years, and he really wants to meet Harry Potter. His dog's mind began to struggle...

Xiao Ming reached out and stroked the big black dog's fur, and it was fun to watch him continue to be upset.

He wanted to speak frankly to him, but he felt that doing so would backfire. Let him decide for himself.

In the second half of the night, a cold breath permeated the wooden house, and the temperature began to drop significantly. The sleeping big black dog was awakened by the cold.

He was too familiar with this feeling, three lotus roots floating in a green pond! How did the Dementors come to this place?

In Sirius's cognition, Dementors are one of the most hateful creatures on earth.

They wear a cloak, and their whole bodies look like they have been soaked in water, with scabby palms, and their whole bodies look like they have been rotten.

They have no facial features, but a hole where a mouth should be, which can suck away people's happy memories. They can absorb people's happiness through smell.

Dementors appear in groups in the darkest and dirtiest places, cheering corruption and despair, and sucking away the peace, hope and happiness in the air around them.

Wherever a Dementor passes, happiness will be sucked away, reminding people of the most terrible things.

And the "mouth" under its hood will suck away people's souls, which is called "Dementor's Kiss". Only the Patronus Charm can expel it.

The most terrifying thing is that Dementors do not kill people, but are more terrifying than killing. Under the influence of Dementors, magicians will feel that the light around them is being sucked away and gradually fall into darkness.

Courage and hope fade, and nothingness gradually occupies the heart. If they cannot be rescued in time, their souls will eventually be sucked away.

The victim whose soul has been sucked away only has his brain and heart working, no longer has a sense of self, no memory, nothing. There is no chance of recovery.

People who have been kissed by Dementors are just living like zombies. The soul is doomed forever!

The magic world didn't destroy such creatures, but used them to guard Azkaban Prison. It's self-evident what the character of the high-ranking people in the magic world is like.

Prisoners in Azkaban usually become mentally ill in just a few weeks. They will scream in their sleep, go on hunger strike, go crazy, and even lose the courage to live.

Many poor people died tragically in this terrible prison on an isolated island.

Sirius suffered greatly. If he had not been full of light in his heart, he might have died in Azkaban prison.

Even if he escaped, the prisoner's spirit, health and youth would be drained by this terrible place. And he would have to face the pursuit of Dementors for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, Dementors are blind and can only identify people by smell and emotion. Because of this, Sirius was able to escape because he turned into a dog.

Sirius was a little puzzled at this time. Logically speaking, he was a criminal, and it was not surprising that Dementors came all the way to chase him.

But he was in the form of a black dog now, and Dementors should not come to this hut. Could it be that he accidentally transformed when he was sleeping just now?

Oh, it's okay if I'm unlucky, but if I implicate this child, it would be a big sin.

This child doesn't even know magic, let alone the Patronus Charm. I know how to cast the Patronus Charm, but I don't have a wand in my hand. Even if I change back to human form, I can't deal with it. Instead, it will attract more Dementors.

Sirius was so anxious that he barked at the leader's right guard and bit his trouser leg and pulled it out. I hope he understands what I mean and runs away quickly.

If it doesn't work, I will show my human form and lead the Dementors away. The child should be safe. As for whether I can escape the pursuit of the Dementors, I can only leave it to fate.

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