Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1423 Restoring Mental Strength

At first, Remus Lupin did not agree to let the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) go to Hogwarts.

He did not think it was unnecessary. On the contrary, after seeing the right guard's ability, Lupin thought that Dumbledore should indeed meet the child.

It was just that he felt that Sirius Black, who was being hunted by Dementors, needed the protection of this child more under the current circumstances.

Sirius felt that his old friend underestimated him too much. Although he was removed from the Black family tree, some of the family's resources could still be mobilized.

As one of the twenty-eight sacred families, the Black family has a lot of resources and connections.

As long as he is given a little time to arrange, the Dementors are not a big problem. You can always avoid them if you can't afford to offend them.

"Then wait until you have arranged it!" Lupin said as a matter of course, "Look at yourself, you get crazy from time to time, how can I feel at ease."

This hit Black's soft spot. 12 years of imprisonment in Azkaban and 12 years of torture by Dementors caused him to occasionally become mentally ill.

It's okay at ordinary times, but if he gets crazy at a critical moment, it may ruin the big thing. Lupin's consideration is not unreasonable.

Xiao Ming didn't care about it. He watched the two people quarreling with interest, like a couple who had been married for a long time. It was quite interesting.

Seeing that the two had been arguing, he weakly suggested: "Boss, I know a little healing ninjutsu. I don't know if it works well on magicians. Do you want to try it?"

On this issue, the two of them stopped arguing. Just try it. There is no harm.

Xiao Ming does know a lot of healing methods, but his ninjutsu healing methods are not very strong. When treating Sirius, [Palm Fairy Technique] was just used for show.

That can only repair Black's physical damage, and has little effect on his mental treatment.

What really repaired Sirius's mental damage was the Taoist method [Ice Heart Jue] from the world of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy". It is specifically used to deal with mental damage.

It is generally used to fight against spells such as [Hypnosis] and [Soul Reaping]. It is like a cannon hitting a mosquito to deal with Sirius's situation.

After a few times, Black's spirit was restored to a healthy state, and even because of this break and then stand up, his magic power and mental power have increased.

Before this, Lupin was stronger than Black. Now it is Black who has come from behind.

After a few rounds of magic with his old friend, Lupin finally felt relieved. He promised to take the leader's right guard to see Dumbledore when Hogwarts started.

Before that, the two popularized a lot of common sense about the magic world to Xiao Ming. The three of them also secretly went to see Harry Potter's situation together.

That night, through the window, they saw Harry Potter get angry and use magic to blow up a fat woman into a balloon and fly into the sky.

This fat woman is called Maggie Dursley, the sister of Harry Potter's uncle Vernon Dursley. There is no blood relationship between Harry.

Harry became an orphan because he lost his parents in childhood. In order to protect Harry, Dumbledore let him live in his uncle's house.

There are two other people in the family, aunt Petunia Dursley and cousin Dudley Dursley. Harry was treated harshly by them and could only live in a storage room before.

Some people may be very confused, why there are so many wizards, but two Muggles are allowed to raise Harry Potter?

The fact is this. Harry's mother Lily sacrificed her life to protect her son, and the spell she used was quite special.

As long as Harry lives in a place where her blood exists and can be called home, he can be protected from Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Since Petunia is Lily's only living relative, her uncle's home is Harry's only shelter.

The wizards did not have the confidence to provide an equally safe place. Even Dumbledore could not do it.

So knowing that Harry was being abused, they still let him live in his uncle's house.

His uncle's sister, Maggie, was a mean person. She forced Harry to call her aunt like Dudley since he was a child, and took pleasure in humiliating Harry and his parents. A complete bitch.

Now Harry Potter is also a relatively outstanding little wizard, but she actually insulted Harry's parents in person. How can a powerful teenager tolerate this? !

If he did not take action, Sirius, who was far away, would probably not be able to bear it.

You must know that the Ministry of Magic has regulations that wizards are not allowed to take action against Muggles who do not understand magic, and underage wizards like Harry are not allowed to use magic outside of school.

However, Sirius was originally a fugitive, and it didn't matter if he took action.

On the contrary, Harry might have some trouble because of violating the rules. Of course, the problem should not be very big.

After blowing up his uncle's sister into a balloon, Harry could not stay in this family. In the middle of the night, he rushed out dragging a big suitcase.

With nowhere to go for a while, little Harry sat on the side of the road and felt very pitiful. Sirius looked at him and felt bad.

So he quietly hid in, transformed into a big black dog, ran around and met Harry's eyes across the road.

Black hoped that Harry could sympathize with him like the right guard of the leader before, accept him, and comfort him.

But he completely forgot how terrible his image was. Xiao Ming was not afraid of him because he was powerful and confident.

Harry, however, could not do that. Seeing a ferocious black dog staring at him, he quickly pulled out his wand, pointed at the black dog, and backed away, even sitting on his butt.

Unexpectedly, this action met the conditions, and a three-story purple bus appeared at lightning speed and stopped in front of Harry.

At the rear entrance of the bus, a young man read a note:

"Welcome to the Knight Bus. This bus is dedicated to receiving wizards living on the streets. My name is Stan Shunpike. I am your conductor tonight."

The Knight Bus is just as the conductor said. It was founded in 1865 by the then Minister of Magic Dugard MacPhail, imitating the bus service of Muggle society.

If a wizard is in urgent need of transportation, he only needs to point his wand at the curbstone, and the Knight Bus will come.

Harry just made this action by accident. He himself did not know the existence of such a thing.

In fact, wizards have many ways to move quickly, such as Floo powder, Apparition magic, door keys... and so on. Almost all of them are instant teleportation.

However, there are always some wizards who are not used to these methods. They will need to use the Knight Bus. Sometimes, if you are not in a hurry, taking the bus is also a novel experience.

Although some wizards (mainly pure-blood fanatics) claimed in the readers' letters of the Daily Prophet that they would unite to protest against what they called "Muggle-style atrocities".

The Knight Bus was still warmly welcomed in the magic community and has been operating busy ever since.

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