Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1428 Automatic Carriage

Ron did not ask the right guard to change Scabbers back to his original form until the train arrived at the Hogwarts station.

Instead, he got a piece of cloth and wrapped up the Claude Six-style Combination Knife. To make it less conspicuous. He hadn't played with this knife enough.

The most important thing was that Ron had to show off such a unique toy in front of his friends before he changed it back. Harry raised his feet to show his approval.

Although Hermione thought they were a bit childish, they were children anyway, so she didn't interfere.

Professor Lupin quietly gave Xiao Ming a "well done" look. Turning Pettigrew into an object would fully control his actions. Many things would be easier to handle next.

So far, Sirius has not been vindicated. Lupin only reported this matter to Headmaster Dumbledore. But he couldn't produce any substantial evidence.

After all, school hasn't started yet, and Pettigrew, in the form of a mouse, is still staying at the Weasleys' house. Dumbledore didn't think he could go to someone else to do the identification.

It would take a lot of words just to explain the whole story, and maybe Pettigrew would take the opportunity to run away. So it's better to round up in the school.

This incident overturned the cognition of more than ten years. I'm afraid that no one would believe it if I told it to anyone. Only Dumbledore could accept it.

You know, the Marauders were all his students, and Dumbledore, who was old and cunning, knew the personalities of these children very well.

So from the beginning, he didn't believe that Sirius was a traitor. But he didn't know everything, and didn't know how many people had practiced Animagus, so he couldn't guess that Pettigrew was the culprit.

In the absence of evidence, it was difficult for Dumbledore to vindicate Sirius. Could it be based on his words "I know this person."? The Ministry of Magic would never believe it.

After Lupin contacted him, the headmaster combined with other circumstances and naturally believed it 80%.

Think about Scabbers, as an ordinary mouse, he actually lived a healthy life for 12 years. It is really incredible.

The life span of mice is only 1-3 years. No matter how well the Weasleys raise him, he can only live for 5 or 6 years. 12 years is incredible.

If he is an animal transformed by Pettigrew, then it is understandable. Human life span is so long, it is no problem to live for decades.

I didn't think of it before because the Marauders did not report to the Ministry of Magic after becoming Animagus. Dumbledore naturally would not think in this direction.

They did not report because they did not want Lupin's werewolf identity to be exposed, but they didn't expect that they would pit their own people in the end.

In fact, humans can also be turned into animals by using the Transfiguration Spell. But there is a fundamental difference between that and the Animagus technology.

If Pettigrew was transformed into a mouse by the Transfiguration Spell, then he would be a real mouse.

His life span is also that of a mouse, and he no longer has magical abilities. He can't even maintain human sanity.

Once he is taken away by a cat, he is really dead. He will never change back.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic has very strict restrictions on the use of Transfiguration spells.

Animagus is different. After transforming into an animal, the magician can still maintain his sanity and continue to have magical powers, and can transform back to human at any time.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to exercise the ability of Animagus. James, Sirius and others spent 5 years to master this technology.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this self-driving carriage is so cool, I wish I could have one at home."

"Go to hell, what are you thinking about! It is said that only magic schools are qualified to use this kind of carriage."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~, I don't believe there are things that can't be bought with money! I will write a letter to my dad tonight."

"I know your family is rich, so you don't have to talk about it every day. By the way, after your family buys it, can I go to play?"


Several students passed by Xiao Ming and his group while chatting. Two of them even nodded to Harry and others in a friendly manner.

Ron was also very curious and asked Professor Lupin: "Professor, is what they said true? Can I buy this kind of carriage? It must be very expensive, right?"

Lupin ignored the boy, but looked at the leader's right guard to see how he would react.

As expected, the right guard looked at him with doubts, as if he was puzzled. Lupin sighed secretly that it was true. He was also a person who had seen life and death.

In fact, the carriages at Hogwarts were not automatically driven. The carriages were pulled by a magical creature called Thestrals.

It was a skinny black Pegasus with a dragon-like head and huge bat wings. Only those who had witnessed death could see them.

For this reason, Thestrals were once considered a symbol of bad luck, and it was said that they would bring all kinds of terrible disasters to those who saw them. Many people still hold this view.

Xiao Ming was a person who was used to seeing life and death, so he could naturally see the Thestrals. That's why he was surprised that there were animals pulling the carriage. Why can't the students see it?

Seeing Professor Lupin give him a meaningful look, Xiao Ming didn't ask these questions.

Then he calmed down and searched the memory of Voldemort's residual soul, and soon found out what the Thestrals were.

They are omnivorous animals. They like to eat blood and raw meat, but also grass, and even rotten and spoiled food residues.

Thestrals are very smart and very useful. Once tamed, they will never leave their masters.

They have an amazing sense of direction. As long as you tell them where you want to go, they will take you to your destination.

It is similar to the Knight Bus. But many people don't dare to ride it.

The Thestrals can fly at an amazing speed in the air. The main job of these Thestrals raised by Hogwarts is to pull carriages for the school.

Dumbledore would also use this creature if he needed to travel long distances and didn't want to use Apparition.

Thestrals are a type of Pegasus and are classified as "dangerous" by the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, like many venomous snakes, the Thestrals will not attack humans as long as they are not provoked.

But this does not prevent humans from thinking that they are dangerous from their own perspective.

At this time, Lupin took Xiao Ming and separated from the three protagonists, boarded a carriage, and headed straight for Hogwarts.

The students nearby were secretly watching the father and son, whispering to each other.

A child who was much younger than them suddenly appeared in the school, and everyone was full of curiosity.

Fortunately, these students were also children, and although they were curious, they did not come to harass them.

If it were a group of adults, someone might pick up Xiao Ming and lift him up high, or even pinch his little face.

If that happened, Xiao Ming would probably beat the guy away.

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