Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1431 Professor Snape

"Actually, don't worry about Dementors." Xiao Ming muttered to himself in the principal's office of Hogwarts.

Professor Snape, who was accompanying him, couldn't help but ask curiously: "WHY? Why did you mention Dementors?"

Of course he knew that Dementors had settled in Hogwarts. He was just curious why this child made such a random statement.

The two had been staying in the principal's office, and the child had been in a daze. Why did he suddenly talk about Dementors?

"Uh..." Xiao Ming was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Just before he entered Hogwarts in a carriage, Xiao Ming felt the Dementors floating around.

Because he was a newly appointed King of Hell. In his Kuafu underworld, except for his own ghost messenger clone, there were almost no underworld creatures. It was a little deserted.

So whenever he encountered Dementors, Xiao Ming would absorb them into the underworld. Let them have a more comfortable environment, and his underworld can be more lively.

In the future, maybe he will make a special trip to Azkaban prison to take away all the Dementors. For now, he will just go with the flow and take them in whenever he sees one.

Since the Dementors have settled in Hogwarts, all the entrances and exits have been guarded, and there are naturally many at the main gate. Xiao Ming kidnapped all the Dementors that were not too far away along the way.

His plan is that as long as Hogwarts accepts him, he will take away all the Dementors within a month. Such creatures should not stay in the world.

I hope the Ministry of Magic will adopt the tactic of adding fuel to the fire and continue to send new Dementors to settle in.

Xiao Ming was watching the opening banquet remotely just now. When he heard Dumbledore mention Dementors, he was a little worried that they would hurt students.

He decided to do more and kidnap all the Dementors at a faster speed. Thinking in his heart, he said it out of his mouth.

Unexpectedly, Professor Snape, who looked expressionless and rarely spoke, was actually interested. He took the initiative to ask about the situation. Hurry up and make up an excuse.

"Well... it's like this. I lived with Professor Lupin before, and I encountered Dementors. I killed a few..."

"What!" Snape was shocked, "You? Killed Dementors? HOW?... How did you do it?"

Facing Dementors, Professor Snape could only use the Patronus Charm to expel them, but he couldn't destroy them. I don't think I've ever heard that Dementors can be killed. Is this kid bragging?

"This, that..." Xiao Ming made a very embarrassed expression, "That's a secret, let's talk about it after your principal meets me, okay?"

Snape frowned and didn't speak. He stared at Xiao Ming sternly for a while, and then nodded slightly to indicate his agreement.

What if he didn't agree? Snape couldn't bear to use magic to force a confession on a 6-year-old child. He just looked scary, not a bad person.

He was dressed in a black robe, thin, pale, and had straight, greasy black hair that reached his shoulders. His eyes gave people a cold and unfathomable feeling. The most prominent thing was the huge hooked nose.

Xiao Ming was a little interested in this facial paralysis, and then used the power of the underworld to look through his life. He was quite moved.

Severus Snape was born in 1960. His father was a Muggle, and his mother, Eileen Prince, was a magician. The family was not happy.

In his childhood, in the Muggle world, Snape was not popular with children. At this time, he happened to meet Harry's mother, Lily Evans, and became friends.

From then on, Snape fell deeply in love with this gentle girl. He was less than 11 years old at that time, and he was really a little devil.

In 1971, the two of them entered Hogwarts School in the same year as James Potter, Sirius, Pettigrew, Lupin, etc.

It's just that he entered Slytherin College, while Lily and Potter and others entered Gryffindor. Snape and Lily began to drift apart and eventually broke up.

The apparent reason was that once James played a prank, Snape lost control and called Lily "Mudblood".

This is an extremely insulting word for half-blood wizards, and Lily turned hostile at the time. Later, no matter how Snape begged for apology, he could not save this friendship.

The real reason was that Snape was keen on black magic at that time and even became a Death Eater. This is a difference in philosophy. Otherwise, he would not have called out the word "Mudblood".

Snape turned over a new leaf in 1981. At that time, Voldemort killed James Potter and Lily. The tragic death of his beloved made him wake up.

He went too late at that time and only saw Lily's body and the one-year-old little Harry.

Snape cried loudly while holding Lily's body, and regarded protecting Harry Potter as his lifelong mission.

So he joined the Order of the Phoenix and became Dumbledore's undercover agent among the Death Eaters, and he still maintains his undercover identity to this day.

Because of this, he was very harsh and strict to Harry Potter on the surface. Harry mistakenly thought that Snape was targeting him. In fact, it was completely the opposite.

Harry Potter had a pair of almond-shaped green eyes inherited from his mother. Seeing these eyes, how could Snape be angry?

To this day, Snape has never fallen in love with another woman. This is the rhythm of never marrying for life. What a poor spare tire/licking dog.

Xiao Ming has never experienced this feeling of deeply loving someone. I can only admire him.

I found that the 6-year-old child looked at me with pity. Snape was a little confused and could only think that he had seen it wrong.

Not long after, there was a noise at the entrance, and Principal Dumbledore came back. "Hehe, sorry, sorry, we kept our little genius waiting for a long time."

As the top master in the magic world, Dumbledore was not arrogant at all and treated Xiao Ming very warmly. It was completely different from Snape, who had a paralyzed face.

"Severus, please go out first, let me talk to this little genius alone."

Hearing this, Professor Snape had no expression on his face and went out with a cold face. Those who didn't know thought he was angry.

Dumbledore had long been familiar with his character and didn't care at all. He poured Xiao Ming a cup of hot tea and started chatting with him.

The principal didn't use any special magic to judge people, but relied on his superior intuition. He rarely made mistakes.

In his perception, the child in front of him was a good person. But he was also an extremely powerful person. Facing him is like facing a dragon.

Although Xiao Ming did not show his strength, Dumbledore felt that if the two of them fought, he would definitely lose. And he would be defeated overwhelmingly.

The ninjutsu of a child could actually surpass the strongest person in the current magic world. Ninjutsu is indeed a powerful force. Lupin and Sirius really did a great thing.

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