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Chapter 1443: Rejected Proposal

Harry Potter, under the invisibility cloak, wanted to live with his godfather, away from that "home" without warmth. How could his godfather Sirius Black not want to? !

He, Lupin, and the right guard of the leader had seen Harry's situation in his uncle's house with their own eyes. They really couldn't bear to let him stay among those people. So they took this opportunity to bring it up.

Black had no wife and no children, and had long regarded Harry as his own child. In the future, Harry would also take care of him in his old age and inherit all his inheritance.

In fact, Professor Snape was the same. He loved Lily deeply, but he did not get married and had no children. Eighty percent of the family property would be handed over to Harry for inheritance.

Although he was not as rich as the Potter family and the Black family, as a rare master in the magic world, he should not be poor. Harry's wealth in the future might exceed Malfoy.

Hearing Black's proposal, little Harry almost burst into tears again. This was his godfather, and he finally felt the warmth of his relatives.

In fact, there were many people who were good to Harry. I won't talk about Snape's strange way of being nice. Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Lupin, etc., they are all very nice to Harry.

Especially Ron's family, his parents take care of Harry as if he were their own child. The only thing worse than Black is "legitimate".

In Harry Potter's heart, they always love the whole family, which is a little different from his godfather. Since the godfather took the initiative to propose, Harry also hopes that these people can agree.

The Ministry of Magic felt guilty because it wrongly sentenced Sirius to 12 years in prison. Naturally, they agreed.

Minister Fudge, Deputy Minister Umbridge, Director Scrimgeour, and Director Emilia all expressed their support.

Fudge even wanted to exaggerate the matter and portray it as a moving and tearful legend. If he made this happen, he would definitely increase his support rate.

In Europe, a person's godfather has a very high status, and it is not difficult to get guardianship. As for the thoughts of Harry's uncle's Muggle family, it is not important at all.

ε=(ο`*)))Alas, Dumbledore sighed, pulled Black to the vicinity of Harry's hiding place, whispered a few words, and dispelled his beautiful dream.

"I'm sorry, my friend, it's not wise to do this. Lily used [Blood Protection] on Harry. Before Harry came of age.

As long as he lives in a place that can be called home with her blood, he can be protected from Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Mr. Black, even you can't provide better protection than this."

As he said, Dumbledore glanced at the direction where Harry was hiding. He said meaningfully:

"Being loved so deeply by someone, even if the person who loves us is dead, will leave us an eternal amulet."

This kind of spiritual chicken soup always appears in the mouth of the wise old man. No matter what others do, Harry and Black are happy to accept it. Offset the sense of loss of the wish being dashed.

Not many people know that Lily used blood protection on Harry, and even the Ministry of Magic is not clear. Only a few people, such as Dumbledore, knew about it.

Because although blood protection is very strong, it also has fatal flaws. The premise for this protection to work is the blood relationship between Harry and his aunt Petunia.

As long as the Death Eaters kill Petunia and her son Dudley, this blood relationship will no longer exist, and the protection will also be invalid.

Although blood protection is extremely strong, it does not protect Petunia and Dudley, two Muggles. And the Death Eaters don't mind killing ordinary people at all.

So the fewer people who know this secret, the better. Dumbledore had to whisper to Sirius alone. He couldn't say it in front of the people in the Ministry of Magic.

Today, the consensus in the magic world is that Voldemort is dead, and there are things to burn paper. Only a few of his loyal subordinates are still active. Most of the Death Eaters have been imprisoned in Azkaban.

There are also some Death Eaters who decisively changed their direction after Voldemort's "death" and pretended to be good people. Among them is Lucius Malfoy's family.

No one knew that Voldemort had made a Horcrux, including Dumbledore at the beginning.

Because of the Horcrux, Voldemort did not die on that legendary night more than ten years ago. It was just that his body was destroyed and his soul was severely damaged.

He hid in the forests of Albania and used his remaining power to possess animals to survive, thus evading the search of the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, and was generally believed to be dead.

Dumbledore still had a skeptical attitude towards this. He did not believe that with Tom Riddle's talent, he would die so easily. But there was no evidence that he was still alive. He could only make some arrangements in secret to be prepared for any eventuality.

However, just last year, when Harry was in the second grade, Voldemort's first Horcrux [Tom Riddle's Diary] surfaced.

Since the diary had been destroyed by Harry and others, it was difficult to prove that this was Voldemort's Horcrux, and it could not be used to convince the Ministry of Magic. But Dumbledore could confirm that Voldemort must not be dead.

More than ten years ago, this diary was still intact. Since there was an intact Horcrux, he would not die. What's more, Voldemort might have more than one Horcrux.

Dumbledore could not convince the Ministry of Magic that Voldemort was still alive, but it was not a problem to convince the original members of the Order of the Phoenix. Lupin and Sirius both knew about it.

After listening to Dumbledore's explanation of blood protection, Sirius immediately followed suit. Turning around, he said loudly to the others:

"I'm sorry, everyone. I didn't think it through. The remaining Death Eaters are likely to target me, so it's not safe for Harry to stay with me."

Fudge was a little disappointed when he heard this. It was a pity for this gimmick. Since the other party changed his mind, he had nothing to say. In this situation, Umbridge would not sing against Fudge.

Scrimgeour and Emilia nodded when they heard this, but they didn't say anything, with thoughtful eyes. As for Sirius's excuse, they didn't believe it.

If Harry is not safe with you, is it safe to follow his Muggle uncle and his family? This is just an excuse, but it's not convenient to expose it in person.

Scrimgeour and Emilia both felt that there must be other hidden stories behind this matter. They planned to send reliable people to investigate it quietly after returning, and they remained calm on the surface.

They are different from Fudge, who only cares about his own power and status. They must pay attention to things related to the Death Eaters.

And Dumbledore welcomes them to investigate. These two people are firmly on the opposite side of Voldemort. If they can be won over, it will be great.

These two people are in high positions, and he can't convince them by just talking to them. It's their instinct to doubt everything.

Only things they find out themselves will be credible. Dumbledore's doing this is more or less a bit of fishing.

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