Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1448 Father and son reunited

In Rita Skeeter's memory, the beetle she turned into was suddenly pinched by three fingers, and then a blood moon with patterns appeared in front of her. Then everything changed.

Later she figured out that in broad daylight, in the house, how could there be a moon? This was the eyes of the child called the leader's right guard.

Yes, what she saw was Xiao Ming's Mangekyō Sharingan - Tsukuyomi. Rita's spirit body was pulled into Xiao Ming's spiritual world.

With her inferior strength, she immediately withered in front of Xiao Ming's huge spiritual power.

From that day on, Rita became Xiao Ming's loyal subordinate. Responsible for collecting important intelligence and issuing reports that Xiao Ming hoped for.

Although he didn't think she would dare to betray him in the future, Xiao Ming still took out insurance. He buried [Bone Attachment] in her body.

Whether she is in human form or beetle form, the parasite will not fall off. Not only can it monitor and control her at any time, but it can also be used as the coordinates of opening a space door in critical moments.

In the Moonlight World, Xiao Ming simulated the pain of the bug attack for her, and the reporter completely surrendered.

After that, she interviewed Harry, Dumbledore, Lupin, Sirius and others. And published a report in the Daily Prophet.

Hermione had heard of Rita's reputation, so she read those reports carefully and found that there was no false or distorted content in them.

The little girl was also wondering, how did this person change? Could it be that everyone had misunderstood her before? Even Dumbledore and others had the same doubts as her.

Especially Deputy Minister Dolores Umbridge. She had been tortured for several days by Xiao Ming's sword of rewarding good and punishing evil.

But she didn't forget to play tricks, which was really hopeless. Every night's nightmare will have another punishment.

Umbridge quietly passed a message to Rita, asking her to implicitly belittle Harry and Sirius in the report and to praise the Ministry of Magic of the British Empire. Including Minister Fudge and herself.

Reporters are very good at that kind of rhetoric. If the report is written in a certain way, it can seem to praise, but actually be derogatory. The opposite can also be done.

Fortunately, Rita fell into Xiao Ming's hands early and was conquered. Otherwise, she might really succeed. Harry would probably be very angry. Now it is Umbridge's turn to be angry.

Of course, when Rita's report was actually published. Although Umbridge was angry, she had no time to care about it. Because the power of the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil was too great, she could no longer bear it.

Umbridge began to do her best to find out the reason for her nightmares every night. And think about how to solve it. Let's talk about Rita's trivial matters later.

According to the agreement reached between the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts, Fudge will send a high-level investigation team to secretly investigate the mystery of the disappearance of Dementors in the name of investigating the ecosystem of the Forbidden Forest.

Fudge originally wanted to let his confidant Umbridge be the leader of this investigation team.

Although her character is not good, her ability is definitely strong enough. Among the professors of Hogwarts, she can also be ranked in the upper middle position.

Without ability, it is impossible to become the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic by flattery.

However, Umbridge is really busy with her own affairs, so how can she have time to deal with such complicated and tedious things at first glance.

However, she can't refuse directly, which seems to be disrespectful to the leader. So she found an excuse and gave the position of the head of the senior investigation team to Lucius Malfoy.

After all, people paid for Buckbeak's matter. It's not bad to use this position of the head of the senior investigation team to shut him up. It saves him from gossiping in the future.

Fudge's ears are soft, and he thought it made sense, so he agreed.

This time, Lucius led the team to settle in Hogwarts, although he still looked arrogant and high-handed. In fact, he was much more honest.

The situation is stronger than people! Now he is no longer a school director. One less capital to pretend.

More importantly, this is Dumbledore's territory. He and Dumbledore have a grudge against each other. If he secretly trips him up during the investigation, it will be difficult for him to do anything.

Solving the mystery of the disappearance of the Dementors is so important. Promotion and wealth depend on it. Lucius doesn't want this to go to waste.

So not only did he keep a low profile, but even his son Draco Malfoy was ordered to keep a low profile for a while.

Unfortunately, what Lucius did was destined to be futile. It also left many people with the impression that he was ambitious but incompetent. These are later stories.

The three protagonists had no time to care about Lucius's entry into Hogwarts. They were almost always hanging out with Sirius during this period. They were very happy.

Hogwarts is a closed school. Sirius was neither a student nor a teacher, and was not allowed to enter Hogwarts.

So the school specially arranged for Harry and Sirius to meet and recognize each other at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade Village. Harry finally got his wish and came to this village.

In fact, the terminus of the Hogwarts Express is located in the village. Harry and his friends would pass by at the beginning of each semester, but students were not allowed to wander around at that time.

The Three Broomsticks is warm and comfortable, offering a variety of drinks such as lemonade, hot mead, red wine, cherry juice, soda water, and even butter beer. It is a favorite of students. Dumbledore likes the mead here very much.

Mrs. Rosmerta, the bar owner, is graceful and charming. Ron blushed every time he was near her, and was often teased by Hermione for this.

She has a wide range of contacts, the teachers at school also know her, the goblins also know her, and even the Minister of Magic Fudge is very familiar with her.

This time, the meeting place between Harry and Sirius was set at the Three Broomsticks Bar, which also helped her promote it. Many reporters, including Rita, will be there.

Although neither Harry nor Sirius liked this scene. But Minister Fudge’s face must be given, so be careful.

What's more, it's rare for Harry to have a legitimate visit to Hogsmeade and have a nice stroll with his godfather. I can tolerate even the slightest discomfort.

When it came time to officially meet, even though the two of them had been fully prepared mentally, and in front of several senior officials from the Ministry of Magic and a group of reporters, they still burst into tears. It made everyone else shed a few tears as well.

Ron and Hermione were lucky enough to attend this meeting. But the leader's right guard must not show up. I could only listen to the three of them telling me the process happily the next day.

Sirius is Xiao Ming's boss and the first person he meets in this world. He is also a good person. Xiao Ming was also sincerely happy for him and Harry.

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