Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1457 Old Deng's Request

Speaking of which, since the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) has given all styles of uniforms to the twin brothers, why did they come to the Yuenu Sword Shop?

For no other reason, clothes are just clothes after all, unlike the mind beasts, which have beauties inside. Only when they match can they shine. They are naturally here... to appreciate beauty. They never expected to meet the principal by chance, and they could only run away in fear.

Of course, they did not doubt that the principal and they had the same purpose. Because according to legend, Dumbledore is a homosexual and cannot be interested in beautiful women.

This kind of thing is not discriminated against in the British Empire. It is even widely respected. This is why Britain is often called the country of corruption.

Looking at Fred and George who fled, Dumbledore smiled and twisted his beard, and Xiao Ming couldn't help but smile.

After casually looking at the goods on the shelves, Xiao Ming invited Lao Deng to a tea room in the store to chat while drinking tea.

Feeling that the environment here is very good, Dumbledore came up with the idea of ​​using this place as a temporary base for members of the Order of the Phoenix.

After taking a sip of the light green tea, the principal frowned and felt that it was not very appetizing.

He was used to drinking iced lemon juice, butter beer, honey wine and other sweets. Even when drinking tea, it was black tea with sugar and milk. He really couldn't get used to this light green tea.

Seeing this, Xiao Ming quickly instructed the maid with his mind to bring a glass of honey wine. Old Deng took a sip and nodded with satisfaction.

After so long, Dumbledore already knew that although the leader's right guard looked only 6 years old, he was actually mature and sophisticated. It was right to treat him as an adult.

If there was no secret method of keeping youth in ninjutsu, it was that the ninja world was too cruel, causing this child to be so old.

Old Deng felt a little sorry for Xiao Ming, but he couldn't criticize the ninja world directly, so he had to skip it.

The two chatted for a while and talked about subduing the mind beast. Xiao Ming couldn't use ninjutsu to evade this.

After all, Dumbledore has already refined chakra, and the mind beasts give him a completely different feeling.

Xiao Ming can only say that these subdued mind beasts were given by the family after he completed the A-level mission last year. He doesn't know what they are. But he can guarantee that they are completely harmless.

Dumbledore thought about it and it was indeed harmless. Even if these mind beasts are counted as female ghosts, their strength is not particularly strong. Probably normal Aurors can deal with them.

He actually saw the emergence of an unknown force and wanted to find out the bottom. It would be best to arrange for others to learn from the leader's right guard. Since Xiao Ming said it was a reward, he could only give up.

Dumbledore took a sip of the wine glass and said, "Child, I have something to ask of you."

"Principal, please speak."

"You must have heard of Voldemort? It is rumored in the magic world that he is dead, but I have a feeling that he will make a comeback soon."

"This matter doesn't seem to have much to do with me, right?" Xiao Ming thought Dumbledore wanted him to deal with Voldemort, but Xiao Ming was not interested. This meaning was revealed in the response.

"Hehe, don't worry, my friend. This is a matter of the British magic world. It won't involve you, a child. I mean your store is very good..."

Then, Dumbledore spent nearly ten minutes explaining his intentions. Wanting the Yuenujian store as a base is nothing. He also wants the leader's right guard to be the [Secret Keeper].

As mentioned earlier, Peter Pettigrew was the Potter couple's secret keeper. Because of his betrayal, the couple was killed by Voldemort. So what is a secret keeper?

This has to mention an extremely complex magic spell - [Fidelius Charm]. This is a very powerful magic.

Use a spell to hide a secret forever in the soul of a living person. The selected person is the secret keeper. As long as the secret keeper does not reveal it, the secret will not be discovered.

If Pettigrew had not revealed the Potter couple's hiding place to Voldemort, even if someone put their nose against the glass of their living room, they would not see them in the house.

Therefore, Voldemort and the Death Eaters like to capture people for interrogation, not just because they are tyrannical, but there is another reason. It is not necessarily that one of them is the role of the secret keeper.

Most people cannot withstand the torture of magic. Their methods are much more powerful than those of the FBI, MI5 and the like.

If it really doesn't work, they can kill the secret keeper, and then the Fidelius Charm will immediately become ineffective. So their methods are very effective.

Dumbledore has no intention of involving a child from the East in the disputes of the wizarding world. But this child is really very suitable for the role of the secret keeper.

Old Dumbledore plans to reorganize the Order of the Phoenix and use the Yuenu Sword Shop as a base. Originally, he wanted to be the secret keeper himself.

However, he had a hunch that he didn't have much time left. If he died accidentally one day, all members of the Order of the Phoenix would automatically become secret keepers.

A secret known to so many people is no longer a secret. So the leader's right guard appeared in the headmaster's mind. He is too suitable.

First, the leader's right guard is strong enough, and it is almost impossible to be captured and forced to confess, so the safety is very high.

Second, he is young, only 6 years old, and a genius in magic and ninjutsu. It is not a problem for him to live for 100 years. There is no need to consider changing him.

Third, he is a small target. If no one tells him, no one would think that such a child would be the secret keeper.

Fourth, the waiters of the Yuenu Sword Shop, that is, those uniformed mind beasts, are quite combative.

Even if foreign enemies really come, they can provide good defense, and at least delay enough time.

After Lao Dumbledore said this, Xiao Ming agreed. This matter does not cost him anything, but he can earn a lot of favors for free, why not do it? !

Besides, Xiao Ming has seen the Fidelius Charm in Dumbledore's memory. He knows that this magic is very complicated, but the effect is absolutely awesome.

There are almost no similar abilities in other supernatural energy tricks. It is the top method to keep secrets.

If you use telekinesis, you may be able to achieve similar results. But Xiao Ming is not willing to use his limited telekinesis in this regard.

In addition, when Dumbledore casts a spell on himself, he can observe the whole process nearby, which is also a good learning opportunity. So Xiao Ming readily agreed.

Lao Dumbledore didn't say much nonsense, and immediately cast this magic, setting the Yuenu Sword Shop as a secret base of the Order of the Phoenix, and the secret keeper is the leader's right guard.

Now, as long as Xiao Ming doesn't reveal the secret, no one else can see any gathering of the Order of the Phoenix members in the store.

Unfortunately, because the magic is quite advanced, Xiao Ming didn't learn it immediately after watching it, but only deepened his understanding.

After practicing for a while, he finally mastered the Fidelius Spell. This is a later story.

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