Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1468: No Longer a Professor

As the safest place in the magic world, Hogwarts Castle has powerful defensive magic, and it is impossible to enter and exit using space teleportation magic.

Therefore, the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) used the magic [Apparition] to return to the forbidden forest next to the castle. All the creatures that landed were startled.

This is also a normal phenomenon. Any animal, insect, or even flowers and plants will be alert when they see a person suddenly appear nearby.

The magicians' Apparition and other ways of moving often scare small animals and make them startled. Especially rabbits, which always jump three feet high.

Many naughty magicians like to play this way. After all, according to the law, magicians cannot let humans see them casting spells, so they can only scare small animals to satisfy their addiction.

Xiaoming was not so bored, but he still scared some flowers and plants. The two adult night owls were frightened and ran away quickly.

Although it was late at night and the sky was dark, the Thestrals had good night vision. They saw the uninvited guest.

They reacted quickly, but found that their child did not follow them. The little Thestral was not afraid of tigers. Instead of running away, it felt very curious.

I don’t know if it sensed the source energy that Xiao Ming had been releasing. Generally, infants and young children can sense it more easily. Instead, it staggered towards Xiao Ming.

It scared its parents. As adult magical creatures, the Thestrals’ parents felt Xiao Ming’s power. Such beings should be kept away.

But what can they do if their own children approach? ! They had to run back and stand in front of the children, fearing that they would anger the scary creature in front of them. Who knew that in the blink of an eye, the creature disappeared again.

Xiao Ming didn’t pay any attention to the Thestrals family that he had disturbed. He took out a Firebolt magic broom and rode it into Hogwarts Castle. I didn't hear anything at all. After he left, Xiao Yeqi's pitiful sobbing...

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This Firebolt broom was bought by Xiao Ming in the Quidditch boutique in Diagon Alley. Harry liked this store very much, but Xiao Ming didn't buy anything except the broom.

Because he was really not interested. The products in that store are mostly celebrity peripherals. There are clothes, shoes, brooms, balls of various Quidditch stars from past generations... everything.

In Pangu Star, Xiao Ming didn't chase stars, let alone here? In fact, it's not accurate to say that. Xiao Ming also has his favorite stars, but he will never spend money on them.

The next day, his friends were still busy with the final exams and had no time to come to him. Professor Lupin, who lived with him, was the first to receive the gift from the leader's right guard.

Looking at the new clothes bought for him by his "distant cousin", Lupin smiled bitterly. This thought was going to be wasted.

He thought that the leader's right guard wanted him to wear new clothes to teach students. However, it is the final exams now. There are basically no classes this school year.

In the next school year, Lupin will no longer be the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It seems that this dress will not be used.

Feeling Lupin's thoughts, Xiao Ming was full of black lines. What a stupid straight man. Who said that good clothes can only be worn in class? The most important thing is to wear them when picking up girls in the future.

After sorting out the misunderstanding, Xiao Ming asked Lupin again why he was no longer a teacher at Hogwarts. Lupin also smiled and said nothing. It seems that it is still a secret.

After a period of time, when the final exams were over and the students were about to go home, this secret was revealed by Dumbledore himself.

"Almost all werewolves are on Voldemort's side. I will send Professor Remus Lupin to recruit people from the werewolf tribe and gather some intelligence at the same time."

"I see," Xiao Ming nodded, "No wonder Lupin didn't tell me. This should be your secret. Why did you... today?"

Xiao Ming didn't continue speaking, but the meaning was already very clear: Lupin didn't say it, why did you Dumbledore say it?

Old Dumbledore smiled and said, "That's because I hope you can go with him."


"Lupin no longer turns into a werewolf, it should be your handiwork. By making good use of this, we will definitely be able to win over many werewolves to our side...."

After listening to the principal's words, Xiao Ming felt that he was very shrewd and good at using people. However, those who know the original will understand that Dumbledore may be a little bit arrogant.

In the original, he sent Lupin just to find out the news of the Dark Lord, and didn't think about winning over the werewolves at all. And the time is also a little later than now.

In this life, because of Lupin's changes, he would pay attention to the leader's right guard. He actually wanted to win over some of the werewolves. He had a big appetite.

Little did he know that this idea was not realistic. Xiao Ming was indeed the root of Lupin's refusal to turn into a werewolf, but this effect was not controllable.

First of all, the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil only rewards good people. Lupin can be judged as a good person, but other werewolves are unlikely to meet this condition.

Secondly, even if the preconditions are met, the special rewards given by the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil are not fixed.

The health and life span of regular rewards are fixed. But the superpowers of special rewards will change with people's wishes.

Unless the werewolf's desire to stop turning into a wolf is very, very strong, it will not have the same effect.

Finally, even if all the above conditions are met, it may not work.

Because, to use the words in the game, the "merit" accumulated by the werewolf may not be enough for him to get the same reward as Lupin.

He is not as kind as Lupin, so he cannot redeem the special effect of "not being a werewolf".

In addition, in the next school year, Hogwarts will hold the Triwizard Tournament. At that time, teachers and students from two other magic schools will come to Hogwarts.

They are [Beauxbatons School of Magic] located in the Pyrenees Mountains and [Durmstrang School of Magic] located in the Scandinavian Peninsula.

In addition to the officials sent by the Ministry of Magic, there will be many masters gathered in Hogwarts Castle at that time.

As for the special existence of the Right Guard of the Master, Old Dumbledore does not want people from other schools to contact him for the time being. This child has too much strategic significance.

In fact, Harry Potter is the person that Dumbledore values ​​most. He should let the Right Guard of the Master be with little Harry often, so that he can play an additional protective role.

However, in this school year, the five deans who have learned ninjutsu have greatly increased their strength. Even if they are only proficient in using the Three Body Technique, they can improve their combat effectiveness by several percent.

Old Dumbledore feels that he can protect little Harry. On the contrary, it was very dangerous for Lupin to blend in with the werewolves, and he needed a strong bodyguard.

Considering all the factors, he arranged the leader's right guard outside the school. He never expected that this would be the decision he would regret the most in the future.

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