Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1470 Nymphadora Tonks

"I'm not trying to discourage you, but what's the point of a kid like this going? I'd better go." A female Auror whom Xiao Ming had never seen questioned.

Dumbledore and Snape had both studied ninjutsu with the right guard of the leader for more than half a year, and they knew how powerful this kid was.

Others, such as Sirius and Arthur, had heard about it more or less from Dumbledore and Snape, and they were not surprised.

Only Nymphadora Tonks saw the right guard of the leader for the first time today, and she didn't hear many rumors about it. It's normal to have doubts.

When everyone saw that it was her who raised the objection, they understood it.

Nymphadora is actually not very old, only 21 years old this year. His father, Ted Tonks, is a Muggle-born wizard.

And her mother, Andromeda, is from the famous Black family and is Sirius' favorite cousin.

Andromeda, like Sirius, hates the pure-blood concept of her family. And she had the courage to resist and married Ted, who was born in Muggle, and she was expelled from the family because of this.

In this way, Nymphadora is of the same generation as Harry, and she is considered to be Harry's older sister.

She studied at Hufflepuff College of Hogwarts and her grades were quite good.

After graduating in 1991, after 3 years of training, she successfully became an Auror this year. And she has just been absorbed into the Order of the Phoenix not long ago.

Nymphadora is a Metamorphmagus who can easily change her appearance. For example, she can change the color of her hair and the shape of her nose in an instant.

Unlike Sirius and Pettigrew, the ability of Metamorphmagus is innate and cannot be cultivated.

This ability gives Nymphadora great convenience. After all, Animagus can only change in one way, but she can change into any animal she wants.

With such a strong talent, it is no wonder that Dumbledore, the old sly man, has noticed her so early.

In addition, she is now a little attracted to Lupin. With an uncle as handsome as Sirius, I don't know why she likes Lupin.

Lupin is one generation older than her, more than ten years older. Nymphadora is really an interesting woman.

Anyway, she thinks that a child like the right guard of the leader is unreliable. If she wants to blend into the werewolves, shouldn't she be the most suitable?

She doesn't know, this mission is too dangerous. Even if there is no right guard of the leader, Dumbledore would rather let Lupin go by himself than let her, a young man with little experience, go.

As for the fact that the right guard of the leader is younger, people who have been with Xiao Ming for a long time have long stopped taking it seriously.

However, there is no need to suppress the enthusiasm of the younger generation. Dumbledore did not put on airs and scold her, but winked at Xiao Ming. That means: Come and show your skills.

At first, Xiao Ming didn't want to show his fighting ability, and didn't know the characteristics of Nymphadora, so he used the transformation technique.

From a child, to an adult, to an old man, and both men and women. Then she turned into several animals such as wolves, bears, tigers and leopards. I thought that this performance should be enough.

Unexpectedly, this woman was not bad either. She followed Xiao Ming's pace and turned into many animals.

Although Nymphadora could not transform into an old man or a child, nor could she transform into a man, she could do 360 kinds of tricks as a young woman at will.

This surprised Xiao Ming. Later, she secretly collected some of her dandruff and hair that fell off; she even turned a parasite into a mosquito and sucked a few mouthfuls of her blood. This precious genetic information was also included in the gene pool of the Zerg.

After showing the European version of 72 changes, Nymphadora proudly raised her eyebrows at Xiao Ming. What does that mean: That's it? I can do it too!

Xiao Ming had no choice but to raise his right hand slightly, with his palm facing up. A sphere composed of lightning appeared out of thin air and became bigger and bigger...

At first, Nymphadora didn't care. It was not difficult for a magician to make a water ball, a fire ball, etc. Thunderballs are nothing big, just a little more difficult.

But when the thunder ball expanded to the size of a basketball, she could no longer remain calm.

You know, for this kind of thing, the diameter of the sphere expands a little bit, and the requirements for the operator's skills and energy will increase exponentially.

Such a large thunder ball, if it hits me, I will definitely not be able to withstand it, even if I use magic, I may not be able to block it.

However, the thunder ball continued to expand. This is also what Dumbledore meant. Since he has demonstrated his strength, he might as well shock others together. Give everyone some confidence.

When the thunder ball expanded to a volume larger than the overhead chandelier, everyone had already begun to look around for a way to escape.

If this thing explodes, there will probably be only a few people left in the room. The Phoenix Order may be wiped out.

From their frightened eyes, Xiao Ming read a sentence, "Great Sage, quickly collect your magical powers."

But no one dared to say it out loud. His own voice disturbed the concentration of the leader's right guard, causing the thunder ball to explode.

The goal has been achieved. Xiao Ming shook his wrist, and the thunder ball disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared. There was not even a trace of fireworks.

At this time, everyone let out a sigh of relief. Except for Dumbledore, everyone else was so nervous that they didn't even dare to breathe.

Seeing that the crisis was resolved, everyone's tense spirits finally relaxed. The clothes on the backs of several people were instantly soaked, and they broke out in cold sweats.

Even Snape, who had an estimate of Xiao Ming's strength, was now slumped in a chair without any image.

Nymphadora couldn't even speak, she just gave Xiao Ming a thumbs up, saying that you are awesome, I'm convinced.

Arthur and others also gave thumbs up. Thinking in their hearts, they finally understood where Dumbledore's confidence came from. It seems that we have to seriously learn the ninjutsu that old Dumbledore recently passed down.

That's right, Dumbledore first started to spread ninjutsu in the Order of the Phoenix. Only Nymphadora, who had just joined the Order, had not yet come into contact with ninjutsu.

Sirius and Lupin were okay, they had seen Xiao Ming's moves and were quite interested in ninjutsu. But Arthur and others were not used to learning a new power.

They thought that if they had this time, they might as well hone their magic. It was not certain whether ninjutsu would be useful in the future.

Although Dumbledore and others were confident, others had not seen it with their own eyes, so they did not believe it so firmly. Naturally, they did not study it so seriously.

Today, seeing the thunder ball of the leader's right guard and feeling the presence of chakra from it, Arthur and others immediately knew that they were just looking at the world from a narrow perspective.

A 7-year-old child can practice ninjutsu to such a level. No matter how talented he is, we can always catch up with half of him, right?

Let alone half, even if it is only 10% or 20% of his power, our combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Facing Voldemort and the Death Eaters, a little improvement in combat effectiveness is the difference between life and death. Everyone couldn't help but be serious.

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