Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1492: Breaking Azkaban

In later generations, this battle that broke out on Christmas Eve was called the "Battle of Azkaban".

As expected, the arrangements of the Ministry of Magic and the hidden tricks arranged by Fudge and other major forces were all completely cracked by Voldemort.

In short, it is a miracle with great strength. Voldemort has gathered a powerful army. Although there are not many Death Eaters at present, he has forced many magicians to join his camp with his great reputation. Many of them are controlled by the Imperius Curse.

In addition, he has attracted a large number of magical creatures to help. For example, trolls, eight-eyed giant spiders, etc. He even got a few dragons.

Originally, werewolves should also belong to Voldemort's camp. However, due to the activeness of Lupin and others, most of the werewolves in Britain have now become silver wolf Maggs, or are waiting to become silver wolf Maggs, and there are only a few werewolves under Voldemort.

Another powerful reinforcement is the Dementors. They still joined the Dark Lord's side as in the original book. Xiao Ming also played a certain role in this.

It was because Xiao Ming absorbed a large number of Dementors into the underworld of Kuafu that the Ministry of Magic began to investigate and study ways to control Dementors, so the Dementors chose to strike first.

These Dementors guarding Azkaban suddenly turned against each other and caused chaos in the defense line of the Aurors, which allowed the Death Eaters to successfully break through the defense of the prison at the beginning.

Various magic traps were also set up in the prison. All our people participated in the setting of the traps. However, due to the betrayal of the Dementors, these traps had almost no effect. At most, they delayed the Dark Lord for a little time to crack them.

A large number of imprisoned Death Eaters were released, and Voldemort's side instantly increased its combat power. These people are all masters of magic. Although they were tortured in prison, they still retained a certain combat power.

A very important reason is that in the days before the war, the Dementors who had defected to Voldemort supplemented these people with food and supplies to allow them to recover.

Dozens of Death Eaters, led by Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Augustus Rookwood and others, vented their anger after being imprisoned for more than ten years. Their bloody killings frightened the Aurors.

In addition, many other prisoners were also released. They had no way out anyway, so they all stood on Voldemort's side to fight.

Fortunately, Voldemort had prepared in advance and brought a large number of ownerless wands for them to use. Otherwise, many people would be unarmed.

Many of these ownerless wands were bought from Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Mr. Ollivander would not sell wands easily. He would always help wizards choose the most suitable wand for each other. He usually does not sell wands unless the customer comes.

However, for more than a year, he has been studying Xiao Ming's conjecture. Scientific research is the most expensive.

For this reason, he changed his style and was occasionally willing to sell wands in large quantities. Voldemort's people took advantage of this. Although Yin Xiaoming was always in the store, this kind of minion could not attract his attention.

Besides, doing scientific research also took up a lot of Mr. Ollivander's time, and he had no time to help customers choose carefully.

Even Xiaoming did not expect that his behavior would cause such a butterfly effect. Indirectly provided a lot of help to Voldemort's army.

In the initial battle to break through Azkaban, Voldemort's army had an absolute upper hand, but then they were not so lucky.

On the way out of Azkaban, they encountered an ambush by two groups of people.

One group was the Auror reinforcements that the Ministry of Magic had prepared long ago. They did not slack off even on Christmas Eve and stayed at the designated location.

When they received the news that Azkaban was attacked, they quickly used Apparition to come to the periphery of the prison to intercept.

The other group was the magician coalition formed by Fudge and the major families. Their discipline was much worse, and because of the holiday, less than 1/3 of the total number of people actually arrived.

Voldemort had already inquired about these two groups of people. Naturally, he was prepared in advance.

The magician coalition encountered the entanglement of Dementors. The average strength of these magicians was not strong, and only a few could use the Patronus Charm.

Dozens of Dementors completely disintegrated this coalition. It was really useless.

The Auror reinforcements were much stronger, but Voldemort adopted the strategy of abandoning the simpler magic creatures and stuffed all the simpler magic creatures to the Aurors.

Not only the monsters rushed out of Azkaban, but also many of them were fighting guerrillas on the periphery and did not enter the prison. They seriously delayed the pace of the Aurors.

When the Aurors finally dealt with these magic creatures, Voldemort had already run away with the Death Eaters.

Using the portkeys that had been prepared long ago, Voldemort and his party fled into a deep mountain forest. Unless the Ministry of Magic had the exact coordinates, they would definitely not be able to catch up in the short term.

"My Lord, the Ministry of Magic seems to have done something to us, you..." With a chance to catch her breath, Bellatrix immediately reported to her boss.

Voldemort smiled proudly: "I know. The officials of the Ministry of Magic dare not openly break the law. These things were done by Fudge in contact with several major families. There are poisons and marks. Don't worry, I have prepared them long ago."

After that, several Death Eaters came in a different form, took out the potions and props prepared in advance to solve the problems of the Death Eaters. This little trick could not be hidden from Voldemort, who had all-powerful hands and eyes. He even knew exactly what kind of poison the major families had used. Don't forget that he himself was also a master of potions.

For this battle, Voldemort's losses were really not small. Although dozens of Death Eaters were rescued, including several powerful backbones. But Voldemort pitted all his allies.

Dementors are special in nature and difficult to be eliminated. After interfering with the magician coalition, they will take the initiative to evacuate to the designated location. The problem is not big.

But magical creatures such as trolls, eight-eyed giant spiders, and a group of not very strong black magicians will definitely not escape.

They can only delay the pace of the Auror troops. In the end, they will definitely be completely wiped out. After losing this group of helpers, it will be more difficult for Voldemort to win over magical creatures.

In terms of combat power alone, they are actually no less than the dozens of rescued Death Eaters.

However, Voldemort is a pure-blooded person. In his eyes, these rescued Death Eaters with pure blood are much more useful than those dirty and smelly magical creatures. This wave is worth it!

As long as these Death Eaters are there, his comeback is just around the corner. Thinking of the happy things, Voldemort laughed up to the sky.

Unfortunately, with his current strange physical condition. His laughter is very unpleasant. How to say it? It sounds like the voice of an ancient Chinese eunuch. Very sharp and harsh.

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