Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1495 The inexplicable ending

The battle in Azkaban Prison was called the "Great Battle" because Voldemort never came out to make trouble again.

So people in later generations believed that Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of this century, had completely eliminated Voldemort in this battle, although he himself was always too humble to admit it.

Having defeated Grindelwald and Voldemort twice, Dumbledore's reputation almost reached the pinnacle of a wizard.

Hogwarts, the Order of the Phoenix, the Ministry of Magic, the Daily Prophet... and the Silver Wolf Magus clan also took advantage of this wave of rising reputation.

Due to their outstanding performance in the Great Battle, the Silver Wolf clan became famous in one battle and became an existence admired by the British magic world. Eight clan leaders such as Lupin even received the Order of Merlin.

The small mistakes that a small number of clan members had made were naturally laughed off. The Ministry of Magic wiped out their criminal records.

Of course, this is limited to the priests and the 7 Wolf Generals who participated in the war. The 8 Tiger Generals who have already gone to Europe are not included. But they will definitely be affected.

The Silver Wolf Clan has made a name for itself in Britain, and the 8 Tiger Generals are looked up to by people, which also facilitates their survival and development.

What happened to Voldemort's soul? Was he really beaten so badly by Old Dumbledore that he has never recovered?

Actually, it's not. The remaining soul of Voldemort, who was defeated and fled, was very unlucky to meet the insect-human guard-Cancer Gold Saint-Deathmask. He was thrown directly into the underworld for recycling.

Again, the existence of Horcruxes can prevent normal people from completely killing Voldemort, but this does not include the existence of those who have mastered the power of the underworld. For example, civil servants in the underworld, such as Deathmask.

Before, Xiao Ming specially allowed Deathmask to wander around in this world. After playing for a while, he was attracted by the Dementors in Azkaban Prison. After all, the nature of Dementors is close to that of the dead.

However, Cancer is very cautious. He did not take away all the Dementors directly like Xiao Ming did, but just observed and studied them secretly.

During the final battle, he stood aside and watched, too lazy to care about the disputes in the world. In the end, when Voldemort's body was destroyed and his remaining soul escaped, he was disposed of by him.

Deathmask did not think it was a big deal, and did not even report it to Xiao Ming. So Xiao Ming did not know that Voldemort was dead, and it was impossible for him to tell Dumbledore and others.

Old Dumbledore knew the existence of Horcruxes and thought that Voldemort had not died, so he had been actively looking for and destroying Horcruxes in the next few years.

In the summer of 1996, he found [Marvolo Gaunt's Ring]. This time he did not foolishly destroy it himself. After all, there was a ready-made thug in the school, the right guard of the leader.

Before, when Xiao Ming told him about the Horcruxes, Dumbledore knew that the right guard of the leader could collect the Horcruxes without damage. Then there is no need to destroy the original treasure.

So he gave the ring to the leader's right guard to "exorcise the demon", and also avoided the fate of being attacked by the Horcrux in the original book.

It's strange to say that in the original book, Dumbledore destroyed the ring with the sword of Gryffindor, and was hit by the curse of Voldemort on the ring, leaving only about a year of life.

The other Horcruxes were almost all destroyed by Harry Potter and his friends. But Harry and his friends were unscathed.

Given the gap in strength between old Dumbledore and them, such a different result is also drunk. I can only say that the power of the plot is so strong.

In addition, one of the three deathly hallows hidden in this ring, the [Resurrection Stone], fell into Xiao Ming's hands in the form of a space prop.

After being blessed by space, the function of the Resurrection Stone is completely different, allowing the reincarnation to use it to resurrect a designated dead plot character. Good stuff! Keep it first.

In the summer of 1997, the Order of the Phoenix found [Slytherin's Locket]. It was also handed over to Xiao Ming to deal with.

Only the last Horcrux, the snake [Nagini], has never been found. Even most people don't know it exists.

The life of this snake is very interesting. It was originally a female blood cursed beastman (Maledictus).

Because of the blood curse inherited from the maternal side of the family, it can switch between human and snake states at will.

It looks very much like Animagus, but blood cursed beastmen will eventually become animals completely.

Back then, she also intervened in the Grindelwald incident. Later, she completely turned into a big snake and somehow mixed with Voldemort.

It is said that when the blood cursed beastman completely becomes a beast, it no longer has memories. But it still has a very high IQ.

In the original book, it can even set a trap to murder Harry Potter, and it almost succeeded. It is definitely not comparable to normal snakes.

During the [Battle of Azkaban], for safety reasons, Voldemort did not dare to take Nagini with him. He left it in the wild forest waiting for his summons.

Unexpectedly, Voldemort's soul was taken away by Deathmask, and finally failed to return to Nagini. Nagini lived in the forest until she died of old age. By then, Xiao Ming had already left this world.

If it were a normal Horcrux, it would be difficult to hide it completely due to the remnants of powerful black magic and the fact that Voldemort's soul fragments would occasionally jump out to cause trouble.

But Nagini is a living creature, and a very intelligent one. It can sense that all other soul fragments of Voldemort are dead, and it hides its whereabouts in a low-key manner.

In addition, because of its relatively strong soul, Voldemort's soul fragments could not show up and make trouble, which allowed it to live to the end of its life. The whole plot ended inexplicably.

Unfortunately, Dumbledore didn't know about this. He spent almost the rest of his life looking for the last Horcrux. But he never found it.

It can't be said that he died of depression, but he didn't live a very comfortable life. However, compared with the ending of his death in the original book, this is already very good.

Xiao Ming stayed in this world until 2000, when the [Witch's Rejuvenation Potion] was completely analyzed and he could give birth at will.

However, in the following years, without Voldemort and the Death Eaters, he lived a very comfortable life. Harry Potter and his friends no longer bear huge pressure with deep hatred.

They enjoy their teenage life like a group of normal children. The biggest thing is to fall in love.

Maybe it is due to the open atmosphere of European society. These kids like me today and I like her tomorrow, it's just a random matchmaking.

Xiao Ming wanted to tell them that any relationship that is not for the purpose of marriage is hooliganism, but seeing their serious expressions, he was embarrassed to say it out loud.

But these kids took it too seriously and always came to the leader's right guard, an outsider, to judge. Xiao Ming was forced to flee in a hurry and never care about these trivial matters in Hogwarts again.

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