Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1507 No matter how small a mosquito leg is, it is still meat

ε=(ο`*))):"Alas, who says it's not true! The group of people at the end of the Qin Dynasty, everyone wanted to be the emperor, but they started fighting before they started their business, and they were all ruined.

The group during the Three Kingdoms period was also unlucky. They encountered the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and most of them were chopped up by the Yellow Turban rebels. The remaining cats and cats escaped, but they were killed by the government army for taking credit..."

It turns out that Taiyi Zhenren is very concerned about these "awakened" people and knows clearly the "end" of the first two groups of people. There is also a sense of helplessness in his words.

Xiao Ming comforted him and gestured and asked: "Zhenren, forget it, everyone has their own destiny, and you can't force it...

Oh, by the way, after you left the Yanhuang Three Star System... you ran to this "Dragon Dung Pond"? What are you looking for? Do you want it to be quiet here?"

"What's the 'Dragon Dung Pond'?! It's the 'Long Aotian Void'! Don't give nicknames randomly." Taiyi Zhenren refuted seriously.

With a gleam in his eyes, he said: "The saints chose this place for a reason. If I say that there is a powerful technological civilization in this void, do you believe it?"

"Technological civilization? In a void where even stars do not exist? You must be kidding me. There is no foundation for the development of technological civilization here.

Wait, don't tell me that you moved a high-tech civilization out of the reincarnation space and put it here... it doesn't count!"

"Look at what you said, how could I, Taiyi Zhenren, be that kind of person? What do you think, Zhang Daoyou, do you want to guess?"

Looking at Taiyi's weird smile, Xiao Ming complained in his heart: 'I think you are that kind of person! ' Although he didn't say it directly, his eyes expressed his thoughts very clearly.

"I knew you couldn't guess it. Let alone you, we who were below the saints at that time didn't guess it at all. Let me teach you a lesson..."

Blah blah blah, Taiyi Zhenren's words revealed to Xiao Ming a direction of development of high-tech civilization that he had never thought of.

Having said that, Xiao Ming's imagination is limited, so it is normal that he didn't expect it.

Originally, in the center of Long Aotian's void, there was a very old elliptical galaxy.

It was roughly the same size as the Milky Way, with a diameter of more than 100,000 light years. There were about 100 billion stars in total, mostly smaller red dwarfs and yellow dwarfs.

This galaxy was very lonely, and the nearest galaxy was more than a billion light years away. This distance was too far.

A technological civilization that dominated the entire galaxy was born in the galaxy. Later, they called themselves [Shadow Civilization].

Soon, Shadow Civilization discovered that they had no room to expand. The distance of more than a billion light years was daunting for them.

And there was no node of the [Pan-Universe Transmission Network] here, which meant that they could not jump out with the power of the space gem.

This TM was a Jedi, an island in the sea, an oasis in the desert.

When the energy of the entire galaxy was exhausted, that was when Shadow Civilization had completely come to an end. Moreover, this event would probably not be too far away.

Because this galaxy was very old, the birth rate of stars was quite slow, and the speed of their extinction was very fast - eating a jujube pill (it would end sooner or later).

The Shadow Civilization did not sit still and wait for death. They developed cold fusion technology to an extremely high level.

Simply put, they can simulate most of the nuclear fusion reactions inside stars.

As long as there is enough hydrogen, they can produce most of the elements in the periodic table. So one after another, they destroyed all the stars in the entire galaxy.

Because for the Shadow Civilization, the nuclear fusion that is going on inside stars all the time is a complete waste of resources.

Not only is it not easy to collect that energy, but the elements generated are not scarce. After all, this is an ancient galaxy with a lot of elements. So burning stars are unnecessary.

When the last shining star in the galaxy is settled, in the eyes of outsiders and in the observations of other civilizations, this galaxy is no different from the void.

Of course, the destruction mentioned here does not mean to completely annihilate the stars. The Shadow Civilization cannot do that.

They just "break up" and "split" the stars into gas clusters that are far from enough to support nuclear fusion reactions.

These gas clusters can be easily collected and used when the Shadow Civilization needs them in the future.

Of course, destroying a star also consumes a lot of energy. However, as long as the star is prevented from continuing to burn, there will be a lot of controllable energy reserves, which is still very cost-effective.

In this way, the remaining resources of the entire galaxy are enough to keep the shadow civilization alive for a long, long time... a long time.

With such a long time, they can continue to study the next topic: after these resources are exhausted, where should the shadow civilization go.

The technology tree of the shadow civilization is undoubtedly very much in line with the appetite of the prehistoric forces. This is exactly what they need, a very clever "increase income and reduce expenditure" technology. Especially suitable for technological civilization.

That's why the prehistoric forces will come here "from afar". Include them in the prehistoric game. By the way, copy other people's scientific and technological achievements.

In the future, if the humans on Pangu Star waste too much, or reach the point of exhaustion, they will give this technology to Pangu Star.

It's definitely not possible now. The saints think that the current leaders of Pangu Star are not qualified to obtain this technology at all.

It is not just the humans of Pangu Star who have the chance to obtain these technologies. Any other race has the opportunity. It mainly depends on whether they have such desire.

In addition, the Shadow Civilization is not at a disadvantage. The prehistoric game is also a help to them. Purely technological means may not be able to solve the problems of the Shadow Civilization, but with the power of the Mind Gem, it should not be too difficult. The premise is that the Shadow Civilization has the ability to obtain some of the rights of the Mind Gem.

In fact, in the universe, cold fusion technology is not unique to the Shadow Civilization, but they have developed this technology to a near-peak level.

The prehistoric forces have actually incorporated several similar civilizations. Of course, Taiyi Zhenren did not take the initiative to tell Xiao Ming about this.

The saints and gods have a stronger detection ability than the Shadow Civilization, and quickly discovered the other civilizations around. They also found that this place has become a garbage dump for those civilizations.

In line with the principle of not wasting anything, the prehistoric forces used the artifact [Rainbow Bridge] to pick up all the garbage thrown in by other civilizations.

The garbage picked up is a resource that can be used with the technology of the Shadow Civilization. No matter how small the mosquito leg is, it is still meat. They don't mind.

If there are still living people in the garbage, then get them and put them into the prehistoric game. God is merciful.

After doing this kind of thing many times, Long Aotian Xukong naturally aroused a little suspicion from the surrounding civilizations.

The reason why the double-forked scar face was exiled here by the family was to let him explore the secrets here.

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