Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1519 Phantom Milia

Facing the great swordsmen who have never left this continent in their lives, Yan Hongxia and Zhang Xiaoming can only consider themselves outsiders.

The two complemented each other and told each other their reasons for coming. But he never mentioned the concept of reincarnation, the private world, or even the planet.

In fact, Yan Hongxia only locked this continent with world chains, so this world is really not a planet.

Girls with blond hair and silver eyes, you look at me and I look at you. There are blank expressions on their faces. I don’t know whether I should believe this kind of fantasy.

The word "outsider" is already a bit shocking, but when they saw Xiao Ming's sexy clothes, the swordsmen immediately believed him. The locals really don't dress like this.

Yan Hongxia persuaded them with some sword-controlling skills. Of course, the main reason is that they are both women. Although Yan Hongxia is an outsider, she is also a great swordsman. Great swordsmen are more inclined to trust their own people.

However, the resurrection from the dead is so shocking that everyone still finds it unbelievable at first glance. However, soon, some of the swords recalled the scene when they were dying.

If someone is seriously injured, they can still survive by relying on the body's automatic repair. But several of the swords were smashed into pieces by the enemy, and they were absolutely dead.

For example, No. 8 Flora, No. 11 Undine, and No. 13 Bellonica were all instantly split into several pieces by the "Silver-Eyed Lion King" Rigarut, and died completely. of. There is no possibility of later recovery at all.

But the fact that they are still alive now just proves that what Yan Hongxia and Zhang Xiaoming said is correct. No other explanation can be found.

"Thank you both for your kindness!"*17. Under the leadership of Flora and other captains, the 17 swordsmen knelt down on one knee, struck the ground with their swords, and solemnly expressed their gratitude to the two men.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Hongxia also knelt down on one knee and also solemnly saluted Xiao Ming! "The junior acted recklessly and almost caused a catastrophe. Thank you to the senior for your help."

Although Xiao Ming looks very young, his strength is there. Yan Hongxia felt that such a strong person must be a senior. You won’t feel aggrieved when you kneel down on one knee.

Seeing their sincere gratitude, Xiao Ming reluctantly accepted it. After 3 or 5 seconds, when the idea came to his mind, he used his mental power to help them all up.

Xiao Ming smiled and asked Yan Hongxia: "Sad Dinisha (this is Yan Hongxia's nickname), according to your plan, what should you do next?"

"This, it's been too long, let me think about it. Uh... By the way, we should go find No. 6 Milia. As far as I know, she knows the truth about this world. If we find her, we will know what to do. What’s up?”

o(≧口≦)oXiao Ming couldn't help but collapse a little. The child of feelings had no follow-up plan at all. He was indeed too young and too impulsive.

"Forget it, let's go see the seven survivors." Xiao Ming didn't mention his other actions at all. With a flick of his finger, a golden aperture with a diameter of 6 meters appeared out of thin air.

When the girls saw the scene inside the aperture, they couldn't help but exclaimed loudly, shouting different names one after another:

"Milia!" "Cynthia!" "Divi!" "Helen!" "Tabasha!" "Yuma!" "Claire!"...

Because of their emotional excitement, some girls were choked up and speechless after calling out only one name; some quickly called out 3 or 4 names before bursting into tears; and two girls even called out all 7 names with tears in their eyes. All over.

They didn't know that the aperture was a space door and could be walked through. They thought it was some kind of mirage, projecting distant scenes to everyone.

From the aperture, you can see that the seven survivors have dyed the white clothes and cloaks of the big sword black, and they are sparring in the wind and snow.

I couldn't help but admire how powerful this handsome boy was and how he could display such skills. Having such a companion makes me feel more secure.

What they never expected was that their shouts actually alerted the seven black-clothed swordsmen in the circle of light. Milia and others came over looking for them, and also screamed in surprise.

Then the two groups of people ran towards each other. Since the aperture was closer to Xiao Ming's side, more than ten swordsmen here rushed through the aperture and warmly embraced the seven people on the opposite side in the snow.

Even Yan Hongxia ran away after looking at Xiao Ming for a few times, leaving behind a sincere feeling of gratitude, drifting in the cold wind with Xiao Ming...

When comrades reunite, the first thing they do is hug each other and say hello. In the excitement, many swords actually kissed other people's cheeks and foreheads with an orange color.

Occasionally, they would kiss on the mouth "accidentally", but because they were too tired, they did not forcefully separate, and kept their lips in contact, and rested for a while...

This is all caused by the moon, ah no, it is caused by escaping from death and meeting again after a long absence. It's understandable, it's understandable. Anyway, it’s quite eye-catching.

The second thing was that everyone returned to Qijian's residence to exchange information. How come you are not dead? So what did you do while you were still alive? ...and so on.

It took a while for both parties to explain these things clearly. Qijian learned that the comrades' escape from death was the result of Yan Hongxia and the boy's trick, and he was surprised and grateful.

The seven of them have been practicing in the north for the past few years. Avoid the eyes of the mysterious organization. I plan to improve my strength to a higher level before making the next step.

Now, with so many helpers coming at once, Milia feels that she is strong enough and can start the next plan directly.

The third thing is to listen to No.6 Phantom Milia telling the true situation of this world.

"I doubted the organization back then. Since then, I have been investigating the organization while completing the organization's tasks. Sometimes I sneak into the organization, and sometimes I go to every corner of the continent to collect intelligence.

The key intelligence comes from the southwest, which is farthest from the organization. There is a small village forgotten by the world in the deep mountains. The people in the village know neither the great sword nor the man-eating monster.

Other people's so-called legend of monsters since ancient times, the villagers there have never heard of it. So I tried to establish a hypothesis: Monsters may be born from the organization!"

As soon as this was said, almost all the great swords were shocked by Milia's hypothesis. All along, the mysterious organization that has been making great swords to fight monsters from generation to generation is actually the source of monsters!

They make monsters and great swords, and the left hand fights the right hand. What does this mean? Could it be that this organization was founded by the old naughty boy, and he wanted to play a game of fighting each other? Well, the great swords have never heard of the old naughty boy, this is just Xiao Ming's complaint.

If what Milia said is true, how embarrassed would they be for the great swords who have been fighting for the organization!

Although they still said doubts, deep down in their hearts, in their subconscious, they have actually agreed with Milia's statement.

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