Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1528 It’s hard for you to have been around for so long

Although it has been less than a day since Xiao Ming came to the world of "Great Sword", he has already swallowed a lot of good things, and his own growth is also obvious.

The bodies of the two descendants of dragons are too advanced, and it takes some time to digest and absorb them, but the bodies of other demons, including the Great Sword, are easy to absorb.

Moreover, the abilities of these corpses when they were alive are very similar. Although the appearance of demons is diverse and their fighting methods are also strange, they are generally common.

That is, the killer weapons of the Abyss Devourer: the ability to deform the body at will, the strong appetite, and the strong regeneration ability. These actually come from the descendants of dragons.

Among Xiao Ming's various bodies, only the body of the insect king Green Xiao Ming has similar functions, but it is also slightly inferior to the descendants of dragons.

After integrating these abilities, the survival and combat capabilities of all Xiao Ming's bodies have been greatly improved. The only exception is Orange Xiao Ming, who has been transformed into a plant.

Moreover, Xiao Ming's appetite is not particularly strong. It is impossible to become a demon, an awakener, or an abyss.

This is determined by the nature of the creature. Even if Xiao Ming doesn't eat anything, he still has an endless source of energy. Appetite is naturally meaningless to him.

The changes in the main body are naturally reflected in the clones, especially the Seven Stars Shadow Clone and the ordinary shadow clone.

In the past, once they were fatally injured, they would completely disintegrate. Most of the energy would return to the main body, and a little would dissipate into the surrounding environment.

Now the only fatal part of the clones is the head. Since the body can be deformed at will, the chance of the head being hit is very small.

Moreover, this is because Xiao Ming wants to test the strength of the clone. Otherwise, as long as the skills and abilities such as the mental shield are concentrated on the head, it is almost impossible to be destroyed.

These abilities were used to protect the whole body before, and the defense power would inevitably be dispersed. If they are all concentrated in such a small area as the head, the strength of the defense will naturally increase exponentially. This makes Xiao Ming more durable.

Besides, Xiao Ming is in the form of a dragon warrior at this time, and the series of shadow clones will rise accordingly. Ordinary shadow clones are all A-level masters, equivalent to awakened ones.

In addition, the number of shadow clones has also increased significantly. Under normal circumstances, Xiao Ming's shadow clones have merged with the power of the underworld to form shadow clone ghost messengers.

Xiao Ming currently has thousands of such shadow clone ghost messengers, and it is actually difficult to increase the number. They are basically doing business in the underworld and Kuafu Planet, and rarely appear on the battlefield.

At this time, because Xiao Ming has transformed into a dragon warrior, his strength has skyrocketed N times! Therefore, the number of shadow clones that can be maintained has also temporarily increased several times. This is how we can get a batch to practice.

Looking at Livlu and Duff, who are at a loss in the face of hundreds of shadow clones, Isli holds his spear and looks at Xiao Ming hesitantly.

He asked with mental power: "King! It seems that I don't need to take action in this situation? Your clones can handle it completely."

"You will be faster. And you have to pay special attention to not let them sneak away."

"Don't worry, King! The tricks that Livlu can play will definitely not be hidden from my eyes." At this time, Isli is full of confidence.

After becoming a bug-human, Bei Ma truly felt the power of the king. He even thought it was a good thing to be able to hold such a thigh.

It is meaningless to be the king of such a small continent. It is challenging to follow the king to fight in different worlds.

Suddenly, Yisili had an idea and continued to ask: "Ah! I know, there is a way to persuade them to surrender, do you want me to try it?"

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Livlu and Dafu surrendered. Bei Ma's method directly hit the weaknesses of the two, simple and crude and effective.

He knew that the relationship between Livlu and Dafu was very sincere, so Dafu, who was slightly inferior in strength, was not only Livlu's helper, but also her weakness. Especially when the enemy is very strong.

If it were other abyss people, they would not be able to beat the opponent, and at most they would run away, with a high probability of running away.

But if Livlu and Dafu were combined, once they could not beat the opponent, only Livlu would have the strength to run away, and Dafu, who was five big and three strong and had limited agility, would definitely not be able to run away.

If Xi Loli was a selfish person, it would be easy to deal with. She could just abandon the car to save the master. But she has deep feelings for Dafu and it is impossible for her to abandon her husband and run away.

So, it would be fine if the two of them did not encounter a strong enemy. Once they did, they would be wiped out. It is really hard for the two of them to be free for so long.

While Livlu was entangled by hundreds of shadow clones and could not get away, Isli saw the opportunity and charged to smash Dafu below the chest and both arms.

Only the shoulders were left with a head, which looked extremely miserable. Thanks to Dafu being an awakener, his head was not damaged and he would not die for the time being.

If he wanted, he could even use the remaining body to make a stick for long-range attack. Of course, with his current physical condition and demonic energy, he basically could not shoot many sticks.

The affectionate Dafu shouted to Livlu not to care about him, to run away quickly, and not to think about revenge in the future. Livlu burst into tears, but she could not bear to run away anyway.

After all the separations, she still accepted Xiao Ming's reorganization with her husband in tears.

A little girl with tears streaming down her face, guarding a Duff with only his head left, looked very pitiful. It seemed as if Xiao Ming and his friends had done something evil.

Actually, they are the villains, okay? ! If it weren't for the stronger Priscilla, Xiao Ming wouldn't want to accept them.

Livlu and Dafu are indeed in love, but that doesn't mean they are good people. As demons, they really did a lot of bad things.

In order to increase their combat power, they set traps to trap the great sword. Then they tortured the captured great swords with various means to force them to awaken.

If the awakened person is strong enough, they will be recruited into their ranks; if they are too weak, they will be killed without hesitation, which is very cold-blooded.

This operation itself has problems. The great swords were forced to awaken, and the people they hated the most must be them. Those who are not strong enough cannot be used as combat power and will be killed.

And how can those who are strong be willing to be their subordinates? ! They will definitely fight to the death.

Therefore, in the original book, Livlu and Dafu did this for more than 7 years.

Before they died, they still did not recruit any new subordinates. They still depend on each other.

Perhaps, subconsciously, they don't want anyone to interfere in their world. That's why they have never been successful.

Otherwise, there are always awakened people from previous generations wandering around outside, and they can just catch them. And those awakened people don't have such a big grudge against them, so they are easier to subdue.

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