Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1559: Breaking into the Imperial Palace

The attack and defense of the palace took the Mongols a lot of effort. It is estimated that the few remaining elite soldiers and generals in the city were gathered in the palace. That's why it was so difficult to fight.

The Mongolian generals who commanded the battle were very anxious. Of course, they knew that they couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, but the Khan was watching here. If they couldn't capture the Khwarezmian Palace, they would be embarrassed.

Genghis Khan himself was not anxious at all. He had already prepared for a long-term battle.

The reason was simple. When he and Borshu entered the city with their personal soldiers, they had already felt the strangeness in Samarkand.

The main road in the city was not flat, but ups and downs without any rules. From time to time, there would be low walls made of mud and bricks, pits that would fall into them if they stepped hard, and tripwires and other strange things.

Of course, since the Mongolian army had "flattened" the main roads, the walls were demolished, the pits were filled, and the tripwires were useless without anyone to operate them. Only the terrain like the waves could not be dealt with in a short time. It could only remain as it was.

Such an arrangement was obviously prepared for street fighting. The uneven road surface was the biggest obstacle for the Mongolian army, which was all on horseback.

It was difficult for the rapidly advancing cavalry to judge the road conditions. If they were not careful, they would lose their horses and fall to the ground, and neither the people nor the horses would survive. There were many corpses of Mongolian soldiers and horses lying on the main road.

Khwarezm originally had a large number of cavalry, but the siege had lasted for more than two years, and there was not enough fodder in the city to support so many mounts.

Most of the horses and camels had already been slaughtered for meat. Now only a very small number of horses were maintained, and they were all in the palace and would not come out.

Now, the army of Khwarezm was almost all infantry, and this terrain had little effect on them. It was very uncomfortable for the Mongolian cavalry.

The 50,000-man parachuted troops were lucky. Since it was impossible to parachute with horses, they were directly infantry after entering the city. Therefore, they were not affected. The Mongolian army that entered the city later was the worst.

Since even the roads were prepared for street fighting, the palace and other areas would definitely not be unprepared. So Genghis Khan knew that the battle would have to last for a while.

However, this kind of street fighting would only bring greater casualties to the Mongolian army, but it would not change the overall situation of the war.

Since the city gate has been opened, the outcome of this battle is clear. He doesn't care about spending a little more time.

This is indeed the case. The battle lasted from the sunrise to the sunset, and it took almost a day and a night.

Even Genghis Khan, a veteran of many battles, began to lose energy and felt a little sleepy. In fact, he could go to sleep, but Temujin still forced himself to stay awake.

Because according to the report from the frontline soldiers, the Mongolian army had broken through the heavy defenses and trapped the King of Khwarezm, Muhammad, and the Sixth Prince of the Great Jin Dynasty, Wanyan Honglie, in a hall.

The Mongols were besieging at all costs, and they thought that they would be captured in no time. Genghis Khan still planned to see the heads of these two enemies as soon as possible.

Sure enough, soon someone shouted loudly: "Report! Our army has killed Muhammad in the front and captured Wanyan Honglie alive...."

Genghis Khan was overjoyed when he heard the words and waited happily. After a while, he saw dozens of Mongolian soldiers in the distance, dragging a corpse and escorting a person with both hands tied behind his back.

Among the escorting soldiers, Genghis Khan could still recognize a few, who seemed to be the personal soldiers of his eldest son Jochi and his second son Chagatai. The old father's head began to hurt again.

It was a good thing to catch the culprit, but this great achievement seemed to be achieved by both sons. This is bound to trigger a new round of disputes. I will have to quarrel and make myself restless again.

But that is all for the future, so now we should quickly accept the fruits of victory. Genghis Khan cheered up, put on airs, and waited for his subordinates to offer prisoners.

Muhammad and Wanyan Honglie were still very generous. They did not play any tricks of changing clothes and escaping before they died. They were still wearing luxurious clothes, but they were already covered with blood and mud.

Genghis Khan had never seen Muhammad, but someone under his command had seen him before. He ran over to verify the body early and confirmed that it was Muhammad, the King of Khwarezm.

As for Wanyan Honglie, Genghis Khan was more familiar with him. When he was a few dozen steps away, he had already recognized that the guy who was trapped tightly was Wanyan Honglie.

Seeing Wanyan Honglie prostrated on the ground, Genghis Khan strode forward, raised his right foot and stepped on his head, and said with a smile: "When you came to Mongolia to show off your power, did you ever think that you would end up like this?"

Wanyan Honglie raised his head and looked at Genghis Khan with dignity, and the Khan was instantly horrified. Decades of experience in fighting told him that something was wrong.

The look in this man's eyes at this moment was not the look of a loser at all, but the look of a revenger...

Genghis Khan was horrified, and before he could do anything, Wanyan Honglie had already launched a fatal attack. A crossbow arrow pierced through his clothes on the back and rushed straight to Genghis Khan's chest like lightning.

Borshu was right next to the Khan, and his reaction was also very fast. He rushed forward to block the arrow for his boss.

Unexpectedly, a Mongolian soldier who was originally holding Wanyan Honglie also rushed out, slashed Borshu's face with a knife, and pushed him out.

No one expected this change, so the crossbow arrow hit Genghis Khan's left chest hard, and blood gushed out. The Khan screamed and fell backwards, and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

The other soldiers who were responsible for escorting Wanyan Honglie also suddenly attacked, and rushed forward to hack at Genghis Khan with scimitars.

Well, even if the crossbow arrow didn't kill him just now, this hacking would kill him.

The incident broke out too hastily, causing the onlookers to not expect that the subordinates of the eldest prince and the second prince would actually work together to kill Genghis Khan.

This matter was simply incredible! After a moment of hesitation, everyone picked up their weapons and attacked these personal soldiers, including the tied Wanyan Honglie. Holding a one-in-ten-thousand hope, they wanted to save the Khan's life.

Jochi and Chagatai were also among the onlookers, and they were actually very close to the Khan. They had never expected that their personal soldiers would suddenly rebel.

Are they going to make me emperor? They are very loyal. But why didn't I know? Shouldn't you ask me before you do such a thing?

For a moment, the eldest and second princes were confused and stood there at a loss...

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