Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1599 Athens

Allan's merchant fleet returned to Athens loaded with priceless goods, which should have been kept strictly confidential. Otherwise, it would inevitably attract the covetousness of various forces. This fleet should not have attracted customers.

However, Allan was just a small businessman, with shallow eyes and insufficient experience in doing big business. Because of his greed for money, he carried a large number of passengers to the port of Syracuse.

Many of them saw the goods in the merchant ship, and some chose to discuss business cooperation with Allan directly, which was more rational.

After all, the forces that can come up with so many novel products at once, those who are interested feel that they need to be cautious and try to find out the bottom first.

But there are also many people who are greedy for money. They don't consider so many things, and plan to rob him first and then talk about other things. There are many forces in this area, and there are many pirates of all sizes. Who can be sure that it was me who did it? !

With this mentality, there were three forces that wanted to attack Allan's merchant fleet. Two were pirates, and one was the navy of a certain country, temporarily playing a pirate.

However, no fleet could appear in front of Allan. Their hostility was too obvious, Xiao Ming could feel their presence from a long distance.

We don't need to wait for others to fire the first shot. As long as the hostility is confirmed, the deceased can choose to strike first.

This time, Xiao Ming controlled his hands and feet a little, and only paralyzed all the enemies with the weakness virus, without taking a single life.

This is not to forgive them out of softness. The three waves of enemies raised the pirate flag. After being poisoned by all the members, they couldn't even lower the pirate flag.

They will be discovered by the patrolling navy of nearby countries and wiped out. As pirates, their fate will definitely not be good.

During the voyage, passing the route between the Balkan Peninsula and Crete, Xiao Ming felt a rather strange atmosphere on Crete, which seemed worth exploring.

But now the overall situation is important. Awakening the goddess Athena and starting the Saint Seiya profession is the top priority and cannot be distracted. Wait until things in Athens are done and talk about it on the way back.

Athens is one of the oldest cities in Europe and even the world, and one of the commercial centers. Its history can be traced back to more than a thousand years before Christ. It is known as the "cradle of Western civilization".

Athens is also the birthplace of European philosophy. It gave birth to a large number of historical greats such as Socrates and Plato, which have had a significant impact on European and even world culture.

The name of this city comes from the legendary goddess of wisdom and war Athena. It is hard to imagine that people here would let the Temple of Athena decline.

In reality, this is naturally impossible. In the game, the production team deliberately forced this arrangement in order to add drama to Athena.

A virtual game can shut up others. No one can compete with them. Players can play or not. Xiao Ming is happy to see this kind of magic change.

When Allen's fleet was about to arrive in Athens, the nearby maritime traffic had become crowded, with a large number of ships coming in and out.

Not to mention medium-sized ships, large ships are everywhere, and even giant ships can be seen occasionally. Shuttled among these "giants", Allen's fleet was not noticeable at all.

Basically no one paid much attention to them. Just when Allen was handling various formalities at the dock, the deceased had quietly left the fleet and went deep into the city.

Although Xiao Ming was fearless in Gabes and Syracuse, he had to be more obedient when he arrived in Athens.

In this city, there are definitely many 7th-level A-level masters, and it is not impossible for 8th-level S-level NPCs to appear. That strength is about the same as Xiao Ming.

Such a big city will naturally have high-level treasures and props, and Xiao Ming dare not make trouble here casually.

It just so happens that because of the developed business and large population here. The deceased, the undead wizard, walked on the street and no one paid much attention.

After all, there are many undead people living in Athens. Everyone is a person who has seen the world, and a skeleton is not worth making a fuss about.

Xiao Ming likes this atmosphere very much, and he must take a good walk in Athens when he has time. Now, go straight to the temple without explanation.

There are three hills in Athens. The Parthenon, dedicated to the goddess Athena, is located on the Acropolis Hill. The other two hills should have been built with other buildings.

However, in the game, the temple of Hades stands on the Lycabettus Hill, and the temple of Odin stands on the Nymphus Hill.

In addition, there is a temple of Poseidon, the king of the sea, on the seashore near Athens. Of course, the king of the sea doesn't like to be on the mountain. It's already very respectful that it is not built on the seabed.

The four big guys gathered in Athens, not one less. Aren't they afraid that they will fight each other? ! The creative team of the game is really good at playing, and they can do such unreasonable things.

Of course, these four temples are quite dilapidated now. Only the Parthenon is barely better.

As the saying goes, kings don't meet kings. Since Athens is the territory of the goddess Athena, Hades and the king of the sea should not build temples here. Odin is even more irrelevant and does not belong to the same mythological system.

However, these four temples appeared in Athens at the same time. This gave Xiao Ming confidence in starting a career like Saint Seiya.

Need I say more? These four gods command Saint Seiya, God Seiya, Sea Seiya and Hades Seiya respectively. They are all warriors who use microcosm.

If you say that they are not gathered here because of the story of Saint Seiya, no one can believe it, right? !

Xiao Ming happens to have four roles among the four types of fighters. The diver is a sea creature, corresponding to the sea fighter; the informant is a ghost, corresponding to the Hades fighter. It's just too much.

As for the explorer and the researcher, they are both human beings, so there is not much difference between who is a Saint and who is a God fighter.

The only thing Xiao Ming needs to consider now is which temple should be chosen to "activate" first. What should be the order of activation.

This kind of thing may have a far-reaching impact, or it may not make any difference at all.

Xiao Ming thought about it for a while and decided to act according to the plot of "Saint Seiya".

According to the order of the story development, visit Athena, Odin, Poseidon, and Hades in turn. I don't know if there will be any additional benefits.

By the way, the main plot of the Saint Seiya world that Xiao Ming personally experienced did not happen due to his interference.

Therefore, at the beginning, Xiao Ming did not know the order of the four fighters' appearance. He could only be sure that the Saints would be the first to appear; the Hades fighters were powerful and would probably be responsible for the end; only the order of the God fighters and the Sea fighters was difficult to judge.

But aren't there other reincarnations? ! Later, Xiao Ming learned the general direction of the main plot through communication with others. Now he can follow the order of the script.

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