Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1603: Inauguration as Saint Seiya

What really surprised Xiao Ming was that when he was promoted to level 4, the main profession (first combat profession) of the researcher changed and became a Saint Seiya Alchemist.

Usually, additional combat professions such as "Naruto", "Hunter x Hunter", "Taoist" and so on are added to the player's attribute panel in the form of a second combat profession.

They only bring a special attribute to the player, such as chakra, telekinesis, spiritual power..., and some corresponding tricks and skills.

However, it does not affect the regular attributes of player characters such as strength, physique, life, mana..., which is an additional embellishment and icing on the cake.

The first special case is "Jedi Knight". The explorer opened the Jedi Knight profession, and as a result, this profession was merged with the explorer's first combat profession. And it greatly affected these attributes.

Because the Jedi Knight was integrated into the first combat profession, the attribute points obtained by the explorer after upgrading have undergone earth-shaking changes.

For the original 3rd level explorer, every 5 levels, the strength, constitution, and agility will increase by 2.5 points each; intelligence and spirit will increase by 4 points each; and the free attribute points for players to allocate will increase by 2.

After becoming a Jedi Knight, the explorer will increase by 5 points for every 5 levels; and the free attribute points will increase by 3. Every 5 levels will increase by nearly 20 points, which is a huge difference.

However, Xiao Ming thought it was a special case. After all, the explorer's main job is to be an ascetic, and it has the characteristics of integrating other professions.

The ability to integrate Jedi Knights is the result of the combined power of two sources. Xiao Ming has never regarded this as normal.

Now it seems that he is probably wrong. Because the alchemist of the researcher does not have the fusion function, the Saint Seiya profession can actually become the first combat profession.

The effect is also extremely obvious. After the researcher has the Saint Seiya profession, the growth rate of the 4th level becomes: every 5 levels, the five attributes increase by 7 points, and the free attribute increases by 3 points.

This is higher than the growth rate of the Explorer, but the Explorer is at level 3, and the Delver is at level 4, so it is definitely different. When the Explorer reaches level 4, it will definitely catch up.

This shows that some relatively strong professions can still be integrated into the first combat profession after the player makes enough efforts.

Maybe the Taoist priest has this possibility. After all, the main profession of the Explorer's master Gongsun Sheng is a Taoist priest. Even Hunter x Hunter and Naruto may not be impossible, but it is more difficult.

"Jedi Knight" was integrated into the Explorer's first combat profession with the help of the power of "Source Energy"; "Saint Seiya" was awarded to the Delver because of the difficult task.

It is really hard to say what conditions are required for other professions.

Back to the point, after being promoted to level 4, the five attributes of the Delver are as follows: Strength 34, Constitution 34, Agility 50, Intelligence 68, Spirit 68.

Excluding equipment, the Delver has 680 health points, 680 physical strength, and 1360 magic power. Very awesome.

This is also closely related to the researcher's employment as a Saint Seiya. Because the attributes before employment have also been briefly shown on the researcher's personal panel.

At that time, the three data were 408, 612, and 816, which is a world of difference. It can be seen that the changes brought by powerful professions are also comprehensive.

At the same time, since the alchemist profession is still retained, the researcher can still use all the skills of the alchemist normally.

In fact, apart from Xiao Ming's personal ability, the researcher only knows one Saint Seiya trick, which is [Guardian Cage], and he does not have much combat ability.

Before learning enough Saint Seiya skills, he still has to fight in the way of an alchemist.

In addition, after the unremitting efforts of the researcher, his life profession has finally been promoted from an apprentice scholar to a junior scholar. Another life profession, the cartographer, has been promoted before.

The promotion of the scholar seems to have no effect. There are no new life skills to learn, and no old skills to upgrade, which seems to be useless.

However, Xiao Ming can clearly feel the difference. The profession of scholar can promote other professions. Especially the professions that require brains.

Although there is no clear change in the data, Xiao Ming can feel that the success rate of the researcher in mapping and alchemy has increased slightly.

This is a much-desired effect for an alchemist, and for a Saint Seiya, it is a little bit of a relief.

Since the goddess Athena has been resurrected, she not only needs the replenishment of the microcosm, but also the faith and offerings of humans.

In the game of Magic Planet, a player or NPC can believe in multiple gods at the same time. Except for very few exceptions, there is no conflict between different beliefs.

As a Saint Seiya, the researcher automatically becomes a believer of Athena, and is currently the only believer. Therefore, the researcher automatically obtains the title of [Athena's First Believer].

As an additional reward, the researcher is allowed to become one of the 88 genuine Saint Seiya and can choose a holy garment by himself. And the system specially treats it preferentially and does not limit the type.

In other words, even if Xiao Ming plans to choose a golden holy garment, it is also possible. After choosing the holy clothes, the holy clothes will teach the player the corresponding moves.

However, they are not free, and players need to exchange them with small universes. Of course, part of the small universe can also be replaced by gold coins, but the amount is extremely large and cannot exceed half of the total. Because at present, Athena needs small universes more.

This is both a rare opportunity and a terrible trap. Players must find a balance between ambition and reality.

Why do I say that? As the saying goes, a hat should be worn according to the size of the head. Even if a normal player chooses a set of gold armor, he can't play it at all.

You know, even a researcher now only has 2,000 points of small universe. This is just the level of a bronze saint.

The small universe of a silver saint must be at least over 10,000, while the small universe of a gold saint is tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands or millions are not uncommon. This is the difference in hard power.

Even for a researcher, it is like this, not to mention those more ordinary players.

First of all, they can't afford the small universe and gold coins to exchange for the moves of the gold saint. It is conceivable that the amount must be very huge. How can ordinary players afford it!

Secondly, even if the player himself has not learned the moves exchanged, the game character will definitely use them. This is also the feature of the game, allowing players to experience things they can't do.

But knowing how to use and being able to use are two different things. Without a Gold Saint-level Cosmo, it is difficult to use the Gold Saint's moves. It is just a decoration.

Finally, although the Gold Cloth has excellent defense and a very high bonus to attack power, its consumption is also very terrifying.

Without a Gold Saint-level Cosmo, it can't last long at all, and will instead exhaust its energy.

Therefore, if the player chooses the Gold Cloth, it means that he is very confident in his development ability. Wait until the later stage, and then give full play to the power of the Gold Cloth.

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