Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1610 Odin Embassy

(lll¬ω¬)After more than half an hour, the explorer standing on the ruins of the Odin Temple had black lines on his head. Things seem to be getting a little weird!

At the beginning, Xiao Ming found that the Odin Temple buried under the ice layer did not seem very spectacular and could not be the main temple of Odin.

But Odin's remaining small universe only brought him here and no longer guided him to other places.

Xiao Ming also suspected that this might be the ruins of the temple of Tianquan Star, which would be good.

After all, he had served as a Tianquan Star God Warrior for a period of time and mastered the trick of [Amethyst Seal]. It makes sense to be attracted to this place.

But after a careful experience, he found that there was no feeling of communication with Tianquan Star here. So it can only be Odin's temple. So Xiao Ming decided to get the ruins to the ground first.

The method is also very simple. Just condense the Seven Yao Shadow clones with the ability of magma fruit and use magma to melt the ice layer. In just a few minutes, a large area of ​​ice melted nearby, and the ruins of the Temple of Odin were exposed.

Because it was sealed by ice, the ruins were relatively intact, unlike the Temple of Athena, which was scattered and even the statue of the goddess was not left.

Entering the main hall of the temple, Xiao Ming saw a statue of Odin more than 3 meters high. Wearing a cloak, wearing armor, holding a sword in his left hand and a shield in his right hand, I have to say that the statue of Odin looks good. It is no less than the statue of Athena in his first palace.

Feeling that the place is right, the explorer knelt on one knee and began to release his own small universe. Although kneeling to Comrade Odin is a bit cheap, we are playing a game, so don't worry too much.

Xiao Ming thought that it would be the same as the process on Athena's side, consuming a lot of small universes to revive Odin. The result was not the case.

Only a part of the small universe was paid, and the great god Odin was not really resurrected. The explorer only got a message from the great god, which was probably "recorded" in advance.

The content is very simple, that is, a coordinate is added to the explorer's adventure map. The coordinates point to the real Nordic Fairy Palace.

Judging from its location, it should be located between Norway and Sweden, deep in the northern part of the Scandinavian Mountains.

The explorer must go there to truly revive the great god Odin. After all the hard work here, he didn't even give any experience. The system is too stingy, at least give a little.

In fact, this temple is actually a contact point established by the great god Odin on the territory of the Greek sanctuary-Goddess Athena. It is equivalent to an embassy between countries.

Similarly, the two temples of Poseidon and Hades in Athens are also embassies. And it's not just Athens.

The hometowns of the other three gods, the Nordic Fairy Palace, the Undersea Temple, and the Hades Temple also have embassies from the other three gods. This is called reciprocity.

It can be seen that in the background setting of the main game of Magic Planet, they are not opponents who fight to the death. It is a relationship similar to the competition and coexistence between countries.

Therefore, there are two ways to revive any of the four gods. Take the goddess Athena for example: players can either revive her directly in the Parthenon.

Or they can get the coordinates from the goddess's embassy in the other three gods' hometowns, and then travel thousands of miles to Athens to revive the goddess.

In this way, Xiao Ming's other three characters will have to work hard. They have to travel far to the hometowns of the other three gods. Fortunately, there are coordinates to guide them, instead of blindly searching.

After understanding this, the explorer planned to turn around and go down the mountain. As for whether to find the Nordic Asgard according to the coordinates, he still had to think about it and weigh the pros and cons.

However, just as he turned around to leave, he suddenly stopped. Intuition reminded Xiao Ming that there was something strange nearby! It was not that there were enemies, but that some things were still useful.

Xiao Ming turned around quickly, followed his intuition, and finally found a clue in a collapsed house in this abandoned temple.

Lifting the stones and debris on the ground and waving away the thick dust, Xiao Ming saw something very familiar - [Teleportation Array].

That's right! Since this is an embassy, ​​there must be a passage for people to travel to and from the Asgard. The best passage in the game is naturally the teleportation array.

Needless to say, this teleportation array must be a damaged and abandoned teleportation array, and it has long lost its function.

But this is not a big problem. Repairing things is Xiao Ming's strong point. This is not even the first teleportation array that Xiao Ming has repaired, it's a piece of cake.

After outputting another wave of source energy, the explorer finally came to the real Nordic Asgard. Looking around, Xiao Ming nodded, and it was roughly the same as the Nordic Asgard in the Saint Seiya world.

The palace-like buildings are basically the same, except that there is not even a living person here, and they are all covered with ice and snow.

And because there are no civilians, there are very few residential houses here, only the ruins of an Asgard, which looks extremely depressed and dilapidated.

Those who believed in Odin at that time may have lost the response of God and could not persist in living in this bitter cold place for a long time, and finally had to leave. Some people even went to Athens.

Forget it, it's none of my business. Following the guidance of Odin's microcosm, the explorer teleported a few times and arrived under the statue of Odin.

This statue of Odin is more than 30 meters high and magnificent! This is what a statue should look like. Unfortunately, even if it is tall, without the blessing of God, it is just a statue.

At this time, Xiao Ming did not offer his small universe immediately. Why? Of course, he remembered the previous incident in Cancer Palace.

Xiao Ming thought that the explorer should first find the ruins of a palace of God Warriors to comprehend it, open the small universe in advance, and upgrade to level 5. Isn't it good? !

However, eight out of ten things in the world are not as expected. The system did not make such an arrangement. In other words, the things in Cancer Palace in Athens are special and cannot be replicated.

Anyway, the explorer searched inside and outside the Nordic Fairy Palace several times, not to mention that he could not find the Tianquanxing Palace that he was familiar with, and he could not find any ruins of the palace of God Warriors.

Unknowingly, the 14th passed. The next day, November 15, Xiao Ming went online early in the morning and searched back and forth twice, but still found nothing. He had to return to the statue of Odin dejectedly and offer his small universe...

In fact, the location where the researcher had offered his small universe to the goddess in the Temple of Athena was also the location of the original largest statue of Athena.

It's just that the statue of Athena was not frozen and preserved, so it was destroyed long ago. So it seems that the researcher offered his small universe in an open space. A little silly.

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