Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1623 I'm not bragging to you

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~, if I had known it was so easy, I would have done it last night. Why wait until today? !

At about 8 am on November 17, Xiao Ming successfully completed the task of [building the death stairs] to inform the dead. I couldn't help but sigh.

I thought that this task of digging a well would take at least several days. If the death stairs are too short, they will not be impressive and look uncool.

However, when he was actually doing the task, Xiao Ming found that the system allowed him to use alchemy. There is really no need for more than 20 Hades warriors to dig the ground by hand.

Using alchemy, a well of more than a thousand meters deep can be created in half an hour, and the stairs can also be built in a decent manner.

The death stairs made of giant stones are not only spacious and majestic, but also have a relatively gentle slope. There are two smooth lanes in the middle, and there are exquisite reliefs on the road surface.

Looking at the shape of the lane, it seems to be specially prepared for wheelchairs for the disabled. Xiao Ming probably saw this style somewhere and made it like this. He never thought that there seemed to be no wheelchair problem in the game.

Besides, this is the road to the underworld, and most people probably don't need it. Why do you have to be so fancy? You have nothing better to do.

Fortunately, according to Xiao Ming, Hades, the god of the underworld, is a god who pays great attention to face projects. To put it bluntly, he is vain and likes to save face. The gorgeous and exquisite decoration should improve his satisfaction.

Sure enough, Hades, who was satisfied and refreshed, achieved twice the result with half the effort and was extremely efficient when using the small universe to communicate with the underworld. He quickly connected to the underworld. At this time, the Death Stairs was only more than 1,300 meters deep.

In fact, when Hades tried to communicate with the underworld, Xiao Ming wanted to mislead him and connect him to his own Kuafu underworld. If Hades regarded it as his hometown, he would be completely manipulated by Xiao Ming.

However, this intention failed. Hades probably did something in his own underworld. After passing through the gate of Kuafu's underworld three times without entering, he successfully found the underworld that belonged to him. The whole task took less than half an hour.

When Xiao Ming received the task last night, there were only twenty minutes before the game was suspended, so he did not start to attack the fifth ring task.

If he had started to do it at that time, according to today's efficiency, he might have completed the task that night.

But Xiao Ming considered that the task of recruiting Hades warriors in the first two rings was so simple, but it took a lot of time to complete it.

This time, it would take a long time to do such a big project, so he decided in 3 seconds to do it tomorrow. It was delayed until the 17th.

When Xiao Ming got up early to eat today, he found that Ruan Mengmeng always glanced at him, looking like he wanted to say something but stopped, and he couldn't help feeling a little speechless.

She has lived in the house for a while, but she still likes to be shy. This girl is always too considerate of others and doesn't want to trouble others.

Xiao Ming couldn't use his mental power directly to look through his own people's thoughts, so he asked directly.

"Mengmeng, do you have something to say? Don't be polite, just say it. I'm not bragging to you, there are not many things on this planet that can stump your brother."

When talking to his own people, Xiao Ming is much more relaxed. And he has been a little proud recently, so he can't help but be a little boastful.

Let's see how many good things he has encountered. First of all, Xiao Ming has basically solved the problems of the "Great Sword" world and saved a large number of beautiful girls with noble character and good combat power. He is very happy;

Secondly, in the main game of Magic Planet, Xiao Ming's four game characters have obtained high-level combat professions such as Saint Seiya, and are expected to sit on the throne of the Pope and the North Star, which is very happy;

Finally, Xiao Ming found that he could use the 108 sets of Hades clothes in the game to strengthen his 108 Hades warriors and ghost messengers. Is there anything more exciting than this?!

So it is understandable that he is a little boastful now. Anyway, Xiao Ming is also boasting at home, and only Ruan Mengmeng is affected.

A "sage" once said: In English, the past tense is used to represent the subjunctive mood, but in Chinese, it is not the case. If you hear someone say "I'm not bragging to you", then the next words he says are all in the subjunctive mood.

Xiao Ming is indeed very strong now, but it is nonsense to say that he can handle everything on Pangu Star. It is still more of a bragging.

Not to mention anything else, he can't handle the twelve royal families of Daqin. These families have strong people above S level, and they are plural. Even if Xiao Ming fights in the form of a dragon warrior, he may not be able to suppress any royal family. They also have a trump card.

However, the things that Miss Mengmeng can think of are unlikely to provoke such a strong person. It doesn't matter if Xiao Ming brags.

Sure enough, Mengmeng waved her hands repeatedly and said with a red face: "No, young master. Uh...that, I, I just want to...take a physics class. The kind of private tutor..."

The little girl's voice was as soft as a mosquito, almost inaudible, especially when she said the word "private tutor". If Xiao Ming wasn't so strong, she might not be able to hear clearly.

It turned out that she felt that the physics course in middle school was too difficult recently, and she couldn't get it no matter how hard she tried. So she thought of the special teaching ability of the young master.

This ability is very effective, but during the whole teaching process, she needs to wear a delicate student uniform to be seen by the young master, and Mengmeng always feels shy.

However, she told herself that getting into college is the most important thing. This "difficulty" can be overcome. So the two have used the private tutoring ability several times.

While doing cram school homework last night, she found the physics subject very difficult. I plan to trouble the young master to give another tutoring class early this morning.

Although Ruan Mengmeng is not very strong, he is still very good at observing words and emotions. Especially when observing the young master's emotions, he never makes a mistake. Because Xiao Ming never needs to hide anything at home.

Mengmeng could tell at a glance that the young master probably had something to do immediately in the game. When I was having breakfast, I looked excited. She then backed down. I want to talk about it in a few days.

But since Xiao Ming took the initiative to ask about it, he even boasted about it. It was naturally impossible for Mengmeng to lie to the young master, so she still said it hesitantly.

How could Xiao Ming refuse such a "reasonable" request from a beautiful girl? The activation ability was explained to Mengmeng for a long time, such as electric current, magnetic field and the like. While I was talking, my mind began to wander.

He didn't think of anything colorful, but suddenly thought of questions about the laws of the universe.

Within the scope that Xiao Ming comes into contact with, in addition to physical rules, there are also various and extremely large supernatural forces.

And different supernatural powers obviously have their own rules. These rules are as real as the rules of physics. Xiao Ming couldn't help but start thinking, how are various rules established?

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