Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1634 Money can make anything possible

"Alchemy" is an ancient fantasy technology that is widely present in the history of major civilizations, so there are many works involving alchemy.

There are many mission worlds in the reincarnation space, and there are powerful alchemy. Among them, "Fullmetal Alchemist" is the most famous. Even Xiao Ming has heard of it, but unfortunately he has never encountered it.

The New Han Kingdom has joined forces with the optical brain nine-tailed fox to develop the magic planet game. The purpose is to reserve more candidates for the reincarnation space. And let the reincarnation of their own side know the plot in advance.

Therefore, most of the various abilities and technologies that appear in the reincarnation space are also available in the game, and most of them appear in the secret realm of the game, which is similar to the mechanism of the reincarnation world.

And most of the abilities that players learn from the secret realm are allowed to be used in the main game. So it is normal for Xiao Ming's alchemy to succeed.

Maybe some people think that alchemy can transform worthless soil into gold coins and even various rare resources, which is too against the sky and destroys the balance of the game.

But in fact, only Xiao Ming's alchemy has such great power. Normal players, even reincarnationists, do not have such powerful alchemy.

They have to fight for their lives to refine dozens of gold coins. With this time, they can earn money faster by completing a task. This level of influence is not worth mentioning.

As for Xiao Ming, the game light brain Nine-tailed Fox treats him preferentially. Basically, he can do anything.

Since there is no shortage of money and resources, the dead immediately began to build in the underworld. Starting from the Judas Ring at the back, he moved forward step by step.

The first to be restored was the third circle of the Dory Ring, the super-large palace complex of the Tianguixing Griffin.

Of course, in order to prevent Hades from taking advantage, this is still only the most basic restoration, and only the core Tianguixing Palace can be restored. It consumed a cornerstone and some resources.

Then the dead stood there and waited for a long time, but the system did not show any reaction.

It shouldn't be? Xiao Ming felt that the system should show some reaction after repairing the palace of one of the three giants of the underworld. What does no reaction mean?

Oh, I see. This is because he dislikes the accuser for repairing too simply. Hades probably recorded a contribution to the accuser, but it was not to the extent that he needed to be rewarded. This god who is greedy for money, that's enough.

Xiao Ming gritted his teeth and made up his mind to let Hades make a fortune. He continued to increase his efforts, consuming 7 more temple cornerstones, as well as a large amount of gold coins and resources, and basically restored the Tianguixing Palace Group.

What does it mean to basically restore? It means that the main structure of all palaces has been supported. What is lacking is only the various decorations and displays in the palace group. In addition, there is a lack of servants to take care of it.

Normally, it should be the Hades warriors who clean up. But now all the soldiers are Xiao Ming's clones, and no one is more noble than anyone else, so there is no need to clean up. One magic will do it.

At this point, Xiao Ming's intuition told him: It's almost done. So Xiao Ming immediately stopped and told the system that he had finished the work, and you can do it.

Sure enough, the system gave a prompt at this time: [Congratulations to the player who reported the dead for completing the orange epic hidden task, [Basically restore the palace of the Hades Warrior of Tiangui Star]. The upper limit of the small universe is increased by 10,000 points, and 12 Hades Temple cornerstones are awarded. At the same time, the upper limit of the small universe of the Hades Warrior of Tiangui Star is increased by 10,000. ]

Good guy! 4,000 points of small universe are actually not very helpful to the current report of the dead. But I have always been "diligence in picking up and managing the house" and never despise such small gains.

The most amazing thing is the reward of Hades Temple cornerstone. The report of the dead consumed 8, and the system actually returned 12. In total, I still earned 4.

No wonder I had such an impulse at the time, and I was willing to invest 8 temple cornerstones at once. What if I didn't get the cornerstone reward. Wouldn't this task be worse? Fortunately, my intuition was accurate enough.

Then, the timing of the intuition to remind Xiao Ming to stop was also very accurate. Of course, it is also possible to continue to expand the Tiangui Star Palace Group. However, when expanding, a lot of temple foundation stones need to be invested, but the rewards will no longer give back foundation stones. What will be given back to players will be things like experience points and microcosms.

In other words, it will be a "loss" from then on. In the current situation, temple foundation stones, which Xiao Ming cannot copy at all, are the most precious "materials". They cannot be wasted easily. As for the fact that the upper limit of the microcosm of Tiangui Star has also increased by 10,000 because of this task, it is just icing on the cake.

Next, the deceased happily restored the two super-large palace complexes of the other two of the three giants, Tianmeng Star·Wyvern and Tianxiong Star·Garuda.

The total number of temple foundation stones has increased by 12, which is completely enough now. The cost of building a Tiangang Star temple with one foundation stone can guarantee the completion of the 17th ring task.

But since a good start has been made here with the three giants, if Xiao Ming is still stupid enough to build the palace of the Tiangang Star Hades Warrior in the most basic form, isn't it an IQ basin-there is a hole in the brain!

Xiao Ming found the ruins in the Eighth Hell and restored the large palace complex of the guardian of this place, Sky-Crying Star Harpy.

That's right, the three giants have a super large palace complex. Sky-Crying Star is the guardian of the Eighth Hell and a master who ranks among the top in status and strength among the Hades Warriors. His temple is a large palace complex.

The underworld is so fucking rich. Look at the Saints under the goddess Athena, only 12 gold Saints have their own palaces. But it can't be called a palace complex. It's even more impossible to add prefixes like large or super large.

Poseidon's underwater temple is relatively wealthy. Every sea general can get a large palace complex. But there is still a big gap compared to the underworld.

As for Odin's Nordic Asgard, the group of God Warriors who live in the ice and snow and work hard... Alas... It's hard to say, so I won't say it.

If Xiao Ming is not really rich now, he may not be able to stick to it. About halfway through the construction, he will feel that the Hades Saints are too extravagant, so just stop the work. Don't do the missions anymore, it's too annoying!

Now he doesn't care. Anyway, after finishing the underworld, Xiao Ming will definitely build the other three gods' places well, even if there is no real reward, he will do it! Otherwise, the idea is not clear.

The hidden task of restoring the palaces of the other 33 Tiangang Star Hades Warriors is a purple master-level task, which is one level lower than the three giants.

Because the size of the palace community is different, the gold coins and resources consumed are also different. But the consumption of the temple cornerstone is uniformly 4. After the task is completed, the system returns 4. There is no extra. The small universe is only 2000 points. Not bad.

After this set, the upper limit of the small universe of the deceased increased by 78,000 points, and the temple cornerstone did not decrease but increased, with 12 more. A big profit.

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