Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1657 The Unworthy King of Langya

The first strategy that Liu Ziyu and his lackeys came up with was to occupy the moral high ground and create public opinion.

They portrayed themselves and others as loyal believers of Poseidon, the Sea King, and the Diver as a bad guy who prohibited believers from praying to God. They widely incited public opinion among believers and forced the Diver to come out for confrontation.

They are a group. They have prepared many plans to deal with an ordinary player or even a possible reincarnation. They believe that it is possible to deal with the Diver with language alone.

If the Diver is a stubborn thorn, they plan to find an opportunity to attack. Among this group of people, there are several C-level masters such as Langya King, Liu Tao, Zhang Tie, and Guan Lin, a B-level master.

They think that the Diver will not be A-level, right? As long as the tactics are appropriate, they will definitely be able to defeat the Diver together.

Of course, the Diver is a player, and it is estimated that the resurrection point must be set in the Sea Prince's Palace. Killing him once is not very useful. It just serves as a deterrent.

It means that they are able to kill the Diver at any time. If a player is always killed, then basically he can't do anything. This is equivalent to the behavior of blocking the resurrection point in the previous online games.

In addition, they have other tricks, these two tricks are relatively direct, simple and effective. Other plans will be more circuitous and more insidious. The last trick is to PK with real people in reality.

Hearing these guys making noise outside the temple, and aware of the various plans in their hearts. Xiao Ming certainly won't be fooled.

Outside the palace of the Sea Prince, a group of sea creatures looked at a huge projection of the Sea King in amazement above the palace. This is something Xiao Ming made, just a phantom.

The projection of Poseidon waved the trident in his hand, and the players who shouted the most fiercely just now were instantly hit by a beam of light, exploded into pieces, and blood and flesh flew everywhere...

And the silent players and NPCs around them, except for being splashed with blood, did not suffer any damage.

Such precise control, it seems not too much to call it "God's punishment". The sea creatures watching all thought that this was Poseidon backing up the first believer. They killed several sea creatures who dared to doubt the diver. They deserved it!

Of course, the few players who didn't shout were not killed. They included the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang, and the King of Langya, a total of 6 people. Now they were all dumbfounded.

How come I haven't heard of this situation? ! The beam attacks just now were definitely at the level of 7th level A. Even Guan Lin couldn't launch such an attack even if he tried his best.

In addition, the phantom that looked exactly like the statue of Poseidon was clearly [Divine Punishment]. Liu Ziyu felt that he had completely misjudged the situation this time.

It seems that the diver has a lot of face in the Sea King, and he can actually use divine power to launch divine punishment. His status is simply not something that can be shaken by his means in the game. He can only use tricks outside the game to deal with this player in reality.

But that would be more troublesome. Liu Ziyu had to make up enough reasons to get the permission of the royal family, and pray that the mastermind of the game, the nine-tailed fox, would cooperate.

After thinking it over, he was a little scared. Mainly because he was scared by the attitude of the lurker.

It was the first time that Liu Ziyu encountered such a player who did not communicate with you at all and launched a fatal punishment at the slightest disagreement. Too cruel!

Normal players are willing to communicate with each other. Mutual cooperation is the basic game attitude of mainstream players. This guy is obviously not a mainstream player.

Such people, if they don’t have personality problems, are supported by powerful forces behind them. Otherwise, they would not be so fierce.

With Liu Ziyu’s identity, it’s okay to bully some civilians or small and medium-sized families, but if he provokes people who are cultivated by big forces, he will definitely not get the permission of the royal family of the New Han Kingdom. His spirit wilted immediately.

While he seemed to have not been discovered yet, King Langya winked at several other players and quietly exited the game. Go to discuss countermeasures in reality.

But looking at his aura, he was probably scared. Even if he would continue to play games, he would never dare to appear in the underwater temple. He is simply a coward.

ε=(ο`*)))Alas, this person has a bad character, bullies the weak and fears the strong, and has no perseverance to achieve his goal. No wonder he has become such a mess.

Xiao Ming immediately stopped caring about him. This guy is not worth a sneer. The most important thing is to quickly complete the test tasks of several sea generals.

Looking at the time, it is already past 6 o'clock in the evening of the 26th. It seems that you can choose the strongest master in the sea and drag it for 12 hours.

Among the 7 sea generals in the original work, the two strongest ones are undoubtedly the sea dragon general Garlon and the sea witch Surant. They are both well-deserved S-level masters. The second is the sea prince Krisula. As for the other four, they are more average.

Compared with Garlon and Surant, it seems that Surant is easier to deal with.

Because as far as Xiao Ming knows, Garlon is a "magic and martial arts double cultivation" in a sense. He has three special skills, covering three aspects of ability.

"Galaxy Starburst": Pure physical attack. It is said that its power can shatter the galaxy.

"Golden Triangle Dimension": Space-based attack method. It can open a space gate and banish the enemy to another world. Without the corresponding means, the enemy can't come back at all. No matter how good you are, it's useless.

"Illusionary Demon Emperor Fist": A mental attack. Since this is the trump card of the Gemini twin brothers, Kanon and Saga, Xiao Ming doesn't know the details. It is estimated to be quite powerful. Anyway, Kanon told him that if he meets his brother Saga, he must not provoke him, let alone get hit by such a punch.

Xiao Ming was able to deal with Kanon in the reincarnation world because Kanon had mental problems and was taken advantage of by Xiao Ming. Only then did he wake up.

After Kanon woke up, he also made up for his mental loopholes. After that, Xiao Ming's mental attack was completely ineffective against him.

Based on the experience of the God Warriors, Xiao Ming guessed that Kanon, who appeared in the test mission, must be a guy with no mental weaknesses. He would definitely not be able to beat him.

As for whether he can persist for 12 hours and get a relatively high reward, Xiao Ming is not very confident.

Another master, the sea witch Surante, is not a soft persimmon either. It's just that her attack method is a little bit simple. It mainly uses the sound of the flute to launch a mental attack.

This is the attack method that Xiao Ming is most confident to deal with. After all, his spiritual power comes from the gift of the Zerg Spiritual Sea, and its volume is very huge.

After so many years of training and absorbing the strengths of various schools, he has basically mastered the spiritual power and is quite confident in himself.

However, the one who got the Sea Witch Scale Cloth was the Alien King Kong Lao Shi, and his ability was a bit different from Surante's, and I didn't know if I could protect him. I wish him good luck...

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