Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1666 Two Old Men Travel Together

These 7 places where the Poseidon Temple was built are located in Bohai Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, Southeast Asia, and Indian Ocean.

If other players were to run through it normally, it would take several months, and if they were fast, it would take one and a half months, not counting the time spent on building the temple. This way, the task score would definitely not be good.

If you want to be fast, then the locations should not be so scattered, and they should all be concentrated in the same area, which will definitely be much faster. However, if the division is not wide, it will also affect the evaluation of the task and even the task reward.

In fact, Xiao Ming did not do it perfectly. Three of the locations, Xiaoyang Village, Xiaoliu Village, and Xiaoxiang Village, are not far from each other.

However, he had already piled up the task rewards to the highest level, and even if there were some improvements, he could not go any further.

The main thing is that the time is fast enough. The diver actually got it done in a few hours. It is amazing to have the ability to teleport everywhere!

After this busy circle, it was also after 7 o'clock in the evening. Xiao Ming suddenly remembered that there was another difficult task to do. That was the test task of the Norse Fairy Palace Yaoguang Star.

At present, the Explorer is not even at level 4, so the system does not allow him to accept the test mission of Mi Yimei, the level 8 Yaoguang Star God Warrior. Now that he has the ability of [1+1>2], he can finally break through the limit.

The secret realm of this test mission is likely to take a long time. It just so happens that it is about to be 8 pm, and the main game is about to be suspended. The time for the mission can be consumed after the game is suspended, which is more efficient.

So Xiao Ming hurriedly switched roles and returned to the Explorer. Just as he was about to open the portal to Northern Europe, he was stopped by his master, Mr. Guo.

"Hehehe, Explorer, my beloved disciple, come and chat with the master."

"Huh? Master, it's so late... uh, yes, I obey your order."

Xiao Ming couldn't help but feel a little strange. He was not surprised that Mr. Guo came to chat with him, but why it was now.

At this time, the time in the game was very late, and the night was falling. If Mr. Guo had something to talk to him, he should have talked to him earlier. At that time, the intelligent program Xiaoer would deal with him.

The system chose to talk when he was online, which means that the intelligent program cannot make the decision on this matter. The player must decide it himself. That's a big deal.

Sure enough, Mr. Guo didn't need to beat around the bush with his beloved disciple. After a few pleasantries, he asked about the business.

"Disciple, how does the Western god Odin treat you? I'm asking about the portal. How long can it be opened at a time? What are the restrictions on the number of people and items passing through? How many times can the portal be opened every day?..."

No wonder the system asked Mr. Guo to ask me at this time. Xiao Er'er couldn't answer such a question at all.

Because Odin didn't give the explorer the right to open the portal, this is Xiao Ming's own ability. Xiao Er'er didn't know much either.

Since Mr. Guo came to ask about the details, it means that the monks are still very interested in this cooperation.

Compared with Liangshan, the relationship between the monks and the explorers is closer, and the trust between them is higher. So they are more willing to "take risks".

"Reporting to the master, if it is a large-scale transportation of personnel and materials, my portal may take 2-3 days to open once. However, at a critical moment, it is also possible to open it once in an emergency. If there are few people, it can be opened 1-2 times a day."

Xiao Ming did not dare to tell the truth. The real situation is that he can open the portal anytime and anywhere, and it can be maintained for several days and nights, or even weeks.

But this is not the authority that a believer may have. No one will believe it if he says it. He can only be "modest" and make it up.

What's more, he can't always operate the explorer, so it is wiser to leave some gaps.

"Oh, that's it." Master Guo nodded and praised, "It seems that the god has a good eye. My apprentice deserves such treatment from him. Very good, very good. Can you open the portal now? Master wants to go to that fairy palace to see it with his own eyes..."

It turned out that just asking questions was not enough, and Mr. Guo also wanted to conduct an on-site inspection. This request was exactly what the explorer wanted, and he quickly nodded and agreed, opening the portal.

In order to make other NPCs safer and more convenient, Xiao Ming used the magic skills of Kamar-Taj to make a golden halo around the portal. Everyone can pay attention when passing through, so as not to split the edge of the portal.

Mr. Guo planned to investigate on the spot by himself, and did not think of taking others there. However, a figure quickly appeared in front of the two.

Looking closely, it turned out to be Gongsun Sheng, another master of the explorer. His frontal combat power may be average, but his various Taoist methods are quite strong.

He has been practicing in his room, but he can't hide the big and small things around him. He sensed that Guo Jinsong was chatting with the explorer before, and naturally did not eavesdrop out of politeness.

But seeing that the explorer opened the portal, it was clear that he was going to take Guo Jinsong to the Nordic Fairy Palace. How could he be left behind in this matter? !

Although there was no news from Liangshan, it would be okay for Gongsun Sheng to go to the Fairy Palace to investigate in person. It was just a good opportunity to catch a ride. So he rushed here as fast as possible.

"Oh, Taoist Gongsun is so free, he came out for a walk in the middle of the night, to see the moonlight?" Mr. Guo asked knowingly, and even looked up at the little crescent.

"It's the same for you. Isn't Mr. Guo going to go somewhere far away in the middle of the night? I'm here to join in the fun." Gongsun Sheng said calmly.

"Then let's go together, hahaha..." The two old guys reached an agreement in an instant.

Xiao Ming didn't bother to complain, made a "please" gesture, and took the lead to pass through the portal.

This is not considered impolite, after all, the portal connects two different places, and there may be danger on the other side. The explorer opened the portal himself and went there first, which can be regarded as testing the water for everyone.

Of course, there are not so many rules between the master and the apprentice. Xiao Ming crossed the portal first, more because he didn't want the two masters to waste time.

He still wanted to activate the test task before 8 o'clock. If the two of them chatted, it would delay his own time.

Seeing that his apprentice was anxious, Guo Jinsong and Gongsun Sheng smiled at each other, made a "please" gesture to each other, and walked through the portal side by side to the backyard of the Yaoguang Star Temple.

There was no need for the apprentice to be a guide. The two waved to the explorer and said in unison, "Master, I will go for a walk first," and then they all floated away.

Xiao Ming was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that they wanted to get first-hand information in person. It would be inconvenient for the explorer to go with him. Very good, I am very busy.

Xiao Ming quickly summoned the mind beast Lao A, merged with it, and accepted the test mission of Yaoguang Star. However, he canceled the fusion and activated the mission himself to meet Mi Yimei.

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